ns_refinery is broken



  • Super_GorgeSuper_Gorge Join Date: 2013-03-22 Member: 184212Members
    edited March 2013
    Problem with pushing chasm is that Aliens take everything else.

    This happened exactly as stated in one game.

    They pushed hard on chasm, wasted their time as we look everything else. Set up a gorge base with another gorge in Flow Control. We kept pushing them via extraction and transit over and over. They had at MOST the smelting RT and the conduit RT. We had turbine eventually and it was just grim for them. They couldn't even get into Lava flow without first running a gauntlet of hydras, skulks and lerks from flow control.

    Here's us taking down Flow Power with babblers:


    What OP fails to recognize is that you don't actually have to kill an opposing force pressuring an area. You merely need to delay them and keep them from pushing elsewhere as the rest of your team consolidates territory. Then you start flanking them with upgraded fades and since they only have 2 RTs, shotguns are scarce. Then comes the inevitable onos gorge push and it's game over.

  • Super_GorgeSuper_Gorge Join Date: 2013-03-22 Member: 184212Members
    CrushaK wrote: »
    Some spawns also seem to be there just for variety's sake. Like Pipeline in Veil.
    It is such a bad starting position for a first Hive compared to other positions on that map because it takes a lot of cysts to even get close to other RT locations. If I was to play the final match of some grand cup and had the bad luck to start in Pipeline, it would really suck to be at such a disadvantage due to randomness. One of the few reasons it probably exist is so that there is still some randomness involved and marines don't instantly know "Aliens are not in Sub? Then they are in Cargo." and to provide at least one more nuance of different gameplay situations on that map.

    But they should really help it a bit to make up for it's bad spot. Having a preset cyst chain that goes from the Hive up to the Dome when starting in Pipeline would be good for starters, so your first expansion is not so expensive and Nanogrid is a bit more in reach.

    Pipe is a godawful start place for Aliens in Veil. I want to see Aliens start in Control on Veil and Marines in Pipe. That would be an interesting game.

    Atrium is Summit is bad starting location from a Gorge position as it makes defending an early push into either Flight or Data hard. Subsector is a much better start position from a Gorge perspective.

    Although flow control would be a pretty bad starting position for Aliens in Refinery.
  • Blarney_StoneBlarney_Stone Join Date: 2013-03-08 Member: 183808Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Aliens starting in Control wouldn't work. It would be far too difficult to get a second hive.
  • hozzhozz Join Date: 2012-11-20 Member: 172660Members
    Smelting start is just really really strong for Marines.

    Because... chasm. "Oh, Marines are in chasm despite it being right next to our base? Great, only 7 minutes until we can finally concede..."

    Good thing it's being worked on :)
    This is not a stealth complaint, but I'd really like to know the post-240 Refinery win percentages.
  • mushookeesmushookees Join Date: 2008-03-26 Member: 63967Members

    Problem with pushing chasm is that Aliens take everything else.

    This happened exactly as stated in one game.

    They pushed hard on chasm, wasted their time as we look everything else. Set up a gorge base with another gorge in Flow Control. We kept pushing them via extraction and transit over and over. They had at MOST the smelting RT and the conduit RT. We had turbine eventually and it was just grim for them. They couldn't even get into Lava flow without first running a gauntlet of hydras, skulks and lerks from flow control.

    Here's us taking down Flow Power with babblers:


    What OP fails to recognize is that you don't actually have to kill an opposing force pressuring an area. You merely need to delay them and keep them from pushing elsewhere as the rest of your team consolidates territory. Then you start flanking them with upgraded fades and since they only have 2 RTs, shotguns are scarce. Then comes the inevitable onos gorge push and it's game over.

    Aliens spawn in Turbine
    Marines spawn in Smelting

    thats what everyone is talking about here ... other than you.
  • |strofix||strofix| Join Date: 2012-11-01 Member: 165453Members
    mushookees wrote: »
    Problem with pushing chasm is that Aliens take everything else.

    This happened exactly as stated in one game.

    They pushed hard on chasm, wasted their time as we look everything else. Set up a gorge base with another gorge in Flow Control. We kept pushing them via extraction and transit over and over. They had at MOST the smelting RT and the conduit RT. We had turbine eventually and it was just grim for them. They couldn't even get into Lava flow without first running a gauntlet of hydras, skulks and lerks from flow control.

    Here's us taking down Flow Power with babblers:


    What OP fails to recognize is that you don't actually have to kill an opposing force pressuring an area. You merely need to delay them and keep them from pushing elsewhere as the rest of your team consolidates territory. Then you start flanking them with upgraded fades and since they only have 2 RTs, shotguns are scarce. Then comes the inevitable onos gorge push and it's game over.

    Aliens spawn in Turbine
    Marines spawn in Smelting

    thats what everyone is talking about here ... other than you.

    How in gods name do marines take chasm with aliens in turbine? That's like marines spawning in Server and taking ore when aliens are in warehouse.

  • DaveodethDaveodeth Join Date: 2012-11-21 Member: 172717Members
    edited March 2013
    |strofix| wrote: »
    How in gods name do marines take chasm with aliens in turbine? That's like marines spawning in Server and taking ore when aliens are in warehouse.

    Usually with close spawns on a 18 - 20 man server the aliens run out of eggs and can't defend.
  • RippsyRippsy Join Date: 2013-01-16 Member: 179921Members
    Actually I was talking about Marines spawn in Smelting and Aliens in Containment, Marines rush through Turbine and hold Chasm
  • RobotixRobotix Join Date: 2013-02-20 Member: 183222Members
    Rippsy wrote: »
    Actually I was talking about Marines spawn in Smelting and Aliens in Containment, Marines rush through Turbine and hold Chasm

    That is actually fine for Aliens as they just take the entire left side of the map. Turbine spawn is the real problem.
  • amoralamoral Join Date: 2013-01-03 Member: 177250Members
    don't even need to hold chasm, just kill every cyst you see in there. very easy to get a contain on turbine start from smelting
  • EvisceratorEviscerator Join Date: 2003-02-24 Member: 13946Members, Constellation
    Good to hear that the mappers are working on it. Can't wait to see a "refined" version (horrible pun intended)!
  • ChrisAUSChrisAUS Join Date: 2012-11-17 Member: 172108Members
    Glad to hear it's being worked on.

    If people think Smelting isn't a very powerful spawn for Marines then they either haven't been playing on the map much, or have stacked Alien teams.

    Great access to the centre of the map
    Easy to cut off Alien expansion towards natural 2nd hive location
    Easy expansion along bottom of map which takes a long time for aliens to get to again if they die (Couple that with easy centre control)

    The argument that if you let Marines get Chasm then you just take the rest of the map is flawed simply because once an Armoury and mines are there you only need 2 or 3 marines to hold it because of the long and open access paths from Containment and Turbine.

    Plus if the spawn is Containment Marines can easily snipe the RT and shoot the hive, pick off eggs occasionally with little fear of dying and the cyst chain into Lava can be repeatedly cut. It may not instantly win the game, but Aliens have to dedicate more players to defend the hive than Marines have to commit and Marines can easily fall back 10 metres and be safe again.

    If the spawn is Turbine, Aliens have lost if they lose Chasm.

    One of the major issues I see with how easy it is for Marines to take Chasm, is that there are basically no ambush pathways along the way. That example Strofix wrote up means Marines have to pass through the Warehouse entry, Mezzanine vents, and account for any Skulks already out on the left side of the map. Plus once they are actually in Ore, its alot harder to reinforce because they have to pass through Alien territory to get there.
  • StardogStardog Join Date: 2004-10-25 Member: 32448Members
    Daveodeth wrote: »
    I'm more annoyed at the invisible walls everywhere, the one's in conduit are downright gamebreaking for a skulk wanting to sneak around the entrance.
    Agreed. It's the same with Mineshaft. The chains there have terrible collision.
  • DaveodethDaveodeth Join Date: 2012-11-21 Member: 172717Members
    There are chainlink fences that can be shot through and some that can't to, also shite when your a skulk and consistency is out the bloody window. Same happens with some gantry ways, was shooting a skulk through the fence and blood spray appeared at the fence.
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