Thoughts on adrenaline in 220+

ChalarieChalarie Join Date: 2012-05-03 Member: 151459Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Want to know what you all think!</div>Haven't played too much of build 220, but after a few games now, I think the new adrenaline is worthy of discussion. I don't particularly have any thoughts on what I think of the change, but it definitely does change the use slightly. So what do you all think of it? Good? Bad? Need something different?


  • male_fatalitiesmale_fatalities Join Date: 2004-03-06 Member: 27185Members, Constellation
    Haven't bothered using it because cele is just so good.
  • Mr R0YB0T 0Mr R0YB0T 0 Join Date: 2010-07-26 Member: 72972Members
    I have only tried it with Skulk and I don't like it. The fast recharge rate was much more useful.
  • DarkScytheDarkScythe Join Date: 2012-08-30 Member: 156876Members
    It's definitely not as good as it was before when it was an increased recharge rate.

    However, I think it's an okay change, as it brings it in line with the other abilities, and you can generally go either way with celerity or adrenaline now and still do well.
    The new adrenaline allows you to fight longer than you normally would be able to, but its consequence is that you're out of it that much longer afterward.
    Previously, there seemed little reason in getting celerity as a fade or lerk simply because adrenaline allowed you to spam literally everything with impunity, fight forever, and get right back in again after healing, which seemed a little overpowered.
  • XariusXarius Join Date: 2003-12-21 Member: 24630Members, Reinforced - Supporter
    It's ok, but gorge needs to have some of its abilities made cheaper in terms of energy cost. He feels really (even more) gimped right now, even with adrenaline
  • RockyMarcRockyMarc Join Date: 2009-11-24 Member: 69519Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Yeah it's not that good... Lerks fly bys usually means death now with running out of cele.
    Gorge is running out too easily healing the hive when marines are smashing it.
    I think it needs a bit of work :)
  • TimMcTimMc Join Date: 2012-02-06 Member: 143945Members
    edited September 2012
    It was needed - adrenaline before made energy management non-existent and made (edit) shifts largely useless.

    Only change maybe would suggest is make adrenaline a 250% increase instead of 200% as it is now. Currently celerity is usually a better choice, so try to make it more appealing.

    Typically I go adrenaline on the gorge, so I don't wear down when supporting too quickly. Lerk I go celerity. Onos celerity. Don't play fade much, but I imagine adrenaline is better. Skulk I go celerity.
  • WheeeeWheeee Join Date: 2003-02-18 Member: 13713Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    i think it should have a small extra amount of regen...and less total adren. it's not extremely useful until you learn to manage your adren since bad habits will empty out a big pool as easily as a small one.
  • RockyMarcRockyMarc Join Date: 2009-11-24 Member: 69519Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1983097:date=Sep 26 2012, 07:52 AM:name=TimMc)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (TimMc @ Sep 26 2012, 07:52 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1983097"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->It was needed - adrenaline before made energy management non-existent and made largely useless.

    Only change maybe would suggest is make adrenaline a 250% increase instead of 200% as it is now. Currently celerity is usually a better choice, so try to make it more appealing.

    Typically I go adrenaline on the gorge, so I don't wear down when supporting too quickly. Lerk I go celerity. Onos celerity. Don't play fade much, but I imagine adrenaline is better. Skulk I go celerity.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Yes I agree before it was sticky tape mouse button 2 down to heal as Gorge and never have it go down.
    Also agree with the 250% instead of 200%.
  • oldassgamersoldassgamers Join Date: 2011-02-02 Member: 80033Members, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2012
    Rechange the adrenalin back to way it was please :( uwe had the same adrenalin ability for over 10 years now. It's was perfect the way it was, why rechange it?

    Now that adrenalin ability has been rechanged and it based on 100% extra energy cap it feels utterly usesless. It's like you're fighting like crazy and then suddenly you're out of gas and have to wait 30s to regain full.

    The old adrenalin wasn't overpowered at all for the fade.<b> It was just the balance that was the problem.</b> It's a very simpel fix. Example: Just increase the cost of blink for fades, and healing spray for gorge.

    To make the perfect balance will come in time. :)
  • Zomb3hZomb3h Join Date: 2011-01-27 Member: 79241Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    Love seeing the amount of shift structures in the field as a result.

    I also notice how I am seeming to use celerity and adrenaline sometimes. Before I used to always use Adrenaline.
  • BicsumBicsum Join Date: 2012-02-27 Member: 147596Members, Reinforced - Gold
    I think it works pretty well.

    I usually use adrenalin as lerk, because I don't really need the extra speed from cele. IMHO it is better the to have the extra energy for more spikes and spores.

    As a fade I'm still testing both cele and andrenalin, but I think both are viable choices.

    Onos - cele >> adren
    skulk - I don't know, I have always played cele skulk, because I dont need leap so much.
    gorge - both viable choices depending on play style
  • elodeaelodea Editlodea Join Date: 2009-06-20 Member: 67877Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Previously, there seemed little reason in getting celerity as a fade or lerk simply because adrenaline allowed you to spam literally everything with impunity, fight forever, and get right back in again after healing, which seemed a little overpowered.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    The adren change was good for this very reason. It was a kind of super-celerity itself through ability spam.

    Only problem now i find is that fade blink costs are too low to warrant anything but celerity imo..
  • KuddlyKalliKuddlyKalli Yuggera Country Join Date: 2010-12-23 Member: 75905Members, NS2 Playtester, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow, Subnautica Playtester
    <!--quoteo(post=1983153:date=Sep 26 2012, 01:21 PM:name=elodea)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (elodea @ Sep 26 2012, 01:21 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1983153"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->The adren change was good for this very reason. It was a kind of super-celerity itself through ability spam.

    Only problem now i find is that fade blink costs are too low to warrant anything but celerity imo..<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    <!--coloro:#FFC0CB--><span style="color:#FFC0CB"><!--/coloro-->Exactly. The new adrenaline is perfect. With shifts placed in the field to support gorges and fades, they remain just as effective as before.

    I also agree about blink. They need to bump up the initial activation cost.<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
  • CodeineCodeine Join Date: 2010-11-22 Member: 75155Members
    I dont like it, i spend more time waiting for it to refil then enjoying the game. It should be renamed too, its not adrenaline anymore.

    Waiting for energy to refill is one of the things that makes aliens frustrating and annoying to play.
  • antacidantacid Join Date: 2007-08-07 Member: 61821Members, NS2 Playtester
    The old Adren was flat out broken, the new regen still has alot to be desired. I would like to see it add some sort of increased recharge ability.

    For example, give you energy for dealing damage / healing damage. Of course tuned so its not broken.
  • KeldornKeldorn Join Date: 2012-05-05 Member: 151587Members
    New adrenaline is a step in the right direction to balance stuff out. A slight increased increase recharge rate wouldn't be too bad though.
  • ShakerShaker Join Date: 2002-11-21 Member: 9582Members, NS2 Map Tester, Reinforced - Shadow
    edited September 2012
    Old adrenaline was too much, but new adrenaline isn't enough. I see alien tech flat-lining at relatively easy to kill fades, while marine tech continues to climb past anything the aliens have to offer.
  • KaptajnKLOKaptajnKLO Join Date: 2012-06-25 Member: 153658Members
    I like it. Alien commander just have to adjust to the change and build shifts in forward positions. With the old adreneline there was absolutely no reason to build shifts for their energy regen, but now I am beginning to see alien commanders build them together with crags and shades all over the place. Also I think the old adreneline made fades too easy to use, since they could blink for what seemed like forever and gorges could bilebomb forever as well. So please don't change it back.
  • Silent262Silent262 Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160267Members
    I used to be on the "bring back regeneration rate" bandwagon, but I really do agree that this change makes the Shift a worthwhile structure. Hell, I used to wonder why the hell the shift even existed. Post-change, people are actually asking for shifts. I actually like the added layer of strategic building placement and the increased importance of communicating the need for energy to the commander.
  • DeadzoneDeadzone Join Date: 2003-07-03 Member: 17911Members, Reinforced - Shadow
    <!--quoteo(post=1983248:date=Sep 26 2012, 07:29 AM:name=Silent262)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Silent262 @ Sep 26 2012, 07:29 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1983248"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Post-change, people are actually asking for shifts. I actually like the added layer of strategic building placement and the increased importance of communicating the need for energy to the commander.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Not to mention it gives alien commander something to do, AND adds a small res sink in all these forward placements.
  • AngeluszAngelusz Harmonic entropist Join Date: 2003-07-10 Member: 18072Members, Forum Moderators, Constellation, NS2 Playtester
    I love the change and what it brings to NS2. I really missed the alien 'outposts' you used to see in NS1. Now, sometimes there was maybe a crag with a few hydra's here and there. Bringing back the importance of structures like the shift creates incentive to build 'recharge stations', which need to be defended.

    Those 'stations' must have at least a shift, but I'd say also a few crags and definitely hydra's to keep it a bit safe. Lonely shifts are easy to take out, after all.

    A definite improvement. Perhaps the numbers need to be tweaked a bit, but I like it.
  • DarkScytheDarkScythe Join Date: 2012-08-30 Member: 156876Members
    edited September 2012
    <!--quoteo(post=1983213:date=Sep 26 2012, 04:52 AM:name=Codeine)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Codeine @ Sep 26 2012, 04:52 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1983213"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->I dont like it, i spend more time waiting for it to refil then enjoying the game. It should be renamed too, its not adrenaline anymore.

    Waiting for energy to refill is one of the things that makes aliens frustrating and annoying to play.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    IMO, it is precisely this reason why adrenaline needed to be changed.
    Adrenaline should not allow you the ability to spam all attacks virtually limitlessly. Every player needs an "operational limit" of sorts when attacking. With marines, their limit comes when their clip runs out of ammo, and are forced to spend 2-3 seconds reloading. If a Fade was able to dodge well with the old adrenaline, he had no reason to stop his assault. Running out of energy is a good way to have the aliens pause momentarily, if only to allow marines a breather between attacks.

    As I said before, this new adrenaline is not as good as the old one, but I think it's a change that was needed.
    As with the other though, I would say some tweaks might be necessary.
    Perhaps increasing the boost slightly over 200%, or decreasing the cost for a few actions on a few classes, or maybe increase the recharge rate very slightly (5-10%? I don't know what the old rate was.)
    IMO, adrenaline being a temporary boost when under duress, should kick in and provide an energy boost while you're taking fire in a battle, but I have no idea how this would affect gameplay; more of just a random thought.

    I also agree that it is a good change in that it is sparking more discussion between the players and khamm for shifts. Last night was a good example for me. Our hive in Atrium was being pressured from a phase gate in Reactor. I went Gorge to try to keep our hive healed after a few assaults, but with only Celerity available, I was running out of energy healing everything. I asked the khamm for a shift, which he placed behind me, and that allowed me to heal the hive back to full strength in relatively short order. It also allowed everyone else on the team playing fades and lerks to do a "fly-by" past the back of the hive to gain some extra energy.
  • BeelzebubBeelzebub Join Date: 2012-08-12 Member: 155506Members
    So.. whats the point of even using adrenaline if you need shifts everywhere to make it worthwhile? If you have a shift on you.. you don't need adrenaline... Its very frustrating trying to go against a JP marine that refuels in a matter of seconds to speed away from you faster than you can catch them, only to have you run out of energy when you catch up and are grounded while waiting for this super slow energy regen. By the time you get enough energy to leap at the JP again you are already dead or at least very low on hp and probably just get a rifle butt in your face. Its like saying.. well you should make regen only work next to a crag so that crags serve a bigger purpose. Cloaking should only work when next to a shade, even though the point of a shade is to cloak you. Adrenaline should not be limited to being good next to the structure that give you back energy anyway.
  • ChickenOfWarChickenOfWar Join Date: 2003-04-09 Member: 15352Members
    Useless to the point that celerity is a better option for almost every race. Maybe if the adren rate increased outside of combat, or if you gained some energy every time you took damage.
  • DarkScytheDarkScythe Join Date: 2012-08-30 Member: 156876Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1983307:date=Sep 26 2012, 12:55 PM:name=Beelzebub)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Beelzebub @ Sep 26 2012, 12:55 PM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1983307"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->So.. whats the point of even using adrenaline if you need shifts everywhere to make it worthwhile?<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    The advantage of adrenaline in this case over someone without adrenaline, is that they are able to be on the field for a longer period of time. As a tradeoff, when you run out, you have to wait longer for it to recharge. However, a shift will speed this process along. A shift, like a crag, would never be in the middle of the action; it's to help you get back to the action more quickly. Previous adrenaline was quite broken because you never had to worry about energy, which sounds ridiculous because you get one upgrade that basically gives you unlimited energy. You can place a shift outside an area you're assaulting along with a crag, and when you run out of energy, you dash by, and you're good to go again. With adrenaline, you have to dash out here less often than someone without adrenaline.

    In fighting JPs, if you cannot catch them after 4-5 leaps with adrenaline, you're likely in a disadvantageous spot anyway. If, on the other hand, you're fighting them in your hive area, a shift should have sufficient range to give you an energy boost as you and the JP'er likely criss-crosses your hive.

    Regen's ability is to give you HP restoring abilities, cloaking gives you the ability to become invisible, and at this point, we're being told that adrenaline's ability is to give us more energy. A crag's inherent bonus to regeneration only occurs near it, a shade's passive cloaking only works within its range, and a shift's energy restoring boost only works within its range. I don't see what the problem is.

    Virtually unlimited energy on any class is not a good idea IMO.
  • Silent262Silent262 Join Date: 2012-09-21 Member: 160267Members
    edited September 2012
    I don't understand why anyone thinks it is reasonable to have infinite energy. The shift is analogous to the armory. The marine commander often sets up a forward base to attack a hive, and the two common elements are a Phase Gate and an Armory. The Shift provides the features of both of these structures. Egg spawn provides a very Phase-like way for dead aliens to get back into the action, and the crag affords the health replenishment of the armory. This leaves resupply unanswered. The shift provides the replenishment that an armory would, and the adrenaline feature may be thought of as an "extended magazine." One might then say that the marines may have ammo supplied to them indefinitely through the commander and ammo packs. While this is true, the commander has a cost associated with the dispensation of ammo from thin air. Aliens have adrenaline. It extends their ability to assault a position without returning to the "armory", and it does so for free. The trade in balance is the fact that the aliens must eventually remove themselves from combat, as the commander must eventually stop supplying his marines in order to perform other actions or conserve resources.

    If that doesn't suit you, I suggest that we have the marines move to the Mass Effect One model of ammunition, and then have an upgrade with infinitely fast heat dispersion. Hooray. Wall of lead and fire versus wall of teeth, claws, and other appendages.
  • ScardyBobScardyBob ScardyBob Join Date: 2009-11-25 Member: 69528Forum Admins, Forum Moderators, NS2 Playtester, Squad Five Blue, Reinforced - Shadow, WC 2013 - Shadow
    I liked the old adrenaline, but it definitely op wrt the fade or gorge. You could literally blink around the map without touching the ground with the previous adrenaline.
  • SixtyWattManSixtyWattMan Join Date: 2004-09-05 Member: 31404Members
    <!--quoteo(post=1983307:date=Sep 26 2012, 11:55 AM:name=Beelzebub)--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE (Beelzebub @ Sep 26 2012, 11:55 AM) <a href="index.php?act=findpost&pid=1983307"><{POST_SNAPBACK}></a></div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->So.. whats the point of even using adrenaline if you need shifts everywhere to make it worthwhile? If you have a shift on you.. you don't need adrenaline... Its very frustrating trying to go against a JP marine that refuels in a matter of seconds to speed away from you faster than you can catch them, only to have you run out of energy when you catch up and are grounded while waiting for this super slow energy regen. By the time you get enough energy to leap at the JP again you are already dead or at least very low on hp and probably just get a rifle butt in your face. Its like saying.. well you should make regen only work next to a crag so that crags serve a bigger purpose. Cloaking should only work when next to a shade, even though the point of a shade is to cloak you. Adrenaline should not be limited to being good next to the structure that give you back energy anyway.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    A jetpack get away from a fade? ROFL
  • MisterNubsMisterNubs Join Date: 2012-03-01 Member: 147912Members
    edited September 2012
    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->Egg spawn provides a very Phase-like way for dead aliens to get back into the action<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Stopped here. Why? Because egg spawning is nothing like nor even anywhere close to having the same amazing benefits that phase gates brings.

    The new adrenaline is a complete utter joke. It's in the same tier as camouflage (ie fecal matter). It actually made celerity a better pick. Shame celerity is only a less smelly turd, but still a turd, than adren/camouflage.

    The dimwits saying blink needs to cost more, I can't even honestly believe you're suggesting that. You're balancing blink around adrenaline and in doing so, making adren a requirement to go fade. Which I'm sure will happen, because heaven's sake if this game is a least bit challenging to play as marines. This is the reason I can't wait for the NS1 mod by xDragon.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->A jetpack get away from a fade? ROFL<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    Hint: Baddies tend to die a lot. Take that as you like.

    <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->If you have a shift on you.. you don't need adrenaline...<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
  • ChickenOfWarChickenOfWar Join Date: 2003-04-09 Member: 15352Members
    edited September 2012
    I dont think adrenaline should offer unlimited energy. It was deserving of a nerf. But in it's current iteration it's basically obsolete, especially for gorges. Sure you get a few more leaps or blink time or flight time but with celerity you can get around faster and don't need the extra energy. By the time you need to leave the combat area you're either completely out of energy and moving slow or completely out of energy and still moving fast AND dont need to wait long for the energy to come back.

    As an added bonus spores are based on movement speed (more speed = more spores) so with celerity you're safer AND cover just as much area with spores.

    Basically <b>celerity makes the energy worth more. Rather than adrenaline where you just have more of it. Quality > quantity.</b>
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