Combat Mode Relaunch



  • killer monkeykiller monkey Join Date: 2010-02-26 Member: 70743Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Add the HMG please, I feel like it would fit nicely
  • CuelCuel Join Date: 2013-01-22 Member: 181295Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Lather wrote: »
    Get a grande launcher, problem solved.
    No... put hydras in roof, problem solved
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    So... did combat break today?
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    I received reports that Combat wasn't working after build 248... so I published an update with the latest EEM code in an attempt to fix it. It looks like that made everything even worse!

    I've since rolled it back to the previous version, but there is still an error in the console when the server starts up (unless you are using bots everything looks fine though?)
  • SnipoSnipo Join Date: 2004-04-26 Member: 28234Members, Constellation
    oh noes combat is broken :(
  • digitaljuicedigitaljuice Join Date: 2003-01-17 Member: 12420Members
    MCMLXXXIV wrote: »
    I received reports that Combat wasn't working after build 248... so I published an update with the latest EEM code in an attempt to fix it. It looks like that made everything even worse!

    I've since rolled it back to the previous version, but there is still an error in the console when the server starts up (unless you are using bots everything looks fine though?)

    combat is looking pretty broken at the moment. Have been having issues with it for 2 days now. Basically did a fresh install with just combat mod installed and it would crash the client on first join, and then when you reconnected you would be stuck in place. Changing the map would then disable combat mod and it would be vanilla game mode with the combat maps. restarting the server re-enables combat mod but with the stuck/unable to move bug still in place and so far I haven't found a way to get it working again.
  • =Mr.P==Mr.P= Join Date: 2012-02-20 Member: 147025Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    the problem is the new consistency check i guess.
    my server only run if i use the old consistencyconfig.json
    "check": [ "game_setup.xml", "*.lua", "*.fx", "*.screenfx", "*.surface_shader", "*.fxh", "*.render_setup", "*.shader_template" ]
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    Thanks for finding that Mr P - I'll update the server guide on the server ops forum and post a message on the workshop.
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    Combat is now working with Build 248! If it gives you any trouble, try running the server with this in your consistencyconfig.json:

    "check": [ "game_setup.xml", "*.lua", "*.fx", "*.screenfx", "*.surface_shader", "*.fxh", "*.render_setup", "*.shader_template" ]
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    Is there an issue with the push_trigger? co_spacejump is currently not working in combat, but is working with EEM only.
  • JimWestJimWest Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69865Members, Reinforced - Silver
    Y seems like integration in combat isnt working.
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    I've also been told marines can be devoured through vents in skylights. Is there a way for the mapper to prevent this, or does it have to do with the attack range of devour?
  • ZEROibisZEROibis Join Date: 2009-10-30 Member: 69176Members, Constellation
    Through or when near the edge b/c you could do that in ns1 as well.
  • aYosaYos Join Date: 2013-01-14 Member: 179469Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited May 2013
    If marines get nanoshield when they spawn, aliens should def. have something equivalent as they can die before they even hatch (ie: from gl's).

  • gH0sTygH0sTy Join Date: 2013-02-01 Member: 182727Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    MCMLXXXIV wrote: »
    Jibrail wrote: »
    maD_maX_ said:<br />
    I dont know if its possible but a way to add a 5-10 sec delay to kill in console is needed, Today we had a player bind kill in console and constantly use it when he was near death, things like an onos running in hitting the chair until 50hp then killing himself or when he gets 1v1 with a fade and needs to reload he kills himself...  after 2 rounds, half the people left and 2-4 more people had bound kill in consol...  <br />
    Combat is balanced around getting RES for kills any abuse of this should be removed if possible...  <br />
    <br />
    <br />
    That was actually in the last build we released but for some reason that I can't remember it didnt work, its on the "to fix" list and only a matter of time before its done.

    Actually, I scratched my head over this one for a good couple of hours. It's harder than it sounds, mainly because we need to find a way to un-hook the regular NS2 function that does the killing straight away (even if I add a function with a delay, it gets nixed by this).

    How about you simply cache the player who did the last or most damage to an enemy player for something like 10 seconds and give the res on suicide?

  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow

    Apparently you can spam mines by getting the mine upgrade and killing yourself repeatedly. Needs to be a time limit on using the kill command in console.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited May 2013
    yea we are aware of that we had it in but it didn't work

    "Actually, I scratched my head over this one for a good couple of hours. It's harder than it sounds, mainly because we need to find a way to un-hook the regular NS2 function that does the killing straight away (even if I add a function with a delay, it gets nixed by this)." - MCMLXXXIV ( Greeds )

    Thanks for the reminder though I will bring it up during our meeting tonight.

    On a different note here is a small update about balance ratios for those who are interested, ofc this wouldn't even be possible without Acedude the awesome guy who gave us access and is still working on fixing/adding stuff so a HUGE THANKS to you man!
    Win/lose ratios have been mostly a differece of as low as 1% - avereage 5% and in extreme cases of 8-10% wich are being investigated.
    Once I got access to more stats I plan on releasing info for win/lose ratios for individual maps to help mappers balance their maps.
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    On the subject of kill, devour has made combat unplayable for me now that you can't kill yourself out of it :( (Though I think the time being devoured was reduced so that..helped).
  • DarkSeraphDarkSeraph Join Date: 2004-06-07 Member: 29174Members
    Jibrail wrote: »
    Once I got access to more stats I plan on releasing info for win/lose ratios for individual maps to help mappers balance their maps.


    So did you guys decide to remove EEM from combat, or will you put it back in? A few combat maps aren't working as a result. Playtest still works somehow.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    DarkSeraph wrote: »


    So did you guys decide to remove EEM from combat, or will you put it back in? A few combat maps aren't working as a result. Playtest still works somehow.
    no not at all, it just broke or a bug during upload.

  • tetrisnexttetrisnext Join Date: 2013-05-30 Member: 185419Members
    Hey I'm not sure if any of you know this or if this is even the right place to mention it but it seems that I and people I know are having an issue downloading an incomplete combat mode mod. Specifically whenever we download it the combat_Client.lua file seems cut off for whatever reason. We've tried numerous solutions from fresh installs to wiping out all game files -- even the cached ones in appdata. So it seems the problem is with whoever is hosting the file or whatever is syncing them with the servers.
  • ScatterScatter Join Date: 2012-09-02 Member: 157341Members, Squad Five Blue
    Ghosthree3 wrote: »
    On the subject of kill, devour has made combat unplayable for me now that you can't kill yourself out of it :( (Though I think the time being devoured was reduced so that..helped).

    Devour, xeno and EMP are one of the few things that still give me joy in NS2. Removing ink already made me very sad D:
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    tetrisnext wrote: »
    Hey I'm not sure if any of you know this or if this is even the right place to mention it but it seems that I and people I know are having an issue downloading an incomplete combat mode mod. Specifically whenever we download it the combat_Client.lua file seems cut off for whatever reason. We've tried numerous solutions from fresh installs to wiping out all game files -- even the cached ones in appdata. So it seems the problem is with whoever is hosting the file or whatever is syncing them with the servers.

    Grr.. Sorry you're having trouble with the files. I just took a look at what's in the workshop and it seems to be the complete set of files. Unfortunately until my new gfx card arrives I can't look at whatever is causing the bug on the client-side. Ironically, I can only run the server console, not the game itself, on the computer I use for most of my development work.
  • NS-SoldierNS-Soldier Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 179856Members
    edited June 2013
    is possible to get these "fixes" done 1) make power node does NOT rebuild on its own. 2) sometimes i can't fire my rifle until i switch to pistol and back. looking forward until the day xmenu works. tired of playing with only 13 levels.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    I just created a steam group called Combat Mappers
    and I encourage you to register in our own forum as well
    I would like to have everyone that is mapping for our mods ( Combat and Xenoswarm ) on there, this will allow us to come closer to help each other and share tips and feedback, it will allow me personally to easily reach out to you guys and discuss stats for your maps and possible ways to fix them.

    - Jibrail
  • ZEROibisZEROibis Join Date: 2009-10-30 Member: 69176Members, Constellation
    Does anyone else have issues with map votes via DAK and or general map rotation and this mod? It seams like the map voting will work for a map or 2 and then randomly break but it works fine in a normal server.
  • ZEROibisZEROibis Join Date: 2009-10-30 Member: 69176Members, Constellation
    Anyone else have issues with "phantom" players?
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    ZEROibis wrote: »
    Anyone else have issues with "phantom" players?
    I have noticed those during 2 rounds on the same server don't have a clue what is causing it, if anyone know how to reproduce please report it here.
  • ZEROibisZEROibis Join Date: 2009-10-30 Member: 69176Members, Constellation
    In the logs it does not show these players as ever disconnecting. I believe they either are time outs or they exited the game directly ie not disconnecting.
  • ZEROibisZEROibis Join Date: 2009-10-30 Member: 69176Members, Constellation
    OK I just by random change got the glitch and recreated it. Now I am not sure how this occurred but here is what did:

    Map ended (aliens won by killing cc) but as usual map vote does not start and server does not change map. So I started a map vote using the new ingame menu. I then voted for yes which being F1 also forces me to join marines. When I got on marines I could see another copy of myself with the phantom player glitch. I then was fine until I got the red plug of death but was not disconnected from the server. The map changed a few min later and everything was normal.

    So the glitch causes users to be "disconnected" from the server while being connected to it.
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