Can't connect to some of the servers, Timeout
Join Date: 2012-10-18 Member: 162676Members, Reinforced - Supporter

Hello, a friend of mine has this this problem, she can't connect to some of the servers for no obvious reason.
As it's not me, I can't get much info, but here's what happens: she joins a server, sees 'authentication' screen and then she's back to main menu with Timeout error. Everybody else can join the server just fine, and could for more than a year. In fact, I've never heard anyone having such troubles, so I guess problem is on friend's side. But where could it be?
All I can get is a screenshot of console and tech_support file
As it's not me, I can't get much info, but here's what happens: she joins a server, sees 'authentication' screen and then she's back to main menu with Timeout error. Everybody else can join the server just fine, and could for more than a year. In fact, I've never heard anyone having such troubles, so I guess problem is on friend's side. But where could it be?
All I can get is a screenshot of console and tech_support file

Could be some kind of dns cache issue, is she able to ping the given server?
( Open cmd ->type "ping <ip of server>" )
If not so retry it after using "ipconfig /flushdns" ( clears the local dns cache )
Last but not least did she allready try the useall steps to fix a ns2 problem listed here and a Full Nuke ?
I'm aware of Extra prechaching problem (had one myself) and we made sure it's off. Pinging server is great idea, we'll try that first, thank you guys.
Steam > Options > Ingame > Server Browser: Max Pings per Minute. Use a smaller value (or a higher, needs to be tested)
A lower value here helped me update the ns2 server browser in general.
I can't connect to any server. I tried quick join and all kinds of different servers but it always says "Could not establish a connection with the server". I can't even start a Training server. Tried to restart and looked around in some forums for a bit but nothing seems to help.
Hi, we need more info to help you out a good start is to read this
Attached the .zip file.. hope this is how you need it
Did you allready tried the steps given at the link because in your case it looks like the cache is corrupted ( %appdata%\Natural Selection 2\
(it's partially in russian)
Looks ok to me, but I'm no expert
So it seems not to be a network issue yay. Did she allready tried deleting %appdata%, validating gfc etc. ?
Validating - yes, deleting - no, will be next thing we try.
Report back after you have work down the list of useall things ( Deleting %appdata%\Natural Selection 2\ etc. )
It looks to me that there is something that can help us identify problem, I just don't have enough technical knowledge to tell.
Did you try the steam server update rate settings as suggested in here?
Timing out is symptomatic of flooding (see the 1st page of the Stickied thread on connection problems for more on this)
You confident it works without the mod?
Hmm.. its not on all servers you said?
Uhm.. last I checked ns2 connects with IPs, making me wonder why a flushdns would matter in the slightest?
Remember it can be not on her end! I had a period I could not connect to some UK servers for a while, or on rare moments when I could I had absurd lag. After some research on my end it proved to be hosted by the same club. So it is possible its not her enviroment.
ping and tracert are for the obvious problems, good results does not however mean a lack of problem. It may very well be that the connection inbetween still goes down.
I wonder if server admins are willing and able to check their logs on their end.
But problem is not limited to these servers, same goes for rest of the servers out there: can join some of them, others throw her out with timeout, so I guess it's not that one server problem.
Pinging for prolonged time was successful.
She has no router.
She called ISP, they say they don't block anything.
Complete NS2 nuke was done (uninstall, appdata, common, userdata plus clientregistry.blob)
And last, we definitely could play on those servers few months ago, I don't know what changed after that time.
Well now i have tried everything that was on that list and i also reinstalled ns2 to see if it would fix the problem, but still no luck.
Alright, so the new update hasn't helped. When the game tries to optimize i get the error that i couldn't establish a connection with the server.
so i had a look at the console and the kind of output it gives. As soon as i connect i get 4 Errors:
Warning: Overriding map's pathing_settings.option_tile_size from 48 to 36
Building pathing mesh for level maps/ns2_descent.level
Finished loading 'maps/ns2_descent.level'
Error: Couldn't bind socket (Normalerweise darf jede Socketadresse (Protokoll, Netzwerkadresse oder Anschluss) nur jeweils einmal verwendet werden.
Error: Error binding server to :27015
Error: SteamGameServer_Init call failed
Error: Couldn't connect to Steam
Connecting to server
Id start there
things like shutting down the firewall or changing steam options don't seem to work.
Tried to start a server via server browser -> create with another port ( e.g. 8116 )?
Sorry i didn't notice your tech support file earlier.
You should make a new thread if the following does not solve your issue, as it is unrelated to the issue the OP has.
Time: 20:54:46:
Build 264
Windows 7 64-bit (build 7601)
Steam initialized
Num displays: 1
Direct3D 9 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 (
Sound Device: Lautsprecher (Realtek High Definition Audio) stereo
Record Device: Mikrofon (Realtek High Definition Audio)
PhysX: Using GPU dispatcher
PhysX: Using GPU dispatcher
Loading config://ConsoleBindings.json
Loading config://FavoriteServers.json
Loading config://HistoryServers.json
Queuing download of 'àˆŸ8 Ù'ê à£8 ‹5/8Õ'ê'
Main Menu Initialized at Version: 264
Steam Id: 45936242
Error: Couldn't download mod 'àˆŸ8 Ù'ê à£8 ‹5/8Õ'ê' (file doesn't exist in Steam Workshop)
Connecting to server
Notice how your system is downloading a mod before the main menu is even loaded?
Please unsubscribe from all NS2 mods in steam workshop:
way 1: steam -> library -> NS2 (right klick) -> community hub -> workshop (at top) -> subscribed items (on the right)
way 2: steam -> library -> NS2 (left klickt) -> browse the workshop (some where in the middle) -> subscribed items (on the right)
way 3: steam -> community -> workshop (all at top) -> search for Natural Selection 2 -> subscribed items (on the right)
Then manually delete your hidden folder C:/User/YourName/Appdata/Roaming/Natural Selection 2/Workshop
Then we can move on from there
So as you recommended, i will open another thread on this.
Thank you alot for your assistance so far