General 268 thread (feedback, bugs, reports)
Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165171Members, Reinforced - Supporter

Maybe somebody wants to say something about 268 build, then post your thoughts here.
I just want to say a couple things:
1. If you fire 3 or more shotgun rounds, then sometimes shotgun's reload animation resets before reloading the last round.
2. Overall shotgun's (GL too, maybe) animation is kinda ragged. You can see it while jumping with jetpack (Youtube smoothed the video a bit).
3. Almost all of my previous reports about 267 build are true here as well.
4. [Unconfirmed] Today all people who were commanders (both marine & alien) complain on big lags (a single lag can take for a 5 sec). Only commanders affected. Maybe a server related. Can anyone check on this please?
I just want to say a couple things:
1. If you fire 3 or more shotgun rounds, then sometimes shotgun's reload animation resets before reloading the last round.
2. Overall shotgun's (GL too, maybe) animation is kinda ragged. You can see it while jumping with jetpack (Youtube smoothed the video a bit).
3. Almost all of my previous reports about 267 build are true here as well.
4. [Unconfirmed] Today all people who were commanders (both marine & alien) complain on big lags (a single lag can take for a 5 sec). Only commanders affected. Maybe a server related. Can anyone check on this please?
I can scroll beyond the bottom of the options menu now. Like this:
If you throw away your rifle and pistol as a marine, leaving just your axe, and your equipped with a jetpack, your loadout on the score screen is listed as "STATUS_JETPACK".
Very small bug, assuming it should read "AXE/JETPACK" or something.
Known issue and will be fixed in 269
edit:games cache corrupt re download again. Still happening one server was ok other not, may be due to server not updated.
Valve is doing it, and also the devs for witcher 2 port and its going quite successfully. It would be nice also if there is any progress on the Linux crashing issues.
No show stoppers though so far though at least, just seems like small niggles.
- Only one MAC is able to weld your armor, maybe I missed something and it was an old feature from a previous build. Many MACs can build structures though.
- Regardless of this, MACs seem a bit buggy. I mean, I know they're supposed to avoid your vision, but in most of the case, they can't weld you 'cause they're looking for a different path and in general, it doesn't work. Especially if the path is sloping. Mainly present on Kodiak.
- About MACs again, for some reasons, sometimes, they do not want to weld you in only one time, that means, if you have 0 armor, they're going to restore you 20, they stop, & then, 20 again, etc.
- The command console "map_name" isn't working anymore?
There are not a bunch of games where I can find out MACs on the field, so maybe, all these bugs were here since the last builds & perhaps, they're not even bugs.
I already informed Ghoul but one of the titles in Training mode, and hints videos or something doesn't show up the translated sentence (just the code), the one about EXO overheat.
Macs : intentional and the "can't weld while moving out of the way" issue is known and very difficult to solve. (basically, re writing fundamental AI behavior)
the console command "map ns2_name" , i.e. map ns2_summit, is the proper format.
Wow, my bad, I knew i missed something, thanks for information.
I was on veil in skylights and I was welding a blueprint to build it, I hit drop item (while welding) and it made my welder disappear
So I think if you weld a blueprint and drop it while doing so the welder disappears, or something to that sort.. nothing huge - might have just been random
I fixed the loading screen issue by disabling and deleting all mods.
2. Sometimes the game crashes when ALT + TAB out of the game.
It seemed like crouching was what got me out, but of course that could have been coincidence.
As you can see, the killfeed and the teammate's movement keeps going on, so network updates seem to be coming in. There was no noticeable rubberbanding/lagging/hitching before or after.
Also, a small feature request: Would it be possible to give the commander counters that show how many of each building (crag, shift, ...) you have? For the alien commander, this would be useful for managing support buildings, especially when Echoing them around. When you know how many exist, you can check the known positions, and when you've found as many as the number shows, you can be certain you haven't missed any.
On second thought... An even better feature might be to highlight all structures of a certain type on the map. Of course, not all the time, but only one structure type at a time. To avoid adding new buttons for this, it could automatically activate whenever a structure is selected for building: For example, you select "Crag" from the commander menu, but instead of left-clicking to place it, you hold the map key, and all existing Crags on the map are highlighted. This should fit well with the UI flow as you could jump immediately to the location that does *not* have a Crag by clicking the map.
Opinions on this?
For the rest, I like that upgrades are moved to the hive again instead of structures. But it would be nice that if a lifeform is fully upgraded that it has a green and different icon. Just like the upgrades already have.
Also I would like that Bile and Web is 1 upgrade to research (just gorge upgrade).
Tried modifying the .json to disable prcaching but it still fails!
That's because you have to make custom consistency true in ServerConfig
@Howser make sure you set the afk kick amount from 0.5 to 1 or it will kick you for being idle
(reserved spot for the from this)
My load times are very inconsistent. Sometimes its 5+ minutes, and sometimes maybe 20-30 seconds. I've opened the game up and it's loaded into the server within 30 seconds, though I might have just closed down a crashed ns2.exe which would explain this. Either way, what info is best for load time troubleshooting? Timings, situations and console logs?
If ns2 crashs please don't close and start the techsupport.exe which will take some time. after its done please upload the zip it creates somewhere and post a link here.
First one is from the game crashing just as the loading process finished but before the RR loaded up on my screen,
techsupport2 is of a strange crash I got just now - I'll include the context because it is unusual (for me) and might be relevant -
I was watching youtube in the steam browser so I didnt have to alt-tab when I got a slot on the server, and halfway through loading, steam overlay disappeared (though the sound from the video i was watching was still audible) and the loading screen froze. So I got task manager up to run techsupport.exe (because when the game's crashed it wont let explorer windows in front of it grr) and noticed RAM use was still changing in the process list. I was about to open techsupport.exe when the game suddenly maximised itself and continued loading for a few minutes (was able to bring steam overlay up and close youtube :P ), but then when it reached the end of the load I got booted to the main screen with 'timeout'. Hrmph.
Wait... Why is one techsupport archive 300k while the other is >100mb? e___e I will have to upload that elsewhere
BONUS - I found some p_logall logs of my experience (I've had general fps drops since 267, though hitching seems slightly "smoother" in 268) - also uploading v.v
Here's techsupport2 :
Here are my plogs -
@GhoulofGSG9 @IronHorse
Opening "Server Browser" freezes a lot still and the only thing working is the console. That bug has been around since 267 or earlier however.
In 268 its not even remotely possible to Alt-Tab while loading (forever) while before you could sometimes do so.
There were two issues which were leading to ALL SORTS of crashes and errors that came from recent improvements.
One of these had to do with how the engine handles texture mods, while the other had to do with cinematics (unmodded)
Also loading times should be fixed too for those users who experienced longer - instead of shorter- timings.
So @meatmachine and @_INTER_ :
Just standby a few more days here and then once 269 is out please try to reproduce those issues to determine if they are different.
2. Is it suppose to close like that?
Quick info: Building a mod for this, proof of concept working. More info tomorrow/later (in the modding section, to keep this thread clean). But first... need sleep I-)
Edit: Opened a new thread at