Massive Performance Hit Since B233
Join Date: 2012-11-05 Member: 167331Members, Reinforced - Shadow

So I usually play on the ]db[ server and before the patch I maintained around 20 fps in big fights, sucks but it's not unplayable. Without these fights, I would typically be at around 30-60fps regarding that ]db[ is a 24/24 slot server.
My graphics settings: EVERYTHING on LOWEST with 1440x900 resolution on a 1920x1080 monitor.
My spec is not great but it should at least run this game quite well even on high servers and on highest settings as I can play most modern games on highest settings and consistently get around 30-60fps. In addition, my GFX is overclocked near max without problems.
- i3 540@3.07 Processor
- 6850HD ATI GFX
- 1920x1080 monitor
- 64-bit OS Windows 7
Since this recent build, even on lower 16/16 pop servers, big fights and engagements are less than 10, maybe even 5 fps. It's literally unplayable. Outside of these fights I'm usually around 20-30fps now. What the hell happened? At least before builds I could play the game even on highest pop servers but now I am useless in fights. Even, just a small skirmish is impossible to aim.
So if you want people to play this game without these kinds of problems, what sort of PC are we looking at?!!!
Edit: Heard that the issue with B233 is being resolved. Please disregard this thread. Thanks :)
My graphics settings: EVERYTHING on LOWEST with 1440x900 resolution on a 1920x1080 monitor.
My spec is not great but it should at least run this game quite well even on high servers and on highest settings as I can play most modern games on highest settings and consistently get around 30-60fps. In addition, my GFX is overclocked near max without problems.
- i3 540@3.07 Processor
- 6850HD ATI GFX
- 1920x1080 monitor
- 64-bit OS Windows 7
Since this recent build, even on lower 16/16 pop servers, big fights and engagements are less than 10, maybe even 5 fps. It's literally unplayable. Outside of these fights I'm usually around 20-30fps now. What the hell happened? At least before builds I could play the game even on highest pop servers but now I am useless in fights. Even, just a small skirmish is impossible to aim.
So if you want people to play this game without these kinds of problems, what sort of PC are we looking at?!!!
Edit: Heard that the issue with B233 is being resolved. Please disregard this thread. Thanks :)
Have you verified your local game files?
Maybe one of your settings is just screwed up somehow? I think you should be able to delete the Users/[username]/appdata/roaming/Natural Selection 2" folder to reset everything to default.
Octo-core AMD OC'ed to 4.1 ghz with a water cooler
16 gigs DDR3
SSD OS drive
AMD Radeon HD 6870
I run between 85 - 120 fps in ready room, but it drops to 18 - 34 in a fight, and 35 - 60 while running around in game. This is with everything turned off at 1280x720, and shadows and bloom disabled via console commands.
It seems to be worse in larger rooms or long hallways, and at its worst when there is a bunch of stuff going on, even in an enclosed space.
Example screenshot from profiler:
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Yea since the new patch out i would get significant lower fps during battle, it gets worse when there is a huge fire fight.
My Specs:
Asus Maximus V Formula
24' montior Asuse play the game on 1920x1080 even lowered the res does not help it is the same
Radeon 7950
8gb Ram
Windows 7 ultimate
I5 3570k
Before the patch i played every game on max setting even NS and i would get around 100 fps and 70 fps during huge battles. Then the patch came out and I would still get 100 fps in RR and in game i would get 70 and during 3v3 battle it will go down to like 30 fps and during huge battle such as 7 people in the same room i would get lik 10 fps to 5 fps. I tried everything turned the infestation off and other details in the game off and have the lowest setting and put even the screen resolution lower in every setting possible and it does not help(So i tried ur guess fix UWE(it doesnt work)) So it is not my comp specs but the patch. Im happy that very "little people" are not affected by this patch but please get this fixed as soon as possible.
Oh and OT: the filter options in the server browser went nuts as well. Yeahaw~
i7 @ 4Ghz
GTX 570 x2 in SLI
My specs are more than fine to run it as it was ok last patch, i'll try and get a screenshot going.
And if it doesn't, then the continuous memory leaks that cause textures to not even get fully streamed in after playing a few maps will take care of that crashing as well if you play a bit longer. -.-
Intel Core i7 860 @ 2.8
Nvidia 660ti
1080 Resolution
Windows 7 64 bit
My story is pretty much the same as everyone else's. During combat my FPS drops and when I enter an enemy base with a lot of players and structures my FPS drops significantly. I can go from an average of 70 to an average of 15. The sudden drop and fluctuation makes it impossible to be useful.
Lemme get my last Fraps benchmark from B233...<ul><li>Frames: 103164 - Time: 1547624ms - Avg: 66.660 - Min: 34 - Max: 119</li></ul>Here are my specs...
Operating System: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel® Core™ i7-2600K CPU @ 4.0GHz (8 CPUs)
Memory: 8192MB RAM
DirectX Version: DirectX 11
Video Card name: ATI Radeon HD 5850 Series with 1GB (750MHz CPU/1000MHZ MEM)
Video resolution: 1680 x 1050 @ 60 Hz
My settings are medium for textures and 'off' for the rest of the eye candy settings. I've got clock speeds lower on my video card since my fan gets noisy when I bump up the clocks. I'm waiting on an replacement fan, then I will see if I can push things up again.
Hint: to post screenshot from game you need to upload it first on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>, <a href="" target="_blank"></a> etc. and then attach link to it in your forum post.
"what performance issues??? there are no performance issues!!! b-b-b-but infestation!!! b-b-b-b-but lua!!"
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
<u>performance is ass</u>
this is simply unacceptable with decked out i7 rigs in 2012
Fact is:
Release build was the best build so far.
With every of the 3 patches after release the performance going down wich ends in an nearly unplayble 233.
Must be some clientstuff.
My servers run @ rockstable 30 ticks, no choke.
If you enter an room with more than 4 marines, the game start to stutter like hell.
I think there 2 possible reasons:
Maybe the new fog (dunno)
But im sure there is something wrong with the sound. Dont ask me why i think that, but we had something like that in the beta before.
After disabling all my soundhardware (Asus Phoebus and Nvidia Audio) and running the game without sound, ALL the stutter was gone.
It felt so supersmooth.
After disabling all my soundhardware (Asus Phoebus and Nvidia Audio) and running the game without sound, ALL the stutter was gone.
It felt so supersmooth.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
This intrigued me, i disabled my sound hardware and after a restart my ns2 performance has gone up a noticeable amount.
For the record, im running a Q9650 (3.0GHz), 6GB RAM, and a geforce GTX 260 (800mb). I'm normally completely CPU bound with constant 0ms waiting for GPU.
Well, I don't know if this will help. But here is a screen shot of the profile.
I tried disabling and enabling my sound devices too. I don't think it made much of a difference if at all.
Edit: Uploaded bigger screenshot.
There you go. And this was only one Exo shooting.
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
Can we please get ANY sign from the Dev. Team, like we're working on it? We're aware of this bug. We found the problem.
Hugh, where are you when we need ya buddy :)
<img src="" border="0" class="linked-image" />
After disabling all my soundhardware (Asus Phoebus and Nvidia Audio) and running the game without sound, ALL the stutter was gone.
It felt so supersmooth.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Same, I tried to tell that ambient sounds will cause the lag.. And it's almost impossible to change/remove these sounds because of the FMOD sound-banks :(<a href="" target="_blank"> if UWE could drop the project file..</a>
Screenshots with profile on (empty map, just running around and getting micro lags/stutterings): <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I'm not a playtester and I have no performance issues at all...
You still get the problem if you're in a physically separate room, both facing opposite directions. What also doesn't help is that the frame rate drop appears to stack - more Exos, more lag. I've seen mine drop as low as 3fps, and yes, the game becomes unplayable.
FWIW I'm on a relatively low-end rig by modern standards (triple core AMD 2.4Ghz) and get wildly varying frame rates, from 45fps wandering around in some maps, to dips with an Exo firing at ~10fps, but averaging 18-25fps in combat.
The actual map can cause a massive variance in the game performance - this might be because the game uses realtime dynamic lighting effects, not a pre-rendered "easy option". If a map contains a lot of lights (and some were extremely over the top !) it can cause general slow-down. You might have noticed that some maps are now far more "responsive" - this is because people have been tweaking / optimizing the lighting, and in some cases this results in only about 20% of the original lighting being required to keep the same look and feel to an area.
It probably helps in spotting these things by having a low-end machine - this sort of issue is far more noticeable on my machine than something turbo powered :-}
Not sure, because I'm not a dev, but it could be that some textures are held in the computer's memory, and only passed to the graphics card the first time it has to display them.
After disabling all my soundhardware (Asus Phoebus and Nvidia Audio) and running the game without sound, ALL the stutter was gone.
It felt so supersmooth.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It makes sense, because I posted about exo's firing a month ago - <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Sometimes when the welder is equipped/used it happens too.
Sometimes when the welder is equipped/used it happens too.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Exo firing stutter/microlag goes away if I disable my sound card. I can confirm that with the profiler