Why doesn't onos have a taunt noise?
Taunts should also be anitmated =(
ANd what if onos taunt played the stomp sound effect and animation?
its like feigning a stomp
Why doesn't onos have a taunt noise?
Taunts should also be anitmated =(
ANd what if onos taunt played the stomp sound effect and animation?
its like feigning a stomp
Step into the world of Windows Explorer and navigate to the magical lands of the Natural Selection 2 folder. There you will find a viewer.exe, an all knowing shaman who can show you the ways of the various animation of everything in the NS2 universe. Once you have activated viewer and followed the path to the ns2/models/aliens/ cave, you have a free choice to observe the Kharaa animations all you like. Legend has it that the Kharaa all have taunt animations
I would also like to petition for tauntibility in the ready room. the only way I get to ever share the gorge bleating is by spamming taunt before the round ends.
ooh, here's an idea, the winning team retains the ability to taunt for 10 seconds post match.
Why doesn't onos have a taunt noise?
Taunts should also be anitmated =(
ANd what if onos taunt played the stomp sound effect and animation?
its like feigning a stomp
Tap shift. (or your run key)
It'll let out that "charge" roar.
Doesn't get much more frightening.
Step into the world of Windows Explorer and navigate to the magical lands of the Natural Selection 2 folder. There you will find a viewer.exe, an all knowing shaman who can show you the ways of the various animation of everything in the NS2 universe. Once you have activated viewer and followed the path to the ns2/models/aliens/ cave, you have a free choice to observe the Kharaa animations all you like. Legend has it that the Kharaa all have taunt animations
Google image search for "cute gorge" comes up with it as the third result.
Yeah, that. It's a painting/picture by Kylie Langton (aka. 'Kyliegirl' I think). Most awesome NS2 gorge picture ever.
Especially when you charge an Onos by yourself and they stomp you like 5 times before finally finishing you off. Yeah, that's not so much fun.
Sometimes as onos, i like to stomp stun-lock a marine and let gorges kill the marine. Cause.... I love gorges
have to agree on the awsomeness of this art
I like my baby onos
And yeah Onos does have a taunt, but it's super quiet and unimposing. I can only hope a beefy roar is added later.
Even the egg taunt is arguably better than onos, at least it's not a recycle.
I use it as the background for my second monitor
ooh, here's an idea, the winning team retains the ability to taunt for 10 seconds post match.
Tap shift. (or your run key)
It'll let out that "charge" roar.
Doesn't get much more frightening.