Your input needed!
CameramanSan Francisco, CA Join Date: 2010-04-18 Member: 71444NS2 Developer, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Silver, Reinforced - Onos, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Developer, Pistachionauts

<div class="IPBDescription">Go big, or go the same?</div>Hi Everyone!
Your input is needed. <a href="" target="_blank">Remember this?</a>
If you had the chance to be in an arena five times that size, with all the cameras, the players, the casters and the people from UWE, would you take it?
In about a months time, there will be an NS2 competitive event in Cologne (Still working on a North American one guys!). Everyone will be welcome to attend. Admission will be free of charge. Amazing play is guaranteed, audience participation assured, drinks with Hugh optional (and messy).
For those in the EU, and those everywhere else who are moneybags, would you come to this? Would you come to the biggest NS2 event in the history of ever?
Your input is needed. <a href="" target="_blank">Remember this?</a>
If you had the chance to be in an arena five times that size, with all the cameras, the players, the casters and the people from UWE, would you take it?
In about a months time, there will be an NS2 competitive event in Cologne (Still working on a North American one guys!). Everyone will be welcome to attend. Admission will be free of charge. Amazing play is guaranteed, audience participation assured, drinks with Hugh optional (and messy).
For those in the EU, and those everywhere else who are moneybags, would you come to this? Would you come to the biggest NS2 event in the history of ever?
Anyways, I'm in full support of these events. Unfortunately no, I wouldn't be able to go due to $$.
But these events are really good. The game needs it!
So yeah, go big! NS2 deserves to be big, super big!
This is not a helpful reply to a very exciting opportunity for the NS2 community to do something amazing, together. Developer, community, and competitive players. I encourage you to go and look at the cost of programmers, and compare that cost to that of hosting an event like this. I encourage you also to read the Mythical Man Month. And get perspective.
And I encourage EVERYONE to get amazingly excited for this. 80,000 people saw NS2 up in lights last time. This is your chance to be very much a part of that... Now, if you are in France, the UK, wherever...
<b>Would you come to this? Would you party with your fellow NS2ers?</b>
Hmmm. Perhaps we could just remove the Atlantic ocean?
I think I know a few of my countrymen who can arrange that. Water is not match for us...
Also, I'm super excited about this event. NS2 getting big is what we all want :D. Unfortunately, the distance makes it extremely difficult for me to make it, but I will definitely be watching from my desk.
<b>Yes.</b> Ofcourse! ;)
Can you make us a bridge?
& maybe post this on public too? not just the comp scene
Lets hope, that it will reach many people, who live near cologne ;).
What a low and egocentric comment. Just because you lost the semifinals.. very disappointing wiry.
Personally I'd love to come myself, and meet some of you guys.
However my financial situation is not the best at the moment, but we will see. Maybe I can make it.
What time of day will the event begin?
NS2 deserves to be big! I'm completely on board with this..
(make something for NA please) :D
Personal attack is not very effective.
I wouldn't expect UWE to do something like this if they didn't have the extra money to do it and had to take money away from development. So I'm pretty sure I'm not the one acting with idiocy here.
EDIT: Never mind, Gamescom is at August, that's more than months away.
I have long waited to finally speak face-to-face with Mr. Flayra and the other bunch after all those years of e-mailing, this would be the chance i guess.
If you want me interested, have those articulate guys maybe go through their thoughts about rounds, gameplay and all that. Right now there's next to zero in depth coverage visible anywhere.
So yeah, if you're just checking for participants, I think it's a bit of a long and expensive ride from Finland considering the level of content. I might consider it if the game gets absolutely insanely awesome and speccing it becomes loads of fun, but for now it's a strict no-go.
If you want me interested, have those articulate guys maybe go through their thoughts about rounds, gameplay and all that. Right now there's next to zero in depth coverage visible anywhere.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
First person spectate should be coming in the content patch in febuary I think.
So it should be in, in time for this event :) Hope there will be alot of focus on spectating the players views. The overview is cool for checking out the overall map, but I think the main thing to watch are the players perspective.
As for the interviews, yes!
I would really like more interviews with the players between the rounds, having them analyze the rounds. That could be awesome.
It wasn't much we saw in that regard at the past event.
If any UK people are thinking about it, I just shopped about and found I could get a return flight to/from Weeze and a return train to/from Colgne for about £100 total. That's from Edinburgh and I can imagine flights are more common (and therefore possibly cheaper?) from major airports.
I need exact dates, Hugh, or I have no idea of if the travel is affordable, how many days I need to book off work or if it's clashing with another big event I have around then.
Jan 24 00:56:16 <snb> but i will totally not go into a room of sweaty nerds
cant we just have a poll with people saying yes so you guys know how many people will come ? (its not that accurate but atleast its something ^^)
Ok I'm dreaming, especially considering the 1st of March isn't that far away (@ForlornHope: there you go)... still... food for thought.
Jan 24 00:56:16 <snb> but i will totally not go into a room of sweaty nerds<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sweaty nerds are the best kind of nerds!
I hope as many as possible will make it there, regardless of whether it ends up being in the large arena or the same studio as last time. The previous event was a lot of fun for everyone who was there, and I'm sure this one will be too.