Some bugs+videos
Join Date: 2010-05-19 Member: 71801Members

I took the time to record some of the bugs that I saw ingame.
<b>Build bug:</b> been around for ages, you need to select a different structure, go back to the hive, select it, go back to where you where and try to place a node again. Thats the "fix". If it fails again then repeat until succesfull. Not really making the alien commander more appealing.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<b>Mac Pathfinding:</b> As you can't see my mac can't get off the stairs, I did not found a way to let my mac build, I also noticed my mac getting stuck in base between ips, or once it even disappeared into the floor:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I also noticed they are very very very slow now, I really prefered the previous pathfinding for macs
Lastly, I'm sure your aware of this already, but the lerk seems to be able to hop up and down like a frog..
<b>Build bug:</b> been around for ages, you need to select a different structure, go back to the hive, select it, go back to where you where and try to place a node again. Thats the "fix". If it fails again then repeat until succesfull. Not really making the alien commander more appealing.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<b>Mac Pathfinding:</b> As you can't see my mac can't get off the stairs, I did not found a way to let my mac build, I also noticed my mac getting stuck in base between ips, or once it even disappeared into the floor:
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
I also noticed they are very very very slow now, I really prefered the previous pathfinding for macs
Lastly, I'm sure your aware of this already, but the lerk seems to be able to hop up and down like a frog..
Bite bug: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Hella fast RoF bite makes powernodes sad. :( !
Needs to be fixed ASAP..
Why does the texture memory size keep rising? Is it supposed too or is that some type of issuse/bug or something? Can't say i know much about the stats that are in there but it doesn't seem like just by switching your weapons for your texture memory size to fly up to 2000mb
Woh, don't say anything crazy now. Nothing fires faster than an MG42 man.
I was too quick to judge, I apologize for spouting wrong information!
Also some other fun bugs in the new build (also one from at least 176), from my vid thread, but since they are bug reports I shall put them here as well ;)
<ul><li><!--coloro:#800080--><span style="color:#800080"><!--/coloro-->Build 181<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc-->
<ul><li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug Report - 23-july-2011</a><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#696969--><span style="color:#696969"><!--/coloro--> - Rifle Rumble Pack (shooting bug)<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug Report - 23-july-2011</a><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#696969--><span style="color:#696969"><!--/coloro--> - Fade Blink energy crisis when entering a Hive<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug Report - 23-july-2011</a><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#696969--><span style="color:#696969"><!--/coloro--> - Fade Blink, the voices from the Nether wont stop!<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug Report - 23-july-2011</a><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#696969--><span style="color:#696969"><!--/coloro--> - Skulk vs Wall, Skulk can't jump so the wall wins<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></li><li><a href="" target="_blank">Bug Report - 23-july-2011</a><!--sizeo:1--><span style="font-size:8pt;line-height:100%"><!--/sizeo--><!--coloro:#696969--><span style="color:#696969"><!--/coloro--> - Commander MAC and MAC's gone AWOL! (pathing bugs)<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--><!--sizec--></span><!--/sizec--></li></ul></li></ul>
<b>Build bug:</b> been around for ages, you need to select a different structure, go back to the hive, select it, go back to where you where and try to place a node again. Thats the "fix". If it fails again then repeat until succesfull. Not really making the alien commander more appealing.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a><!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That bug has been one of the most annoying for some time now, really needs to be fixed next patch.
1. Anywhere that has narrow spaces, e.g. flght on summit, there's that little grated path on the right, used to be able to place structures there but cant anymore, alien start behind the hive cant put crags there anymore, and plenty of other narrow spots too.
2. Also its much harder to put alien structures next to each other than it was last patch, if you try and put a crag right next to another, alot of the time it seems as though the drifter gets stuck on somehting invisible, and just wont place
3. Had a bug today where once i'd got my second hive up, and 2 whips and 1 crag, i was able to upgrade everything except melee 2 and 3, it said i needed melee one to upgrade even though i had it (possibly a timing issue when i clicked upgrade melee 1, i don't know)
4. In the same game as above, towards the end of the game, ALL of our infest effectively died at the same time, we had 4 hives, and every structure started to starve all over map at the same time, placing new cysts seemed to provide a temporary fix, but once matured would start to starve like the rest. (all cysts survived while everything else died)
At the same time as that all of our eggs stopped spawning in every hive lol.
All info is in the Description.
Essentially im trying to quickly hide a drifter behind the boxes in surface access which worked in the old pathing system. While doing so, i encounter the following issues chronologically
1) Selecting all 3 drifters doesn't show the normal 3 drifter icons at the bottom so it seems like you've selected only one drifter.
2) Pathing doesnt let me move them behind the boxes. They just stop
3) 0:26 - a drifter other than selected drifter receives the movement commands. Once the selected drifter is reselected, the previous drifter teleports under the map and the 0:26 bug repeats. solved by once again reselecting (related to reselecting building bug?).
4) 0:35 - hard to see but the selected drifter teleports to a lower portion of the map. visible from minimap
5) 0:50 - the slowing bug which also happens to macs
6) 1:25 - sometimes the drifter teleports and gets stuck under the stairs leading to the surface access techpoint. couldn't reproduce it here.
7) 1:40 - drifter is now generally being obstinate in the elevator portion of surface access and i cant get it behind the boxes.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>
- Mac sometimes vanishes in the map for no reason
- Movement speed of mac is occasionally for no reason very slow
- Pathfinding of the mac seems ###### again
- building cysts is again a joke
and we have a new bug:
- I have trouble building as a marine commander aswell now
I found these after 1 hour of playing it's hard to believe these are missed at the build, especially when everything was so smooth in 183..
- The movement speed issue will be fixed in 185 and it only happens when they are sent to repair a structure
- The pathfinding in 184 for the macs is the same as it was for 183 :P so here again I think that is a perception issue more than anything.
The building of cysts changed completely in 184 to be based on distance and not range... so the visual of the radius circle is not always accurate which we will change for 185 likely giving you some sort of line radius and then eventually the vine will show when placing.
The marine commander building issue is also fixed in 185; what change in 184 is yet unknown but I replaced that code with something faster and a little more flexable than what we had before and that has resolved many of the placement issues we currently see for both the marine and aliens.
The pathing issues with the box will need to be fixed by the mapper... the reason it changed was because the system change a lot and thus some tweaking needs to be done on the map.
The I can look into the drifter selection issue and see whats going on there as I too have run into an issue with selection. I think there was a user submitted patch that may fix the selection issue
The teleport issue will be fixed in 185 :P
It looks like there is only place on non-decimal space coordinates.
I can be completely wrong, but I hope this will help dev. to focus on this problem.
I just tested this in the 184 build and you cannot place structures by clicking on the minimap
It looks like there is only place on non-decimal space coordinates.
I can be completely wrong, but I hope this will help dev. to focus on this problem.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
I did some reworking of that code that should make it a lot smoother... there is still a couple issue but its a lot better than it was before.
I really have to say it also happend to me. I belive it has to do something with using the mouse to scroll left and clicking the left mouse button.
Ammo and Meds also can be dropped so sometimes.
Maybe if the Server has a Tik drop so the build command got a ok for drop and at the same tik com is over the Minimap. Don't hang me up for the last sentence.
Ammo and Meds also can be dropped so sometimes.
Maybe if the Server has a Tik drop so the build command got a ok for drop and at the same tik com is over the Minimap. Don't hang me up for the last sentence.<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->
That would explain why my commander dropped an armory in some corridor I was at near the start of the game :-)
He probably just clicked on the minimap to go to me during the game.
Good to hear some issues will be fixed next patch, perhaps nothing has changed in the pathing, but in ns_rockdown the dissapearance of your macs and arcs is just horrible..
I'm just curious, if it is possible, or planned to scroll commander view by move keys "ASWD" ?
similar to some RTSs ... i.e. StarCraft.
Tgis happens on every map currently out. It happen more frequently in maps vb other than summit though. I get my macs and arcs stuck all the time in summit. Its very annoying.