[Build 0.9.5] ns2_prison (04/04-2020)
[list][b]Map has been published on the steam workshop[/b], click here: [url]https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1267752913[/url] MOD ID: 4B905FD1[/list] [list]<div>[list][b]LATEST CHANGES; 04/04-2020.[/b][/list]</div>[list][b] - Renamed O-liver to O-scar[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Renamed Armory to Loadout.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Renamed Prison Defenses to Headquarters.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added a new hallway to the corridor between Headquarters and Ventilation[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added a New Ventilation Route towards Generator, going from Headquarters, bypassing Ventilation.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Finished Detailing all the Ventilation Routes, including the new ones.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Readded some tables and flipped them as makeshift cover in Cantina.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Closed off the two exits, in the side of Isolation TP room.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added more cover and changed Routing in Gen Pop.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added some steel to the backdrop of Gen Pop rock wall, to make skulks stand out more.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added blockage to the top of servers in Headquarters, to prevent marines JP'ing between them.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Removed ladders in Ventilation.[/b][/list]
<div>[list][b] - Further improvements to CommanderInvisible and mini-map.[/b][/list]
[list][img]<a rel="nofollow" href="https://i.ibb.co/bgTJRNM/image.png">https://i.ibb.co/bgTJRNM/image.png</a>[/img][/list]
I started work on it in december 2012, and I am now detailing the map, for a final release, please continue to provide feedback, to ensure that the map will work it's best, when that day comes!
This road map is made for you and me, so that it's easier for both parties to have a view on what's left to be done and how far the project has come.
[list][b]Project started the 22/12-12[/b][/list]
[list][b]ALPHA/BETA: Greybox, balance, timings and detailing of team starts (North & South static), state: completed after 1 major rework destroying 250 hours, total process up to this point is 600h over the course of 1 year and 3 months.[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.1 - Detailed Surveillance, completed @ 10/05-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.2 - Detailed Quarry, completed @ 23/05-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.2.5 - Detailed Med. Bay, completed @ 04/06-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.3 - Detailed Cantina, completed @ 26/06-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.3.5 - Detailed Checkpoint, completed @ 11/08-14; Detailed the art piece, completed @ 24/08-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.4 - Detailed Isolation, completed @ 13/03-15[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.5 - Detailed Armory, completed @ 30/03-15[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.6 - Detailed Ventilation, completed @ 22/06-15[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.6.5 - Relaunched the map with new greybox, completed @ 13/01-18[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.7 - Detailed Generator, completed @ 28/01-18[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.8 - Detailed Laundry, completed @ 04/02-20[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.9 - Detailed General Population and the four connections to the rest of the map, completed @ 10/03-20[/b][/list] [list][b]0.9.5 - Detailed Vents across the map and added gameplay changes, completed @ 04/04-20[/b][/list][list]1.0 - Optimized final lightning and performance thresholds for final release.[/list]
Thanks for all the support so far :) [img]<a rel="nofollow" href="https://i.imgur.com/6uMDFDv.png">https://us.v-cdn.net/5019629/uploads/editor/bw/2dplghvoyglv.png</a>[/img] [/list]</div><div>
[list][b] - Renamed Armory to Loadout.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Renamed Prison Defenses to Headquarters.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added a new hallway to the corridor between Headquarters and Ventilation[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added a New Ventilation Route towards Generator, going from Headquarters, bypassing Ventilation.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Finished Detailing all the Ventilation Routes, including the new ones.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Readded some tables and flipped them as makeshift cover in Cantina.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Closed off the two exits, in the side of Isolation TP room.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added more cover and changed Routing in Gen Pop.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added some steel to the backdrop of Gen Pop rock wall, to make skulks stand out more.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Added blockage to the top of servers in Headquarters, to prevent marines JP'ing between them.[/b][/list]
[list][b] - Removed ladders in Ventilation.[/b][/list]
<div>[list][b] - Further improvements to CommanderInvisible and mini-map.[/b][/list]
[list][img]<a rel="nofollow" href="https://i.ibb.co/bgTJRNM/image.png">https://i.ibb.co/bgTJRNM/image.png</a>[/img][/list]
I started work on it in december 2012, and I am now detailing the map, for a final release, please continue to provide feedback, to ensure that the map will work it's best, when that day comes!
This road map is made for you and me, so that it's easier for both parties to have a view on what's left to be done and how far the project has come.
[list][b]Project started the 22/12-12[/b][/list]
[list][b]ALPHA/BETA: Greybox, balance, timings and detailing of team starts (North & South static), state: completed after 1 major rework destroying 250 hours, total process up to this point is 600h over the course of 1 year and 3 months.[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.1 - Detailed Surveillance, completed @ 10/05-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.2 - Detailed Quarry, completed @ 23/05-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.2.5 - Detailed Med. Bay, completed @ 04/06-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.3 - Detailed Cantina, completed @ 26/06-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.3.5 - Detailed Checkpoint, completed @ 11/08-14; Detailed the art piece, completed @ 24/08-14[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.4 - Detailed Isolation, completed @ 13/03-15[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.5 - Detailed Armory, completed @ 30/03-15[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.6 - Detailed Ventilation, completed @ 22/06-15[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.6.5 - Relaunched the map with new greybox, completed @ 13/01-18[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.7 - Detailed Generator, completed @ 28/01-18[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.8 - Detailed Laundry, completed @ 04/02-20[/b][/list]
[list][b]0.9 - Detailed General Population and the four connections to the rest of the map, completed @ 10/03-20[/b][/list] [list][b]0.9.5 - Detailed Vents across the map and added gameplay changes, completed @ 04/04-20[/b][/list][list]1.0 - Optimized final lightning and performance thresholds for final release.[/list]
Thanks for all the support so far :) [img]<a rel="nofollow" href="https://i.imgur.com/6uMDFDv.png">https://us.v-cdn.net/5019629/uploads/editor/bw/2dplghvoyglv.png</a>[/img] [/list]</div><div>
Looking forward to seeing this progress.
I'm impressed with your ability in Spark, I just think you should work on doing smaller more visually polished demo segments or gray boxing. The latest batch of shots is somewhere in between and its difficult to know how much criticism to give. Again sorry if this sounded harsh.
You should join our playtest sessions; most the active mappers on the forums meet up and play custom maps together every sunday. Its extremely insightful for seeing what works and what doesn't, learning some new tricks and just having some fun. Add me on steam and I'll get you setup with the details and in the steam group
Updated server room
I think the ceiling in Server Room might benefit from some love. Flat ceilings are often a death trap for Skulks and I learned that the hard way when I made maps for NS1, which is why I tend to make them with different levels of elevation and little alcoves. The ceiling props really repeat themselves as well. The rafters and pillars could create interesting ambush and vantage spots, I like that. I'd use something else than these grungy girder/rafter models if I were you though, they look kind of weird in a room such as this one which is using a lot of Descent props.
Keep it up, prison maps are always interesting. Alien 3, despite being arguably a poor Alien movie, had a truly awesome prison with a great atmosphere and I've always wondered how a prison map would look like in NS.
Still need to create the mid area, this will be the prison area, lots of cool stuff inc!
Enjoy! Hope you will help to test it out very soon!!
Thanks to Flaterectomy for helping me out last night with alot of stuff, you deserve respect!
Map in editor, falcon view:
RR start:
Cargo room infront of alien spawn, lots of Line of Sight will be added here!:
Underpass from West -> East side of the map, and entrance from W -> Cargo:
Big intersection:
Boiler room:
Lava room with the corridors that act as entrances, adding a big pipe that's going to look like it's sucking the heat out in arcs to the rest of the prison:
"Welcome" Hall, going to act as the entrance for a landing bay with a prisoner transport ship:
New overview, updated first post aswell:
Ventilation, west = underpass in screen 3, south entrance to cargo and east to cantina:
Looking down from the missing fan in Ventilation, this vent system runs the entire way from the alien base it's the bridge also seen in cargo!:
Edit; Changed the threads title, it's still WiP, but not early anymore
I fixed the mini-map /facepalm
I fixed the occu bug in armory
I fixed the RT in ejection not being powered
Thanks for the great feedback I got, will start to look at improvements
The map can be found on the workshop if you want to try it / host it. Just search for prison under the filters "level"
The far west tech point is far too small too.
I look forward to the next game. Its got a lot of potential. Keep at it!
I have tossed some updates at the map since sunday, due to the things I saw and other people wrote to me about. I expanded the Alien start room, made it into a location of it's own and adding another entrance for assault. I also made the comm view more steady in it's zooms, but due to really varying ground levels they got to wiggle a lit, I will try to improve it overtime, right now armory is the only one that might cause frustration, but the tight space in there might make the zoom good, if it gets combat heavy enough so drops are needed.
Next up is expanding the west side tech point room, and fixing some occulision geo being visible for the commander. I also need to place bars on the cell doors in the middle and fix their placement. I might tweak the line of sight placeholders for next sundays play test, but I'm not sure yet. I want to see a round, where people can view the map by pressing "c" first
We aliens dominated General Population most of the round, so I'll lay some screens in of the room here, along with the change screenshots.
Screenshots of changes:
Screenshots of General Population:
Tech point seen from node catwalk, you can see the top of the ladder from the ground up, on the side of the yellow container.
- Power node.
- Ladders for the marines to reach the power node faster than running to 2nd catwalk.
- First level catwalk.
- Resource seen from ceiling.
New "fixed" overview:
- Updated first post aswell.
Bonus Screen:
- As I was skulking around in the server room, I saw 2 exos and a marine staring out this window, first realised later that you could see the RR planet as a bonus
I looked at this aswell, I didn't find any problems with the main door, the animated doors on the glass room I can't scale
I just made alot of changes today and updated the publish of the map with them
- Main reactor is now better for a base but it only has one route to it. It needs another route so it won't cause a bottleneck. The doorways are also a little too tight and hard to get a cyst chain out of there.
- Path of justice has a container right in front of a corridor, also making cysting hard.
- Power point in general population is too hard to defend for the marines and will be impossible to hold a base there.
- The overall distances from the bases are huge, average cyst chains from a base to the nearest RT is 9 to 11 cysts. You should look some of the official maps how much distance they have between the bases and to the nearest RT. I think the average distance was around 6-8 cysts.
- Corridors and hallways are at a comfortable size and in the playtest they were a good place to fight in.
Distances are a big problem since in ns2 every second it takes to run out of the base is a second you need to react to your enemy. If it takes too long then it's easy just to zerg rush.
I know you've worked hard on this map so I hope this feedback wasn't too harsh. I think it's a very unique map and would be nice to see it finished.
As a general rule all techpoints do need atleast 2 ways in and out, If you do want to make 1 way in / out of a tech point id like to suggest then either that one entrance in/ out is huge (think generator on caged) or you could create a single (but large) corridor in but in the middle there are various obstructions pillars random walls etc (http://guides.gamepressure.com/dukenukemforever/gfx/word/-2069748968.jpg but the gaps between pillars is smaller)
- The overall distances from the bases are huge, average cyst chains from a base to the nearest RT is 9 to 11 cysts. You should look some of the official maps how much distance they have between the bases and to the nearest RT. I think the average distance was around 6-8 cysts.
distances on my map are around the same if not bigger but thing to remember if you are creating a larger map you need to limit the paths / routes as to not overcomplicate it and create deadzones where nothing happens at all
Regarding the cyst distance, I don't think that 2-3 more cyst per RT will make THAT much of a difference, I also have more RT's than most maps, so the economy should be there to do it. I set out to make a bigger map than the official ones (that was before descent xD), so if the cysts chains reflect that the map IS bigger, I'm actually quite happy. That will also slow the Alien side a little, so the marines have time to get out of their holes.
The power point in General Population started out on the ground and the catwalks was only connected by the stairs, so to reach the 2nd level, marines would have to run the entire route around the room, to utilize the high ground advantage, by moving the node up into the middle and adding ladders, the marines got an easy way to reach the catwalks different levels. The node might be to hard to defend, but this haven't been tested yet
Edit: Screenshot of what I'm talking about regarding the node. This could be one way to do it.
Neat concept though i like it.
It's a little more trickery than it seems
Better view of it's entrances:
The debate here is, if marine can hold it up there or not, even with ladders, TP and RT is located on ground level in separete sides of the room. The node started on ground level, but I moved it up to utilize the catwalks more.