speaking of water effects... I need help!
I've been trying to write a custom surface shaders for my water but I'm no programmer and I keep breaking them! the idea is to have two textures setup on different layers, one for the floating bits and specular reflections and a underlying one that does the refractions and tint
Technically speaking all I want to do to the descent water refraction shader is make it slowly scroll as the water is directional.
For the top layer I wanted to get specularity work and scrolling to work on an emissive shader (shinny, scrolling glass) but I don't think that can be done, especially with my pee brain. Anyone know any good resources on this? or is it engine specific? and if so where can I find a list of all the input commands (or whatever you call them)!?!
Well I figured if you cant have transparency and reflections, just make it opaque then add Fresnel and scroll! uh... cant even get that to work! I give up! pee brain hurting. I'll wait for some official water shaders I guess.
They both look equally crap, but which one is less crap!?
EDIT: I prosmise, after Core I will not use those overused Arch assets any more
So i started a new techpoint...
techpoint: cistern (btw: number of "faces" indicates "newest" version / screenshot)
- geometry: 54% done
- texturing: 15% done
- lightning: 8% done
- details: 0% (props + unique (damaged details))
- optimization: 0% (occlusion culling + max 1300 draw cells (remove lightning, replace/remove props))
I've been trying to write a custom surface shaders for my water but I'm no programmer and I keep breaking them! the idea is to have two textures setup on different layers, one for the floating bits and specular reflections and a underlying one that does the refractions and tint
Technically speaking all I want to do to the descent water refraction shader is make it slowly scroll as the water is directional.
For the top layer I wanted to get specularity work and scrolling to work on an emissive shader (shinny, scrolling glass) but I don't think that can be done, especially with my pee brain. Anyone know any good resources on this? or is it engine specific? and if so where can I find a list of all the input commands (or whatever you call them)!?!
They both look equally crap, but which one is less crap!?
This room will be a tech point
@joseppe: that looks f***** amazing cant wait for the lighting 8->
You are right :-)
Something from today:
- geometry: 77% done (10/13)
- texturing: 15% done
- lightning: 8% done
- details: 0% (props + unique (damaged details))
- optimization: 0% (occlusion culling + max 1300 draw cells (remove lightning, replace/remove props))
Current Work in Progress:
Agreed, I love that style.
I really like the platform thing and the fountain. Also good work on the chamfered edges, just good luck with texturing
And yeah, Braw's stuff is awesome, I like the unusual "mood"