Join Combat: The trailer that needs you! - Natural Selection 2

SystemSystem Join Date: 2013-01-29 Member: 182599Members, Super Administrators, Reinforced - Diamond
edited April 2013 in NS2 General Discussion

imageJoin Combat: The trailer that needs you! - Natural Selection 2

The current month is April, but we may as well rename it Modril, because mods are absolutely modding everywhere. Last week, UWE held a week long modjam. It was a total blast, and reminded us just how awesome modding can be. After all, Natural Selection was originally a mod!

Read the full story here



  • HughHugh Cameraman San Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    On this day in history, nothing. Because I got it wrong yesterday. Consider the thread officially opened!
  • ezekelezekel Join Date: 2012-11-29 Member: 173589Members, NS2 Map Tester
    I could get cool plays, but have nothing with editing/filming, oh well

    looking forward to it
  • SquishpokePOOPFACESquishpokePOOPFACE -21,248 posts (ignore below) Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165262Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited April 2013
    Hugh wrote: »
    On this day in history, nothing. Because I got it wrong yesterday. Consider the thread officially opened!

    1985, Coca-Cola released a product called New Coke. It sucked.
    Source: Wikipedia
  • HughHugh Cameraman San Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    ezekel wrote: »
    I could get cool plays, but have nothing with editing/filming, oh well

    looking forward to it

    Handbrake is a free encoding solution, and there are free recording solutions out there too :)
  • StrikerX3StrikerX3 Join Date: 2012-11-08 Member: 168423Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    What's the deadline?
  • WakeWake Join Date: 2003-03-05 Member: 14351Members, Constellation
    2013, Squishpoke change his avatar, no beard, I can't figure who it is, it sux. :(
  • SquishpokePOOPFACESquishpokePOOPFACE -21,248 posts (ignore below) Join Date: 2012-10-31 Member: 165262Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Wake wrote: »
    2013, Squishpoke change his avatar, no beard, I can't figure who it is, it sux. :(

    This guy does have a beard, 'cept it's down in the manlies.
  • FrizzlecatFrizzlecat Join Date: 2013-03-07 Member: 183752Members
    Sounds like an excellent thing, all-round, with some exciting community involvement. Combat sounds a little like the Gun Game mod for Counter-srike? Where you get kills, get points, upgrade your gun, kill even more, get more points, get a grenade launcher, get MOAR kills, then, bizarrely, upgrade all the way to the top, most destructively awesome weapon known to man... the knife. Don't get me wrong, it took balls to get that knife. Balls which you could then cut off someone else.
  • MCMLXXXIVMCMLXXXIV Join Date: 2010-04-14 Member: 71400Members
    Just an FYI - we've done a small update to Combat today with many bugs squished!
    • Fixed white screen while loading new map
    • Fixed accidentally giving resupply to the wrong player in certain conditions
    • Reenabled the Railgun/Claw Exo
    • Devour victim now moves with the Onos
    • Stomp is now a tier 2 upgrade
    • Fixed XP bar text updating too slowly
  • WakeWake Join Date: 2003-03-05 Member: 14351Members, Constellation
    Squishpoke wrote: »

    This guy does have a beard, 'cept it's down in the manlies.

    I searched a moment for polish commanders but got tricked because of the collar insignia wich looks like Czesh flag.
    Interesting man, what a destiny. Sure poles had terrible times beeing stuck on the path from germany to USSR. Both sides agreed on making them disapear.

    Hum, back to combat now.
  • ShakerShaker Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9582Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    The combat mod is seriously impressive - but like others have said, Onos and Exos just really ruin the experience for me.
  • GISPGISP Battle Gorge Denmark Join Date: 2004-03-20 Member: 27460Members, Playtest Lead, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver, Squad Five Gold, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Gold, Subnautica Playtester, Forum staff
    At what time should stuff be submitted at the latest?
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    I'm down with combat but to be honest I am a little put off by the feature inflation, i.e. lots of new abilities being added. In NS1 you had regular Combat which was pretty faithful to vanilla, and then people modded that with crazy stuff. Now all we have is a "modded" take on Combat. Is there any chance of the Combat mod having a vanilla mode that gets run on official servers, and a config flag or sub-mod that enables the extra stuff?
  • IAINIAIN Join Date: 2013-03-26 Member: 184449Members
    sweeet, should help the greens L2P so they aren't useless when they play a real game to (around next free weekend)
  • KoruyoKoruyo AUT Join Date: 2009-06-06 Member: 67724Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited April 2013
    Im happy to see some more official advertisement/love for combat.

    I think its important to have a well designed and polished gamemode that is attracting to ppl that sometimes just want a more straight forward shooter experience with a little twist, without all the added rts-style complexity. (or for ppl that are maybe overwhelmed? by the vanilla gamemode)

    My wishlist of fun mods i would love to see in ns2
    1. hl2 synergy mod puzzle maps
    2. cs:s hide and seek (that one shouldnt be too complex i guess?)
    3. cs:s zombie mod
    4. siege
    5. trouble in terrorist town
  • Blarney_StoneBlarney_Stone Join Date: 2013-03-08 Member: 183808Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Frizzlecat wrote: »
    Sounds like an excellent thing, all-round, with some exciting community involvement. Combat sounds a little like the Gun Game mod for Counter-srike? Where you get kills, get points, upgrade your gun, kill even more, get more points, get a grenade launcher, get MOAR kills, then, bizarrely, upgrade all the way to the top, most destructively awesome weapon known to man... the knife. Don't get me wrong, it took balls to get that knife. Balls which you could then cut off someone else.

    Ohh man, when you got that knife and then you couldn't get a kill and someone else got it first... that's the worst. But getting that knife kill to win the game... one of the best feelings in all of gaming
  • Goliath VietnamGoliath Vietnam Join Date: 2013-01-07 Member: 178080Members
    This Combat Mod need an awesome soundtrack at both team spawn ( game begin about after 10 sec ready)

    Or this

    That is my idea , hope you guys can add this into NS2 :))
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    MCMLXXXIV wrote: »
    Just an FYI - we've done a small update to Combat today with many bugs squished!
    • Stomp is now a tier 2 upgrade

    You have to be joking, onos are bad enough, earlier rapage? Thank god it wasn't devour you made t2.
  • shauntronshauntron Join Date: 2013-04-24 Member: 184958Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited April 2013
    I'm not the greatest player, but I feel like I snagged some stuff exemplary of Combat's mayhem! Hope some of it is usable.

  • _Necro__Necro_ Join Date: 2011-02-15 Member: 81895Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    @shauntron: Woah Duuude! Dat Lork is so overpowered against the Exo! It shreds it in seconds! :D
  • halfofaheavenhalfofaheaven Join Date: 2012-11-09 Member: 168660Members, Reinforced - Supporter, Reinforced - Gold
    No mention of a constant graphics quality setting for everyone? This whole thing is gonna look messy when one clip has low and the next one has maxed out graphics etc.
  • GameOverGameOver Germany Join Date: 2003-10-15 Member: 21700Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    btw your poster looks more like "dead space" too me...

    And a Trailer should be only made with max. graphic settings to get the best visual impression.
  • StrikerX3StrikerX3 Join Date: 2012-11-08 Member: 168423Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Max graphics quality + video recording - video capture card = very hard to guarantee 30 fps in intense combat, even with a very powerful rig. I'll be recording my videos with my usual graphics settings: everything low but texture quality.

    Speaking of which, I have over 30 GB of footage ready to be edited. More to come over this week.
  • JibrailJibrail Join Date: 2009-04-16 Member: 67200Members
    edited April 2013
    whoa I'm amazed by the support you guys are giving us, keep the awsome footage coming! this will be one epic trailer :)
  • HughHugh Cameraman San Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts
    No mention of a constant graphics quality setting for everyone? This whole thing is gonna look messy when one clip has low and the next one has maxed out graphics etc.

    Good point!! How could I forget. I will add this too the post - All clips must be recorded with graphics cranked to maximum, except AO which may be set to medium rather than high.

  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    That's kind of dishonest, NO one plays with everything maxed, to market it as such would be wrong.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    By that logic all NS2 trailers should have been shot on low settings since nobody could run the game on high at launch. That being said, I do hope there's still some performance tweaks on the way...
  • Ghosthree3Ghosthree3 Join Date: 2010-02-13 Member: 70557Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    edited April 2013
    Well...maybe they should.

    EDIT: Also I wasn't complaining about being dishonest as much as that people are required to be in order to submit videos, and they are just community vids, not high end Hollywood edited shit.
  • StrikerX3StrikerX3 Join Date: 2012-11-08 Member: 168423Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited April 2013
    Hugh wrote: »
    Good point!! How could I forget. I will add this too the post - All clips must be recorded with graphics cranked to maximum, except AO which may be set to medium rather than high.

    Well, there goes my 30 GB...

    No way I can record that without my frame rate dropping to a point where it's pretty much unplayable/impossible to get half-decent frags while recording the video. :( Don't get me wrong, my machine is more than capable of running the game on max settings, but I really don't feel like playing at 50-ish fps when there's more than three other players in my vicinity. Even at the lowest settings there were moments where my framerate dropped to 40.

    I'll still submit my stuff, but don't expect me to raise my graphics quality as it's not only a major performance impact, it's also a gameplay hindrance in various cases.
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