32-Bit Crashes - What's going on!? - Natural Selection 2
Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond

Since Reinforced was released, we have noticed an increase in crash reports related to NS2 running of memory. These crashes are caused by NS2 being unable to allocate sufficient memory to store information about all the stuff it is doing – For example, those shiny new Elite Assault skins. When allocation fails, NS2 raises the white flag, you get an error message, and you get pissed off. Of the maximum 4GB of addressable memory space on a 32-bit system (2 ^ 32 = 4,294,967,296 bytes = 4GB), Windows reserves 2GB. This leaves any application (such as NS2) with a maximum of 2GB to play with. NS2 doesn’t actually need 2GB of memory to run, but it does need to allocate …
Also kids - Don't brick your PCs! Be careful following these instructions... And remember, its only 32-bit systems that are affected. If you are having a crash on a 64-bit system, it is a different problem!
Jk, hope the issue is fixed soon!
It's more then skins. Everything new added takes up memory.
Also 32bit is kind of outdated (remember nintendo 64...). I think a lot of those people might even be able to run on 64bit windows.
Also i'm not sure but since a lot of code runs on lua which is not as low level as c++ the game requires more memmory i guess.
Anyway i do wonder what this mean for future support for 32 bit operating systems. It's a sign of pushing limits. And sure it's possible to bring memory down but this doesnt always have to be an improvement.
xoxo for the Linux version tho..
You claim it's a 32-bit problem, yet you reference that it is really having only a 4Gb of RAM problem?
So shouldn't people with 64-bit and only running 4Gb of RAM also have this problem?
edit: I think I found the answer to my own question. From what I gather, on a 64bit OS, the 3Gb switch is enabled by default.
However, now I have another question. Is NS2 a 64-bit application? If it is a 32-bit application then NS2 has to specifically call for more memory allocation even if the user did the 3Gb switch on their computer.
Also, it is certainly possible for you, UWE devs, to break up that memory allocation into smaller chunks. You can even, if needed, put some of those chunks into physical memory ... you know.. instead of having the game crash. Sure it may cause some performance loss, but it is better than having people crash.
I understand 32bit Win7 is "kind of outdated" and all, but I'd rather have them rolling back the content and optimizing it first, than forcing it, causing crashes, and then saying "deal with it". They don't have to restrict themselves with deadlines and things like that since they're indie, but they do. Can't grasp why. No one would get mad at them for rollback until it get fixed, instead people are getting crashes, unable to play the game properly. Because of what, skins? (I couldn't find thread about this problem older than the last patch)
Pushing limits? You can't just change the system requirements after the game is released. People paid money for the game playable on those set up on release and that's how it should remain, unless they provide a refund.
but it does nothing!
As always I am happy that you work on a fix, but there is this bitter taste every time this happens that stuff like this should be known by now. And telling me that you are not programming for a console and that stuff like this happens won't solve my problems
I tested NS2 on 32bit Win7 with modified kernel that uses a full advantages of PAE (in short you will able to use more than 4 GB of physical memory in 32 bit systems, but you can't allocate more than 4 GB per application) and anyway NS2 often crashes in 32 bit edition than in 64 bit Win7.
C) I'm pretty sure you'd have the masses raging at UWE if they had you pay > promise to give you content > gave you the content > took it back.
Remember not everyone is crashing.. and those users wouldn't be so understanding. :-/
Maybe UWE could add in an option to force default models, and when ticked only the ones that come with the game will be seen by that client.
You forgot to type
after it loaded, silly! :-)
If this is true (that NS2 is 32-bit application and not 64-bit), I hope the devs are aware that they need to have a /LARGEADDRESSAWARE flag so that NS2 can receive more than 2Gb... Otherwise, even if a user does the 3Gb switch, it won't mean squat.
I wasn't talking about OP, I was talking about @Res 's post, about the app being 32bit, and it's still 32bit on 64bit windows