Crazy device survey
First off this crazy device is a fully automatic pencil sharpener, and it is being built by me and several classmates. This is a school project, and I ask, all who are interested, to fill out this short <a href="" target="_blank">survey</a>. Any help is greatly appreciated, and thanks to all those who consider filling it out.
Will it shoot the pencils out at lethal/ close to lethal speeds? Could it possibly be used as an incendiary delivery device?
like OMGqtfbbq what if i mess up!?!?!?
get white out or the erasable pins kthx.
I wouldn't even pay a dollar for those cheap plastic pencil sharpeners at the dollar store.
paid about 8 euros for my current one,its ace!
no cheap ishe.
something i can grip,use,draw with and wont jam.
I have been going to college for 4 years and have yet to meet someone who uses wooden pencils, and I have only seen one pencil sharpener on campus. This is for a class and there is no choice in what to build. On another note, I was planning on keeping it and finding away to rig the device up to a pneumatic cannon.
Hah! Now you are talking!
Then all you have to do is put it on some kind of computer controlled turret base and become internet famous.