Build 241 Changelog Wishlist
Join Date: 2010-01-03 Member: 69869Members

Build 241 Changelog Wishlist:
- Current map name written in the tab menu in-game.
- "Apply" button in Settings performs an animation to indicate that it was pressed.
- A beacon animation on the map to indicate to the commander which player has made a request.
- Walls are no longer rendered in commander view.
- Made cloaking fully transparent when still, and only partially transparent (more so than it is in B240) when in motion.
- Rolled back to the previous Skulk speed.
- Current map name written in the tab menu in-game.
- "Apply" button in Settings performs an animation to indicate that it was pressed.
- A beacon animation on the map to indicate to the commander which player has made a request.
- Walls are no longer rendered in commander view.
- Made cloaking fully transparent when still, and only partially transparent (more so than it is in B240) when in motion.
- Rolled back to the previous Skulk speed.
Is this some sort of wishlist for what you want to see in 241, or did a patch release and I just didn't see it?
I'm just listing things I'd like to see in the next patch that can truly make the game more enjoyable. Most of those I've been talking about for months. I command a lot and the commander hasn't receive much change since release. The walls for example are unnecessary - they make it difficult to select power nodes, require extra rendering, make it harder to place cysts, and look messy because they aren't fully rendered in some areas. They also don't help in understanding the map.
Edit: Thanks Insane.
- Performance improvements
- Babbler improvements, price increase if needed
- Marine commander dual exo and railgun t.res drop
- Shade Ink fix vs ARCs
- Adren, regen and camouflage improvements (Not up to par with cele, cara and silence)
- Alien spawn system rework
- Gorge webs and JP improvements
- Alien third hive ability buffs (Xeno, Vortex in particular)
- Marine and alien comm can no longer 'scout out' opposing team's positions by looking for visual or sound effects in the fog of war
Longshot ones:
- Onos and Fade pre-req research or tied to hives
- Sentries reverted to NS 1 glory, keep hardcap but get rid of ridiculous sentry battery
- Longer early-game phase, i.e slower progression for both sides
- More depth and strategic variety for the alien commander.
A man can dream... I'd throw so much money at UWE if even half of these things became a reality.
Only initial acceleration got nerfed, not the overall speed.
Adrenaline is better than celerity for Fades, Leap Skulks, and arguably better for both Onos and Lerk.
agree with almost everything said here, i would also love to have most researches much slower, why does it take a shot gun to research in like 10 seconds? whats the point of research time if you dont have to think about what to research first? i mean lets say im pressured flame throwers or grenade launchers and i need to make a decision in 5 minutes, i know! why not both in under a minute or 2? it should not be this way i want to think what would be best 5 minutes from now and i can only have 1 until the next 3-4 minutes or something
The researching model implemented in NS2 where only one upgrade/improvements/weaponry may be researched at a time reflects the model used in NS1. And besides, the model you're referring to is permitted already by the marines, but is rarely used in the case of weaponry. You'd probably be more familiar with a marine commander building two arms labs and researching armor and weapons upgrades at the same time, then once they have them both at 3, or even one at three, he recycles the now-redundant arms lab. This also applies to weapon research, but is less frequent due to the general consensus that it is more economical and efficient to 'not' have two Advanced Armories, as this takes a lot of resources and time to perform.
The only time I generally see a second or third advanced armory is during the sieging of an alien hive, where the commander needs quick access to advanced weaponry to his troops during the fight, but this is rare for obvious, phase-gate related reasons.
This count appears to have been increased to 75% with the latest patch and this is just awful as terrible commanders no longer get ejected as not enough of the team are bothered or know how to vote.
I was in a few games this morning that i was forced to simply leave because there wasn't enough votes to kick the crap commanders! (about 50-60% as the votes was achieved each time).
If you're that worried about of an unfair eject, you can put protection in by allowing 5 minutes to pass before the vote can be cast.
Personally i never ever saw any abuse or unfair ejecting in my many games of NS2 over the last couple of months so i don't understand why there was a need to increase the count past 50% in the first place.
Another thing that needs to be done is making rookie mode compulsory (if not already, i saw in the options it could be turned on and off) and only allows rookies to join rookie servers as i'm sick to death of playing with them.
Surely rookies need to be with their own kind until they have learned the game and are able to join the experienced players?
I'd also suggest making the new video guide tips whilst spawning be turned on by default for rookies but turn off once the rookie status has been removed (they are highly annoying), thank god you gave us the option to disable them in settings!
I actually suggested this a while back, but the response was that the devs don't want to split the community. I also suggested making the rookie status be based upon the number of points accumulated (since that promotes doing useful tasks), rather than playing for 4 hours. One doesn't go from rookie to non-rookie in 4 hours.