Creator of ns_altair日本福岡県 Join Date: 2003-03-15 Member: 14555Members, NS1 Playtester, Reinforced - Onos

<div class="IPBDescription">version 6 f</div> Releasing a new version of Altair. I would write more but I'm visiting at my
grandparents retirement home and I'm borrowing a wireless hotspot near one of the nursing stations. There are lots of scary old people around. *cue scary music*
Thanks again to TyrNemesis^ for his help and a mirror:
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Partial Changelog:
Added 15% to light values in altair.rad
Added new vent just south of Lifesupport to connect west to middle
Reworked parts of vent connecting Omega and Consistancy
Fixed Weldable
Added func_ladder to 'detail' ladders
Added node in Phi Test Site
Fixed exploit in Pipe Room
Widened ledge in Omega
Added some ps
Current resource use:
Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
------------ --------------- --------------- --------
models 140/400 8960/25600 (35.0%)
planes 6193/32768 123860/655360 (18.9%)
vertexes 25307/65535 303684/786420 (38.6%)
nodes 9708/32767 232992/786408 (29.6%)
texinfos 5046/32767 201840/1310680 (15.4%)
faces 18454/65535 369080/1310700 (28.2%)
clipnodes 21999/32767 175992/262136 (67.1%)
leaves 5002/8192 140056/229376 (61.1%)
marksurfaces 24218/65535 48436/131070 (37.0%)
surfedges 88215/512000 352860/2048000 (17.2%)
edges 45152/256000 180608/1024000 (17.6%)
texdata [variable] 449920/4194304 (10.7%)
lightdata [variable] 6016227/6291456 (95.6%)
visdata [variable] 166783/2097152 ( 8.0%)
entdata [variable] 33648/524288 ( 6.4%)
88 textures referenced
=== Total BSP file data space used: 8804946 bytes ===
Enjoy the new build and please post your comments and suggestions.
grandparents retirement home and I'm borrowing a wireless hotspot near one of the nursing stations. There are lots of scary old people around. *cue scary music*
Thanks again to TyrNemesis^ for his help and a mirror:
<a href='' target='_blank'></a>
Partial Changelog:
Added 15% to light values in altair.rad
Added new vent just south of Lifesupport to connect west to middle
Reworked parts of vent connecting Omega and Consistancy
Fixed Weldable
Added func_ladder to 'detail' ladders
Added node in Phi Test Site
Fixed exploit in Pipe Room
Widened ledge in Omega
Added some ps
Current resource use:
Object names Objects/Maxobjs Memory / Maxmem Fullness
------------ --------------- --------------- --------
models 140/400 8960/25600 (35.0%)
planes 6193/32768 123860/655360 (18.9%)
vertexes 25307/65535 303684/786420 (38.6%)
nodes 9708/32767 232992/786408 (29.6%)
texinfos 5046/32767 201840/1310680 (15.4%)
faces 18454/65535 369080/1310700 (28.2%)
clipnodes 21999/32767 175992/262136 (67.1%)
leaves 5002/8192 140056/229376 (61.1%)
marksurfaces 24218/65535 48436/131070 (37.0%)
surfedges 88215/512000 352860/2048000 (17.2%)
edges 45152/256000 180608/1024000 (17.6%)
texdata [variable] 449920/4194304 (10.7%)
lightdata [variable] 6016227/6291456 (95.6%)
visdata [variable] 166783/2097152 ( 8.0%)
entdata [variable] 33648/524288 ( 6.4%)
88 textures referenced
=== Total BSP file data space used: 8804946 bytes ===
Enjoy the new build and please post your comments and suggestions.
/me downloads
-over scaling of textures.. there were a few that were just far too stretched
-far too dark. i have no idea how bright your pc settings are. but i needed my flashlight to get around.
-some areas were just far too open which makes it very tough on aliens.
-some areas were nice, others looked kinda dull and boring.
-try to do more with the lights that just havin them all on the ceilings.
-the particle effects were nice... but they look funny as it spreads out too much. have them start fading before they spread out.
-the rt i saw just layin on a few pipes.. it just looks odd.
-im not much on layouts.. so i can't say much.
-oh. the monitor textures, the ones u have set as func_illusion. add those in yer lights.rad and have some light comin off of them. i find a light blue works nice
umm. thats all i can think of.
sry.. its hard for me to talk of the positives when i couldn't see where i was going. much too dark.
-Not sure where you're seeing textures over scaled. Please give specifics.
-I know my PC seems to be much brighter than most others so I've been lately depending on others to tell me how the light levels are. Several people have told me that I've gotten it about right. I know Altair is a darker map than most. I don't want a full bright map.
-Yeah some areas are still kinda open but I've yet to get some good playtests on this map to be able to accuratly judge them.
-Yeah, I have a lot of light in the ceiling but I also have some accenting other areas.
-I just put the ps in a day or two ago so I'm still learning how to use them properly and get them to look like I want.
-Which rt?
-The monitors do emmit some light.
-Please feel free to put this on any server that you want and get as many people as you can to PT. I want to get this map playtested so much that yall start finding exploits and stratiges that I haven't even thought of. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Well I have been increasing the lights in each build so there should be no problem in seeing the map. What are your brightness, lightgamma, and gamma settings? Maybe either you have HL's settings turned real dark or you have the opposite problem as I do and your monitor is really dark.
But everyone that i know who has played altair.. said there was no problem with the lighting...Eventully it will be as bright as say "ns_siege005"
My monitor can't get brighter and it's still dark.
The 'dome' with the windows in it where you can see from one spot to the other is great but I wasn't able to see anything.
Und use another sky please.
Details are missing almost everywhere or are be placed bad.
Try to rework one room after another and see if it fits with the speeds/planes/compilers.
Besides this it's real good solid work <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
keep it up
-If it's that dark try running the ns monitor adjustment program and/or play with your brightness settings.
-If you would read the txt file that came with the map you'd know the skybox was temporarty. Are you volunteering to make a new one?
-I've been trying to get this map playtested before I go crazy with the details and "Details are missing almost everywhere or are be placed bad" is bad english and very generic. Please give specifics.
-"Try to rework one room after another and see if it fits with the speeds/planes/compilers." Again, too general. Give me something specific.