What mods do you run with?
The spacebearing Country of America Join Date: 2014-04-04 Member: 195135Members

There's a butt load of mods out there.
Some good, some awesome, some creative, and some outright suck.
So what mods do you run with?
for marining or alienating.
For commanding.
For hosting your own servers.
I could use these as a basis for figuring out what I want to download.
Some good, some awesome, some creative, and some outright suck.
So what mods do you run with?
for marining or alienating.
For commanding.
For hosting your own servers.
I could use these as a basis for figuring out what I want to download.
Other than that, I try to stick to ns2+ servers for the alien vision and hp/ammo bars.
You don't use any others?
Like cosmetics or maybe a color change on your weapons or aliens?
Nothing else?
NS2+ is how vanilla NS should be.
For other mods... I heard Gibs has some really sweet hitsounds.
Nope, I prefer the minial AV, but its not really a deal breaker.
I like the way the vanilla game looks, and have a personal thing against a lot of the "pink skulk" type mods.
I was using the cute gorge eyes mod for a while...but I kept getting depressed when I had to kill them
I challenge any so called pro player to follow my path and see how skilled you really are without any mods.
I use deathmongers CS:GO style crosshairs + melee because I prefer them to vanilla.
Tram loop menu because it is really fun to watch. Check it out.
Currently I am trying out roxxAV-B-R alien vision. I really like it so far.
If I were to do a cosmetic mod it would be manly moustaches. I don't actually use it though.
I am no where near a pro player, and I don't need mods. They are just nice things to have. I don't understand why you think mods help player skill. Different AV might help a bit but not enough to make a noticeable difference.
Not sure how mods are now, but I do remember before I took my break mods brought a huge advantage to players. And, these so called pro players couldn't live without them. One mod in particular was something that was way better than the flashlight for marines. It was a huge advantage since you can see aliens better in the dark. Like I said that was 6 months ago, haven't really seen what mods can do now. But, I know it does bring a better advantage against those players who don't use those type of mods. I am old school NS1 before mods existed..I feel it should be like that to balance the game.
I wasn't talking about the mods like the ones that change the map view. The mods I am talking about different alien vision, different cross-aims, change weapons quicker, aliens light-up more to target easier, etc.
As far as Im aware, Mods don't do anything to your Personal skill other than Streamline it and Make it Eye catching.
That...And change things up a bit.
I hardly doubt Any skill is affected with mods.
hide yo *
some crosshair
The mods you're talking about are consistency checked by default now. Crosshairs and Hitsounds excluded. NS2+ is less of a mod and more of a "Ahead of the Vanilla" NS2. There's just a lot of quality of life stuff that goes into the mods that aren't consistancy checked. I congratulate you for your no-mods rule, but odds are that you play on a server with ns2+ active. I'd really advise tinkering with the NS2+ options to see what you're missing out on.
NS2+ is the only thing I run with, and I sorely miss it when I find a server that doesn't have it active (cmon luckyfkers... get with the game).
And it shows servers running it in the server browser!
Edit: Love the NS2+ love!
uke's alien vision
smallest dot ever crosshair
mario shell hitsounds
Useless feature IMO. I don't really have the luxury of choosing servers based on that; ping, players, open slots. Plus it makes it more difficult to filter out other game modes because NS2 and NS2+ are considered separate.
wtf lol
Takes the "smallest crosshair possible" to a whole new level.
Assuming it's not meant purely as a joke, I'm guessing the theory is that the crosshair can actually distract you and slow you down. The aiming process is: move mouse to target, verify target is in crosshair, (adjust and re-verify if necessary), shoot. It's basically a hesitation that you probably want to train yourself to avoid (and probably already have) and the nohair mod could be a training tool for that.
I must admit, you have to be rather... Bold, to run it.
...*double takes when looking at mod description*..
Don't you mean "you have to be rather... Bald, to run it." ?
I WAS Going to say that, but i started stroking my hair in thought, and deemed it inappropriate.
Isn't that built into NS2+ and therefor not necessary if you are on an NS2+ server?
I run it anyway because I don't always play on those servers.
I try to run with ^ where I can