Rookie Unfriendly ?
Join Date: 2013-11-23 Member: 189522Members

Hello NS2 Community,
I started playing this game a week ago. played the Half Life Mod back then.
I heard much about the Community and how People help new Players to get in this game. But i have a Question.
Is this a lie?
Let me just explain what I mean.
Today, I played with a friend of mine on a Rookie Friendly Server. (i wont post the name)
Was realy funny, everyone was about the same skill level. Then some other guys joined, a squad of 3-4 Members.
They raped everyone on the server, i got tired and Hungry and just made myself food while speccing them ( Maybe i can learn something new).
But then, they began to trashtalk. Realy Hard.
One of them even copied my name (Ichigo) and i was renamed to ( Ichigo (2)).
I don't realy care for something like this, it's childish and typical Trolling.
But they just keep trolling the people, and vote kicking me ( it failed for like 3 maps)
At the end, people got annoyed of them spaming votekick, and just pressed F1.
What is this? They even told me i m just a Faggot/Retard/Idiot blocking a Slot for a real player.
Why is the Specc function even there if people get mad when you use it?
And why do "Pros" who probaly play esnl, go on rookiefriendly servers, and just do this kind of stuff?
Stealing the name, spaming vote kick, insulting. And everyone just joins in?
I probaly stop playing this game after this. Doesn't motivate me to learn anything new now.
Edit: Btw. I'm Sorry if this isn't the right section to post this. If it is wrong, you can just move it.
I started playing this game a week ago. played the Half Life Mod back then.
I heard much about the Community and how People help new Players to get in this game. But i have a Question.
Is this a lie?
Let me just explain what I mean.
Today, I played with a friend of mine on a Rookie Friendly Server. (i wont post the name)
Was realy funny, everyone was about the same skill level. Then some other guys joined, a squad of 3-4 Members.
They raped everyone on the server, i got tired and Hungry and just made myself food while speccing them ( Maybe i can learn something new).
But then, they began to trashtalk. Realy Hard.
One of them even copied my name (Ichigo) and i was renamed to ( Ichigo (2)).
I don't realy care for something like this, it's childish and typical Trolling.
But they just keep trolling the people, and vote kicking me ( it failed for like 3 maps)
At the end, people got annoyed of them spaming votekick, and just pressed F1.
What is this? They even told me i m just a Faggot/Retard/Idiot blocking a Slot for a real player.
Why is the Specc function even there if people get mad when you use it?
And why do "Pros" who probaly play esnl, go on rookiefriendly servers, and just do this kind of stuff?
Stealing the name, spaming vote kick, insulting. And everyone just joins in?
I probaly stop playing this game after this. Doesn't motivate me to learn anything new now.
Edit: Btw. I'm Sorry if this isn't the right section to post this. If it is wrong, you can just move it.
It just destroyed the Game for me, somehow atleast.
All I can say is, call them on it, then move to a new server.
Rookie friendly, while not meaning rookie only, should at least mean rookie FRIENDLY!
Hi and welcome to NS2.
As others have already said, there have and probably always will be "pub-stomping" idiots. As long as a game allows players to choose their own teams, team-stacking and pub-stomping can and will occur - and let's face it, automatic matchmaking, etc. can only do so much against it...
That said, the NS2 community has always been friendly and helpful, that is not a lie. Here are some recommendations how to handle these situations in the future:
1.) As Benson already said: Call them on it. In a calm and non-aggressive way, ask the players in question if they think it's funny to stack a rookie-friendly server like that. Yeah, this often won't do much, but it's worth trying.
2.) Change to another server. There are lots of them, and unlike in some other game like DOTA2 you are not forced to play with people you don't want to. Often people feel like "the bullies won. I should not have to change servers, THEY are the ones at fault here." But seriously... is it worth feeling bad about some idiots? Focus on the good experience you can get. In the long run, you win.
3.) Try to find servers that have active admins playing. Some advertise it in their names, on others you can see it after playing there a couple of times. Or simply ask. Pretty much every server admin wants to make sure that players are having a fun time. It's a matter of pride.
3.2.) Avoid servers that are expressively marked as "pro", "veteran", etc. Stick to rookie-friendly servers. In the same way that most admins try to make sure rookies can have a good time on "green" servers, admins on servers that cater to experienced players will try to ensure a certain "skill-level" on their servers. That does include kicking rookies. If you accidentally stumble into on of those servers, don't take it personal.
If you are from the EU, send me a short forum PM and I can give you the name of a couple of rookie-friendly servers I usually play on and know they have active admins or have regulars playing that police themselves most the time
I hope you won't let those pub-stomping idiots cloud your experience of this game. I have played a lot of different games, and to this date NS and NS2 remain at the top of my list of friendly and helpful players. Exploring the game, learning more about it's different mechanics and how they interact, is a very rewarding thing. I hope that after this rocky start you will find a server or two that let you have these experiences in a friendly atmosphere - the chances are very high, trust me.
(Why aren't there rookie only Servers btw?)
The Server I acctualy played on, was an Offical EU UWE Server.
Probaly not the best Server, when asking for Admins.(In most Games, Offical Servers just seem to be there...and..Stay.)
For the the thing Benson said, I never rage or comment aggresivly on anything other People say. I played this MOBA which probaly everyone here knows, too long.(Worst Community ever
I quitted playing it, after nearly every Game there, was filled with rageing or trolling people. It just made me sad, that just right after I quitted a game cause for the exact same reasons, it just happens in this game.
Btw, I had 1-2 Pros allready playing on some other "rookiefriendly" Servers. They just killed everyone for a couple of mins. Then someone askd them to leave, and they did so, without beeing mad.
I was just shocked of the immense amount of trashtalking and trolling these guys put up against me, even when i didn't do anything.
Maybe i just over reacted when I said, I will probaly stop playing this game.
Just noticed that there are nice people in the Forums and that should mean, there should be nice People in-game, right?
Oh yeah, and by saying "be nice to the better players", I don't mean the pricks. I mean the ones who just play the game to enjoy it instead of those who play the game to irritate other people.
Its ok to going spec for a while (some minutes) but not for 1,5 hrs.
Rookie-Only servers might sounds good at first, but they would only delay the inevitable "learn to swim" moment. Having some more experienced players around can be very helpful to understand the game. You can ask questions, observe and copy tactics, etc., basically do the same thing humans and other animals have been doing for eons
The official servers are provided by UWE and ansure there are always servers with decent hardware and connectivity people can play on. To the best of my knowledge they are monitored by admins, but in a rather "passive" way. As I wrote before you will most likely want to play on a server that has admins actively playing.
Just to iterate on what I already wrote, good players on rookie-friendly servers is not a bad thing, it can actually be very helpful. Please also note that "rookie-friendly" does NOT mean "low skilled" and/or "beginners only".
When a server admins declares his server to be "rookie-friendly" he is basically pledging that on his server rookies shall not be the target of abuse for their lack of skill and/or knowledge, the server shall provide a "civil" and "friendly" environment. It really comes down to this basic rules of conduct.
A "rookie-friendly" does in no way limit experienced players to play to their full potential. It does not prevent new players from getting killed a lot. But - if there are admins taking this seriously - it DOES provide an environment where new players don't get abused in addition to loosing.
You WILL lose. You will lose a lot. You will have to overcome this. You will have to get better. A "rookie-friendly" server can't take that away. But it cam provide an environment where it doesn't hurt so much
1. Go into NS2.
2. Find no servers in Europe with a decent ping except a green one with 11 or so people. Join.
3. Play one round of Tram. Something like 20+ - 10+ - 0 score.
4. Play another round but attempt to counter balance by going against the other "good" player. We get north spawn and somehow won inside a couple of minutes.
5. Play a round on Biodome and get some silly K/D again. decide to go Comm from now on.
6. Comm next round with "The pro ensl" guy and of course we won quite easily.
7. Find another server and leave to go there.
I do agree with your sentiments, though. I did a "rookie only thread" before and it seems like only a few people understand how it works. You always get the most facile of counter-arguments such as, "oh it will break up the community" (so what? we break up the competitive scene...).
The whole logic is this: If you go from rookie-friendly server to rookie-friendly server you might see, say, 4 non-rookies on each. If you just made some rookie-only then those non-rookies would aggregate into, say, 16, and you'd have a full non-rookie server! In essence it's usually more than 4 though so you'll end up with more...
It's actually frustrating from both sides. I saw you having a disagreement with the said player in the chat and you're both right in your own ways. On the one hand, you shouldn't have to get stomped so frequently, and have the opportunity to enjoy yourself whilst you steadily improve. On the other hand, he should get the chance to play without a 200 ping.
Sorry about your experience with the dickheads though...I had left by then so no clue what happened.
Conclusion: Frikkin' rookie-only servers, plox. And make the hours max up to about 50 or so.
NB: combat mod is great for rookies.
I hope your future NS2 career will be long and consist out of better experiences
@BestProfileName Dunno how you can't find decent ping non-rookie servers from EU. Altho I have noticed that the server list is 80% green nowdays. Why the hell is there so many of them?
Sorry you had a bad experience. I always try to help the new players, as long as they meet me halfway and actually appear to receive the help. That doesn't look like it was an option here though. Another thing to point out, is if they have to come onto a rookie server to feel good about themselves... they're probably nowhere near good enough for ensl.
I've always thought of NS2 as the sort of "grown-up" fps, in that more teamwork and maturity is required than a typical shooter like CoD. Unfortunately, the kinds of people you ran into have no respect for such qualities... and it sounds like you gave them exactly what they wanted
I'd tell you what server I play on, but I don't know if we're allowed to plug servers here (might be seen as advertising? idk... not MY server, I just play on it) and the mods on these forums seem pissed off at me lately, so I'm trying to be quiet. PM if you're interested.
There any chance of local admins for the AU servers?
I was playing in the early hours of the morning, when most people are asleep.
I dunno Palagi, I can think of a few people who would do that.
The funny part is, that the Player who copied my name, joined Spec after me too.
(As I said, i was playing with a Friend.)
And the Teams were even. I would totaly understand the reason, behind kicking a specc who blocks a Slot if teams are uneven.
But as we were 2 Speccs, Teams were fine. so I could enjoy my food
I'm totaly aware that loosing is a part of every game. You learn much loosing. But getting just stompt by realy much better players is nothing else then just boring. Skill difference in NS2 is very hard to overcome. In, lets say, Counter Strike, you can allways do a Lucky shoot. But in NS2 ? you wont realy get lucky against a Marine who realy plays well(looking in corners when enetering rooms, make use of sound, and so on)
The Point is, were Rookie-Only Servers would be great, is the Fun part. You have much more fun when you're new and everyone else on the server is probaly arround the same skill as you. And you do learn from that. Maybe not as much as from normal servers, but you do.
You can realy belive what you want. I didn't reply to them for real, as I said, I was eating and just watching.
They realy started just because I joined specc after map change. Randomly.
And why do you look in this thread, if you think is just a "sob story".
Why you waste your time to post here? I don't realy like that attitude. I would understand what you said, if i cried about the Game itself (balance etc.). But the Community? There is no Community if you don't speak to eachother.
Thats very nice. I will keep that in mind.
Yes. It is a lie. Or, more of a wish by the developers that isn't metted out by their players.
At the roots, this is a hardcore game for hardcore nerds - a niche game of gaming society that doesnt communicate anywhere nearly as well as it would like to think it does.
But then again, if you think you first time playing was hard, try Commanding online. Things only get worse
It wasn't my first time, and I comm'd allready once. I trained vs Bots, but I think i was terrible in the online game. But my team won.
But yeah, I saw much people blaming the Commander, when their team doesn't manage to group up or take RTs.
The "rookie friendly" tag by itself means nothing. You will be penetrated with or without lube there as you would pretty much anywhere else.
Also, as with all RTS games, generally the experienced players despise the næbs, because they're far more of a drag on the team than in a simple FPS - due to the fact that RTS by design are made with certain weaknesses/strengths and no one thing "beats all." In NS2, the RTS game isn't extreme, but it's definitely there, especially later in the game. Early game is more putz-putz skulks vs marines with an occasional gorge.
Take it from me, no one is going to waste their time trolling a guy sitting in spec minding his own business, eating his food, and not saying anything in chat like he claims. That's not fun. 100% chance this guy was whining about stacked teams and got picked on after he refused to play by going spec or something equally stupid.
Than again, this dead horse has been beaten a thousand times and UWE/majority of server owners have done nothing to try to remedy this problem.
If the game had server side demo recording you would be able to tell the admins by posting in their forums hey this occurred at X time on Y map and the admins could pull the redorded footage of the incident and take appropriate action to prevent these players from getting away with it.
Unfortunately short of having admins present 24/7 in servers and actively enforcing basic rules it is not possible to always prevent these sorts of things until UWE gets around to implementing server side demo recording.