Hey all so the plushies are currently being manufactured and the image will soon be revealed. they are 16" in length and will be available at unknownworlds.com/store probably closer to August.
Hey all so the plushies are currently being manufactured and the image will soon be revealed. they are 16" in length and will be available at unknownworlds.com/store probably closer to August.
Wow, that's good news! Any OTHER info about them you can divulge? Price, maybe? Other plushies coming if this one does well???
I hope international shipping is sorted out before they release the gorge plushie. I won't be able to handle it if I have to listen to Americans rant and rave about their amazing new toy when I can't even get it shipped to my country =''(
They say release in August? I have faith they will have sorted out shipping by then. *holds hands together and looks upwards*
I hope international shipping is sorted out before they release the gorge plushie. I won't be able to handle it if I have to listen to Americans rant and rave about their amazing new toy when I can't even get it shipped to my country =''(
They say release in August? I have faith they will have sorted out shipping by then. *holds hands together and looks upwards*
If you pay for shipping and gorgy cost, I'll ship you one
I hope international shipping is sorted out before they release the gorge plushie. I won't be able to handle it if I have to listen to Americans rant and rave about their amazing new toy when I can't even get it shipped to my country =''(
They say release in August? I have faith they will have sorted out shipping by then. *holds hands together and looks upwards*
I share this concern! If there's a gorge plushie available and I'm not able to obtain one... I'll be forced to execute a kitten every day until my demand is met: shipping a gorge plushy to me!
I hope international shipping is sorted out before they release the gorge plushie. I won't be able to handle it if I have to listen to Americans rant and rave about their amazing new toy when I can't even get it shipped to my country =''(
They say release in August? I have faith they will have sorted out shipping by then. *holds hands together and looks upwards*
If you pay for shipping and gorgy cost, I'll ship you one
StopSpazzing, that's a remarkably random act of kindness. I may have to take you up on that offer! Will see how things progress
I hope international shipping is sorted out before they release the gorge plushie. I won't be able to handle it if I have to listen to Americans rant and rave about their amazing new toy when I can't even get it shipped to my country =''(
They say release in August? I have faith they will have sorted out shipping by then. *holds hands together and looks upwards*
I share this concern! If there's a gorge plushie available and I'm not able to obtain one... I'll be forced to execute a kitten every day until my demand is met: shipping a gorge plushy to me!
Umm. I'm personally a little unnerved by this. Please get Angelusz a Gorge plushie before kittens start dying. For every kitten that Angelusz MURDERS, I'll kill 6 billion people. I can do it, but don't make me. For all your sakes.
Hey all so the plushies are currently being manufactured and the image will soon be revealed. they are 16" in length and will be available at unknownworlds.com/store probably closer to August.
Man I thought you were joking around when you said August. A few weeks back when that "mystery box" hit the UWE office I thought it would not be too song before we got the plushies. Now I am pretty sure they will hit during august 24 when Biodome and the content is revealed/released. Or maybe before then? Maybe?
Hi I have been following this with much anticipation and really want one. Are there any updates on the Plushies status? Really looking forward to buying one in August. Will they be ready?
Wow, that's good news! Any OTHER info about them you can divulge? Price, maybe? Other plushies coming if this one does well???
They say release in August? I have faith they will have sorted out shipping by then. *holds hands together and looks upwards*
If you pay for shipping and gorgy cost, I'll ship you one
I share this concern! If there's a gorge plushie available and I'm not able to obtain one... I'll be forced to execute a kitten every day until my demand is met: shipping a gorge plushy to me!
StopSpazzing, that's a remarkably random act of kindness. I may have to take you up on that offer! Will see how things progress
Thanks buddy
Umm. I'm personally a little unnerved by this. Please get Angelusz a Gorge plushie before kittens start dying. For every kitten that Angelusz MURDERS, I'll kill 6 billion people. I can do it, but don't make me. For all your sakes.
Man I thought you were joking around when you said August. A few weeks back when that "mystery box" hit the UWE office I thought it would not be too song before we got the plushies. Now I am pretty sure they will hit during august 24 when Biodome and the content is revealed/released. Or maybe before then? Maybe?
I am glad to see this is still alive and great work @WasabiOne, I assume these will be here in time for the NS2WC?
(great job on the NS2WC by the way!!)
Are these still coming?