Join Date: 2013-08-04 Member: 186563Members

Onos Jumping
It seems like there is not a single map for an onos to jump onto anywhere upwards, what is the point of it anyways? So get rid of onos jumping completely.
Onos taking gorge tunnels
They should not take gorge tunnels despite the fact that they are just too big to be able to fit into the entry way. Same statement with onos jumping, and Its the same way with exosuits not able to go through phase gates. So therefore, the big and heavy ones can't take shortcuts.
Onos egg.
The default alien egg seems too small for a onos to fit in. Perhaps it should have a egg of its own that is 3 times larger than the regular egg. Skulk, gorge and lerk eggs seem to fit fine for these regular eggs.
It seems like there is not a single map for an onos to jump onto anywhere upwards, what is the point of it anyways? So get rid of onos jumping completely.
Onos taking gorge tunnels
They should not take gorge tunnels despite the fact that they are just too big to be able to fit into the entry way. Same statement with onos jumping, and Its the same way with exosuits not able to go through phase gates. So therefore, the big and heavy ones can't take shortcuts.
Onos egg.
The default alien egg seems too small for a onos to fit in. Perhaps it should have a egg of its own that is 3 times larger than the regular egg. Skulk, gorge and lerk eggs seem to fit fine for these regular eggs.
First, without Onos jumping, it would make the Onos even more vulnerable to jetpackers than they already are. Making them less viable late-game (where they are needed the most).
Second, I believe that the Onos should be able to use gorge tunnels, despite the fact it is aesthetically unappealing, only because of the fact that Exos can be beaconed to the marine base. Plus it goes with the Marines > firepower and Aliens > mobility scheme the game uses.
And third, if the Onos egg could be picked out among the others, it would remove a lot of viability from evolving Onos anywhere but your home base, as otherwise you would be picked off so quick your head would spin before your brain could even register the fact that you just lost 60 p-res.
I understand your concerns, but keep in mind that this game is a bit more arcade-styled and can take these visual paradoxes with grace.
If a marine saw a huge egg lying around they would automatically shoot it because they know what it is
Keeping Onos eggs small at least gives them a chance if a marine stumbles in the hive
(About Gorge tunnels, not everything has to be hyper realsitic. This is NS2, not ARMA 3: Spess edition)
exos can use gorge tunnels...
Onos can jump over railings...
havnt you seen the jumbo egg in the RR...
NO to everything
I don't suppose there have been instances of onos players getting trapped in between two narrow platforms do they? Well the onos is on the ground most of the time, so no jumping required. Prehaps there can be an animation of an onos climbing onto ledges that is about a quarter of the onos height, and then press space to go onto that ledge, but this is what I was thinking of anyways instead of removing jumping on onos completly
I want Lerks to lift the Onos, and drop them on marine's heads to crush them
It jumps 3ft above the ground, and it is big. It is already vulnerable to jet packers regardless if the onos player tries bunny hopping to dodge jetpackers.
I have. I think they're in a fine place right now.
Hell, I think this is one of the best builds ever.
Read your message --> checked your image --> laughed
I dont get the jump thing though.
Use lube.
Maybo an onos should only be able to enter a gorge tunnel after he's been greased up by a gorge health spray
But no, I don't think that the onos need a nerf in its mobility, if it gets out of position in its current state it is usually screwed anyway.
I do think it would be a cool astetic thing to make the onos egg bigger though, unless it doesn't make lifeform sniping way too easy