multi techpoint & concede
Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18068Members, Constellation, Squad Five Blue, Squad Five Silver

This topic is aimed at pug play.
Usually at kharaa side.
I am of opinion that if you hold 2 tech points there is no need to concede. Even if your team is losing badly.
While more rare and rare, wins by some coordination are possible. (Rushing a main for example)
Yet I see a increased urge for players to simply concede on 2+ techpoints because they had a bad start.
I would disagree. If your 2 tech point situation is so bad, they will crush you soon regardless. Let them have the fun of it while you try to use your 2 techpoints to some advantage.
So what do you lot think? Is multi techpoint concede a good point? Or do you think like me, that its not over untill the 2nd hive says buhbye.
Usually at kharaa side.
I am of opinion that if you hold 2 tech points there is no need to concede. Even if your team is losing badly.
While more rare and rare, wins by some coordination are possible. (Rushing a main for example)
Yet I see a increased urge for players to simply concede on 2+ techpoints because they had a bad start.
I would disagree. If your 2 tech point situation is so bad, they will crush you soon regardless. Let them have the fun of it while you try to use your 2 techpoints to some advantage.
So what do you lot think? Is multi techpoint concede a good point? Or do you think like me, that its not over untill the 2nd hive says buhbye.
In my specific case, the number of NS2 players is very low in my geographical area, and their desire to play NS2 is tenuous at the best of times. Therefore, I view concede as a tool for preventing players from leaving the server due to frustration.
In my experience with this kind of thing (which is extensive, trust me) a player who does not want to play the current round, but cannot concede, is more likely to leave the server than a player who does want to play the round, but whose game is cut short by a concede. Because of this, It is my opinion that, whenever a large portion of the players on a server (40% if I'm not mistaken) no longer wish to play out the round, and they voice this opinion by conceding, the game should immediately end.
But I do not find a low rt situation with 2 tech points a reason to concede just yet. it is still doable.
Like I said.. if it is TRULY that bad.. they will steamroll you and there is no need to concede anyway.
Unfortunately not always the case. I've had the displeasure of being in a couple of games where the above situation was reached, and the marine team proceeded to camp the hive exits complete with sentry farms. In such cases, I'm grateful for concede.
While I generally agree that conceding with two tech points is premature, like any instance of concede its contingent on many different factors, not just the fact you have two hive.
2 hives wasn't enough to balance for our complete lack of map control, res towers (we didn't even have nanogrid), team work and upgrades (no leap at 10m, and I don't recall it ever arriving).
The marine team were pumping out an army of EXOs, ARCs, MACs from their double robotics, with support from welder-wielding shotgun-shooting jet-packers, which I'm sure was great fun for them stomping our team of mute skulks, but for some of us the 20+ minute pain-train was less than fun.
They had ample time to waltz in and end it, but they were doing it in the most painful, fully-upgraded and lengthy way possible. They even typed to all halfway through the game, gloating that they were swimming in res. The reason for the lengthy game wasn't because we were doing so well at holding out.
It was time to move on to the next map.
For example, the enemy has been raping your RT's all game.
However, I feel you should let people concede whenever they want to. Preventing them will just cause them to f4 or leave the server instead.
Think if you lose yer close 2 rt as alien in pub its usually already an indicator of where the game will be going ..(higher playing agressive marines / no deffing skulks or just being shot down by the assualting marines)
2 tech points, 2 res nodes, 1 upgrade, no leap and no p-res in the team...have seen it hapen a few times...still had to wait 5 min past this point to concede.
Tech point limits only server to allow marines to concede when aliens cant (marines can already recycle) as marines need 2 tech points almost as much as aliens need 3.
Can we interpret this as "I want to have fun with my advantage against disadvantaged opponents who are no longer able to fight back"
That is usually what it comes down to when people are against concede.
But yes the 2 tech point concede is a tricky one. It could mean aliens are saving up for and about to unleash an avalanche of crag/shift upgraded onos/gorge bile/fades, or it could be a team of skulks with shade/shift, no pres and no chance of a comeback.
I don't think I have ever seen a team concede with 2 points anyway.
And no, I did infact mean that if I am on the losing side, and we are getting crushed.. I generally try to let them have the kill unless it takes eons.
How is that better?
In a reduced form, this is essentially the theory that is in question.
Is it more fun?
Seriously, as long as the marines in their last base keep shooting, they did not give up the game yet. As long as the skulks keep trying to bite the exos, they have not given up yet. They vote concede because of rage qq while they are waiting for respawn. I think someone had an idea about not being able to vote concede while dead to prevent that.
Concede was introduced to help end games fast, because people were qqing about losing being painful. Concede makes losing somewhat less painful but it also makes winning less joyful. It is a crutch mechanic to ease problems deeper in the game. I think for example, that the amount of one hit kills coupled with the delay of the lagcompensation creates this QQ rage. It creates situations where you can't figure out how you just died and what you could have done to prevent it. In that aspect, for example killcams of some sort could help somewhat (they dont have to show the enemy players vision, just your scene of death).
That begs the question; who is having less fun?
The marine who doesn't get to one shot the skulk, or the skulk who is dead 80% of the time and doesn't actually get to play?
The thing people need to think about is the possibility that concede is not about winning or losing, its about having fun. A good example of this is the marine turtle.
In my experience (+-900 hours) marines are far less likely to concede a game that they have conclusively lost than aliens are. In addition to this, experienced players are more likely to concede as marines than inexperienced players are.
It is my opinion that this is due entirely to the fact that turtling as marines against 3 hive aliens is fun. Its actually an enjoyable part of the game. I've seen 20 minute+ turtles where the server actually fills up because players like the desperate turtle. Sure, you die a lot to fades and Onos, but its really fun to kill attacker after attacker. The fact that you have almost zero prospect of winning the game means nothing. So long as people are still having fun, players will not concede.
Experienced players know that the round is decided and are typically more likely to concede because their fun is in the struggle to win a round, not in mindlessly shooting oncoming hordes of aliens.
For aliens, this same situation does not exist. As aliens you have no way of increasing spawn rate. You are hopelessly outgunned as the base unit. You don't get a chance to feel like you are actually playing a game, or doing anything useful. Which is why aliens will concede so quickly at the prospect of being overpowered.
The important thing to take from this is that victory doesn't matter. So many people say that you shouldn't concede because you can still potentially win. It doesn't matter. I've conceded as aliens when we had 4 hives, simply because the 10th minute of trying to kill turtling marines was no longer fun. I didn't concede because I thought that the game was stupid and that it should end the second I wanted it to, I conceded because I wanted to show everyone else that I was no longer enjoying the current state of the round. I wanted everyone else to assess their current mood with regards to the game, and if they found that they too were not having fun, to voice that opinion by conceding as well. If we found that, in fact, most people were not having fun, then I think it would be a good idea to stop not having fun, and start a new round so that we could, instead, have fun.
One potential flaw with the system is that it isn't the majority of the server that is involved. Its typically only 40% of the server. I think it would be preferable if a concede required the majority of the server to vote in favour of it, with no less than 30% and no more than 85% of the votes coming from one team.
For example:
In a 12 man game (6v6), 7 votes would be required to end the game, with no more than 5 votes being counted from one team, and at least 2 members of the other team voting to concede as well.
In a 16 man game (8v8), 9 votes would be required to end the game, with no more than 6 votes being counted from one team, and at least 3 members of the other team voting to concede as well.
In a 24 man game (12v12), 13 votes would be required to end the game, with no more than 10 votes being counted from one team, and at least 4 members of the other team voting to concede as well.
This means the following:
1. Even if 100% of the players in a team vote to concede, the game will not end until the required number of people in the opposing team vote to allow the concede.
2. If, somehow, 50% of one team vote to concede, and 51% of the other team also vote to concede, the game will end, with whichever team had the higher percentage of concede votes declared as the losers.
You're attempting to apply my solution to a scenario which has no solution. If there are players who will go AFK or F4 simply because the game does not end when they want it to, then no amount of diplomacy will correct the situation. There is simply nothing that can be done then.
However, in a scenario where respectable players are involved, who will play on if the majority of players present desire to, then the solution works.
Sometimes if concede is not allowed becuase of time, I alt+tab out and read the news until we finally lost.
I dont play the game if it's no fun and if you remove concede I will jsut leave or go idle.
Why the hell do people don'T get that you cant force people to "play" these shitty games? People already stop to play NS2 because of this and you want to make it worse?
you mean which already has a solution.
Here's my suggestion, that I have suggested before. Make NS2Stats a part of the standard server package. All servers should have it. Then all servers should default to random teams, and there should be votes only to disable random.
The random should not be entirely random. The random should use NS2Stats to try to create the most even teams possible. If there are pros, they should be evenly divided between the teams. If there are an odd number of pro players, then that team with one extra should get a bunch of weak/rookie players to balance it out. After creating two teams as evenly as possible, it should randomly assign the teams to alien/marine.
This prevention of team stacking will make it so these bad concedes don't happen in the first place on well populated servers.
What solution is that?
What if 70% of the team votes to concede while using your already existing solution? How much better does it do?
What if the full 40% of the server required to end the game vote to do so, and the other 60% of the server simply leave. How well has your existing solution done then?