Bug - Fade HUD locked + No Damage
Join Date: 2003-05-27 Member: 16767Members, Constellation

Shoulda got a screen shot, but I suppose a description will suffice...
Since the latest patch... Whenever I go Fade, the HUD locks (shows health with no armor, which never changes, and energy stays locked at 100%), the mini-map player location icon stops updating, and, most importantly, I can't inflict any damage (on stationary structures or otherwise). It's not just that the HUD isn't reporting it, there's actually no damage being done. I can move about and blink, however, and, despite the health/energy indicators always being maxed out, I can die, and run out of energy.
This only applies to the Fade, SFAIK. It does not apply to the Skulk, Gorge, nor Onos. I'm not sure if it applies to the Lerk, but I've not bothered evolving to Lerk since they took the spores away until late game, and it thus became just a flying skulk, useless outside of an elite's hands.
Since the latest patch... Whenever I go Fade, the HUD locks (shows health with no armor, which never changes, and energy stays locked at 100%), the mini-map player location icon stops updating, and, most importantly, I can't inflict any damage (on stationary structures or otherwise). It's not just that the HUD isn't reporting it, there's actually no damage being done. I can move about and blink, however, and, despite the health/energy indicators always being maxed out, I can die, and run out of energy.
This only applies to the Fade, SFAIK. It does not apply to the Skulk, Gorge, nor Onos. I'm not sure if it applies to the Lerk, but I've not bothered evolving to Lerk since they took the spores away until late game, and it thus became just a flying skulk, useless outside of an elite's hands.
Does it occur on every server you go to, including explore mode and the such?
(Click to Enlarge)
And yes... Massive script errors - something about the double jump detection failing:
(Click to Read)
Hrmm... Maybe time to verify integrity or something...
(Edit: Nope, integrity checks out.)
PS. I'm also noticing I can't select a map, other that Summit, in explore mode... Think the same is true for bot practice (though it's locked on Descent).
The obvious are you running mods questions aside.
Does this only happen in explore mode? Or is it all the time?
Can you post log.txt and dxdaig?
Please verify your game integrity.
edit: In response to JCD's comment, I tried deleting and redownloading (verifying) the entire LUA folder, to no avail.
The log.txt is located in %appdata% (put that in your explorer window press return) and then navigate to the NS2 folder
Onos sized log file:
http://www.thothie.com/ns/log.txt (713KB)
edit: Looking at the log, and the related script file ( GUIFadeDoubleJumpHelp.lua ), I wonder if I could just comment out the procedure (seems to be just a help pop-up). Would I get VAC banned for fuxing with the LUA scripts?
I'm looking through my file but I can't really find the function for "GetHasDoubleJumped"
I think the fact that there is no such function is exactly what it's complaining about.
Meh, could almost fix this myself, if not for the consistency check.
Maybe... There's a file somewhere that tracks what help tips I still need to see, and if I can flag it so it thinks I've already seen this one... Bleh, it'd still hit that conditional block though. Hrmmm... Is there a dynamic casual LUA somewhere I could add the function to? (Just a blank function?) I suppose I could do it as a mod, but then it'd only be good on my own server.
I think every lua mod will get killed by consistency
You can disable hints in the meantime
Yeah, that fixes it. Thanks for the help!
I'm surprised more people have not been reporting this though - especially with all the new greens this sale weekend. Though I have heard one or two remark about how much the Fade "sucks" - so maybe they have the issue, and just don't realize it.