Why I Hate American Anime Companies
Anime Encyclopedia Join Date: 2002-08-08 Member: 1111Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">Undeniable proof of touchy-feely CEOs</div> Yup. I hate people
Original Japanese One Piece, Episode 2. Roughly the 8min mark:
<img src='http://pics.xs.to/pics/04092/op.JPG' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Dubbed English One Piece, same scene:
<img src='http://pics.xs.to/pics/04092/10963598846351.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
They removed the top of the cross.
Do you know why?
There can be only one logicial explanation.
See. This is why I f***ing wish CEO's would drop f***ing dead. I literally wish they would die, so someone sensible would take the helm.
This heavy handed editing bulls*** that just swathes through licensed series so as not to offend a majority or minority of the audience watching it.
The best example of this is Studio Ghibli's - Laputa Castles in the Sky. It was released in North America under tha name Castles in the Sky, because Laputa means w**** in Spanish and Disney didn't want to offend anyone...
Are people that really stupid or petty that they can't accept other people's cultures, or understand that the names of things may mean something else in other cultures?
If you want a show for kids, license a kid's show. Don't take something aimed at teens and turn it into kiddy bulls*** ala DBZ (Yes I know DBZ is a very average/mediocre series, but it's the best example that a lot of people would know of)
Death to any and all American CEOs.
Except for Nintendos.... because they are awesome.
Original Japanese One Piece, Episode 2. Roughly the 8min mark:
<img src='http://pics.xs.to/pics/04092/op.JPG' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
Dubbed English One Piece, same scene:
<img src='http://pics.xs.to/pics/04092/10963598846351.jpg' border='0' alt='user posted image' />
They removed the top of the cross.
Do you know why?
There can be only one logicial explanation.
See. This is why I f***ing wish CEO's would drop f***ing dead. I literally wish they would die, so someone sensible would take the helm.
This heavy handed editing bulls*** that just swathes through licensed series so as not to offend a majority or minority of the audience watching it.
The best example of this is Studio Ghibli's - Laputa Castles in the Sky. It was released in North America under tha name Castles in the Sky, because Laputa means w**** in Spanish and Disney didn't want to offend anyone...
Are people that really stupid or petty that they can't accept other people's cultures, or understand that the names of things may mean something else in other cultures?
If you want a show for kids, license a kid's show. Don't take something aimed at teens and turn it into kiddy bulls*** ala DBZ (Yes I know DBZ is a very average/mediocre series, but it's the best example that a lot of people would know of)
Death to any and all American CEOs.
Except for Nintendos.... because they are awesome.
But, yes, Americans are stupid.
This entire thing of editing the original scenes cause of some symbols, is retarded...
You sir, are a liar.
I mean, I have some trigun DVDs, thats not "A good dub" thats a "Why the hell are his lips not moving when he is talking and why god do I want to murder vash for his annoying voice?" dub.
Cowboy bebop was a little better..
and there are such things as a good dub, the problem is that Disney is the only company to ever accomplish a good dub and they only pick up like one movie every couple years..
<span style='color:red'>AKIRA</span> with it's 1988 English dubs rules.
Does this particular scene have a christian-related undertone that is important to the series?
Or are you just complaining for the sake of it?
I can see there being a problem if it spoils the plot, meaning or generally just results in making it look like crap... but if it does none of these and it prevents people sending in complaints... why not?
...and as for changing names... do you honestly expect a show called "Super F*** *** Castle Terra", or "The earth castle of history" in whatever language it came from, to keep the same name should it be brought over? I certainly don't, so why would you do the same in other languages?
On the subject of dubs, yes... bloody awful, subtitles are always the way.
Whats wrong with making something acceptable to the masses? The masses are idiots.
The biggest argument against democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.
I used to watch dubs, 10 years ago, and I was none the wiser. I see and hear what I watched back then, and cover my ears in disgust. We really need a new system for Anime liscensing and distribution.
On the topic of dubs, I've definitely noticed them getting a lot better recently. I tend to watch anime in dubbed form while I'm working, so I don't have to worry about the distraction of reading subtitles. ADV is definitely at the top, as far as dubs go these days. These dubbing studios need to just hire kids to do the dubs for child characters, as the "30 year old woman on helium" voice is getting really irritating.
Anyways, yeah, 4Kids sucks, and I can only hope that they aren't the ones releaseing the DVDs, and that their dub isn't going on the DVDs, and that the DVDs are uncut and 5 episodes each, or I won't be buying them, even though it is my favorite series.
Akira (original dub)
Gundam Wing
That and the dub for Hellsing is rather good if I may say so. Because they used British voice actors (Or people who are very good at sounding British and sounded a lot like the Japanese cast (In My Opinion! don't kill me) That and having a whole group of people speaking Japanese in London the "capital" of the the UK just didn't seem right. That combined with the amount of research the the show designers put in to make the "Hellsing London" seem not to far off from the "Real London" really helps the immersion if they speak English as well.
As for anyone thinking inf is being silly consider it this way; say you have a book you really like. Now say someone borrows it and leaves a dirty great fingermark on one of the pages... the print doesn't obscure the text so the book is still readable and the context is still the same but THERES A FREAKING HUGE DIRTY THUMBMARK ON YOUR FAVOURITE BOOK!!!
Would you be happy? Would you thank the person who did this? I don't think you would =P
The general annoyance is they're <b>changing</b> the original content. It might not alter the context or render the story dud (like sailor moon having the lesbian relationship between two of the chars and stuff taken out/covered up... nothing dirty really but they made the dub say they were cousins and cut out any hugs and stuff they couldn't explain XD ), but it's still taking something that's fine as it is and altering for incredibly stupid reasons. It didn't need changed and for a purist it's a rather insulting thing to see happen.
<!--QuoteBegin--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->It's like writing a book and showing it to some people before it's finished... and then you change a few bits and stick it in the bookshelves.<!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
It's an incredibly minor thing, it doesn't change anything, it's complaining for the sake of complaining. They make these things to sell, they will rarely be completely suitable for the audiences of those who wish to buy them.
You've already seen how they were before, so why complain that they're making some changes to get it to an audience?
I doubt they'd change major points in the stories, otherwise why buy them in the first place? Failing that, seek out the originals.
I am offended that people made a cross out of wood!!!!! how dare they!!!!!!.........
Imagine the first picture... only missing the top part of the cross, then have the kid look at you with the most disturbingly huge smile that can fit on his face.
That's about it.
Where's that nerd hierarchy picture when you need it?
It might be minor to you kalias but then again I have my doubts you care much about one piece... lets just make 'minor' changes to everything then seeing as it doesn't matter; we'll rename the millenium falcon to the millenium bird because some people don't like falcons or some stupid annoying crud like that. Darth Vader doesn't need a cloak and it reminds people of trenchcoats like the people in that school shooting wore.
Gandalf's beard reminds people of saddam hussein, chop it off!
They're all 'minor' changes that don't alter the context or change the story so why would anyone care, right kalias?
Oh and the whole "making up an unrelated metaphor to try and prove a rather flawed point"? Cute but it doesn't work... the reason people use metaphors is to put things in a context others can understand. It's part of this whole "communication" thing people have to work with because not everyone views things from the same angle.
And while we're at it you complaining about us complaining is you complaining for the sake of someone else complaining so stop trying to be smugly superior and failing huh?
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><b>FEH.</b></span>
<b>edited to make the FEH bigger because I'm insulted and annoyed</b>
It might be minor to you kalias but then again I have my doubts you care much about one piece... lets just make 'minor' changes to everything then seeing as it doesn't matter; we'll rename the millenium falcon to the millenium bird because some people don't like falcons or some stupid annoying crud like that. Darth Vader doesn't need a cloak and it reminds people of trenchcoats like the people in that school shooting wore.
Gandalf's beard reminds people of saddam hussein, chop it off!
They're all 'minor' changes that don't alter the context or change the story so why would anyone care, right kalias?
Oh and the whole "making up an unrelated metaphor to try and prove a rather flawed point"? Cute but it doesn't work... the reason people use metaphors is to put things in a context others can understand. It's part of this whole "communication" thing people have to work with because not everyone views things from the same angle.
And while we're at it you complaining about us complaining is you complaining for the sake of someone else complaining so stop trying to be smugly superior and failing huh?
<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'><b>FEH.</b></span>
<b>edited to make the FEH bigger because I'm insulted and annoyed</b> <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Strangely enough I couldn't care less about about "One piece", yes. I assume that would be what this is called?
I do like how you make exaggerations to prove you point.
Let's put these into perspective shall we? Compared to the pitifully minor change involved here, in one scene, in the background, these are "absolutely humongous" in comparison.
It's more on the scale of there being a bottle of Jack Daniel's on a bar instead of Gin. it has absolutely nothing important to do with the show at all.
Also strangely enough, putting things into a context via metaphors -is- irrelevant, have you already dismissed the one I instantly made up regarding the production of a book? I'm sure you have, it is just as unrelated as yours. Metaphors have always been a rather poor way of getting points across.
In addition, I can see perfectly well why making changes to things would be bad. But complaining about something so small, so insignificant... it's pathetic.
Calm down.
<span style='color:gray'>-edit-
Simply to clarify the reasoning behind metaphors being poor methods of argument...
If you can create two metaphors which fit the matter in hand perfectly, yet have them both illustrate the opposite view... surely this shows why they shouldn't be used in arguments? They are fine for explaining, to assist people in understand a concept that is difficult to understand... you can also use them to illustrate your -point of view-, but never to support an argument.</span>
For anyone who's seen the original scene something like that will stand out and instead of enjoying the show they'll probably be stunned for a second at the blatant smack in the face of "oh noes! something so minor (the stock being in the shape of cross which was likely down to design rather than any religious aspects) censorship!" that it reeks of.
That's enough to put the brakes on my enjoyment of something. That's not minor because it makes the flow of the thing stutter for viewers who know this has been changed and probably for those reasons.
The reason my lil 'book' metaphor fits this is that though the text of a book would be readable easily you'd still stop for a second to frown at the fingerprint which hinders your immersion and puts a speedbump in the experience.
Admittedly though in this case it probably bugs people who are tied up with principles (like me) more than someone who's never even watched the anime, and just came in here to say "I don't agree with you people and you're overreacting" unnaware of whether it did indeed change the context or anything else of that scene.
And <i>that</i> is why I hate them.
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