You know the "wines" that the hives hang on? Wouldn't it be very cool if some of the evolutions could actually "make" them? (Like you shoot a rope from one end to the other, allowing skulks to use them to run on)
This idea could possibly be built on. Suggestions?
I had an idea sorta like this. Giving skulks a spider's silk like strand that they can shoot from one wall to another to walk across, the marines would break it when running through it, but it would slow them down for a step--so could be a really 'weak trap'. But then I kinda figured it wouldn't add that much to the game. It might be a cool idea, but it's not really addressing anything that's needed, or adding anything meaningfully new.
Haha, my bad. I am glad people didn't think I was talking about adding alcohol ... :P
I'll fix it real quick also to stop confusions from people coming into your thread, reading just the title and reading it as "whines" with all the consequences that might come from that
also it VINES not wines and its not vine-like its more like a tentacle