New alien?...Brainstorm names/looks
Join Date: 2005-02-24 Member: 42384Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">yeeahhhhh</div>My mind is pretty blank right now and anything I come up with turns out to be corny so lets see what the community can come up with as far as names and looks go for a new alien. NS 2 wouldnt neccesarily NEED a new one, but it would be cool to have even though intense balancing issues would have to be put inti play. But remember, Flayra said himself that NS2 would be 1/3 copy of NS, 1/3 similar to NS, and 1/3 new to NS.
If you look at the names now, each name sorta describes the creature.
Onos -- Greek, found in Homer's Odessy as a concept of rational worry, can also mean a burden...oh noes
Fade -- English obviously, fades in and out of existance (well it used to)
Skulk -- English again, means to lure or hang in the dark
Gorge -- Well in english, it can mean gorgeous or hideous, depending on situation. Also means "throat" in I dont really see the relation there unless I have the wrong definition.
Lerk -- English, easy enough, to lurk, lurks iaround in vents etc
Only 1, maybe 2 aliens are named in other languages, but it also makes them sound cooler IMHO. Then again, we are assuming that the aliens were named by the marines as they came in contact with them. Like, "Hey those damn flying things are always lurking in vents bla bla...lets call it a lerk". But maybe some marines like greek/roman words??? Well either way we need to think if a new name; it can be worked into the story later.
All of the names sound sorta "dark", like they should, so keep this in mind when brainstorming.
If you look at the names now, each name sorta describes the creature.
Onos -- Greek, found in Homer's Odessy as a concept of rational worry, can also mean a burden...oh noes
Fade -- English obviously, fades in and out of existance (well it used to)
Skulk -- English again, means to lure or hang in the dark
Gorge -- Well in english, it can mean gorgeous or hideous, depending on situation. Also means "throat" in I dont really see the relation there unless I have the wrong definition.
Lerk -- English, easy enough, to lurk, lurks iaround in vents etc
Only 1, maybe 2 aliens are named in other languages, but it also makes them sound cooler IMHO. Then again, we are assuming that the aliens were named by the marines as they came in contact with them. Like, "Hey those damn flying things are always lurking in vents bla bla...lets call it a lerk". But maybe some marines like greek/roman words??? Well either way we need to think if a new name; it can be worked into the story later.
All of the names sound sorta "dark", like they should, so keep this in mind when brainstorming.
As an aside, the definition Gorge probably refers to is "to eat greedily".
All of the aliens have been discovered by marines, thus, they're named by marines =P I always had a vision of marines (devs) shouting "ohnoes!" whenever onos appeared (back then, they were invulnerable, ohnoes!) . I don't think they were thinking of calling it an onos because of the similarity to the word onus, or burden O_o.
And aliens don't need another lifeform. They've got it all covered (support, brawn, speed, stealth, badgers, mushrooms, snake)
-Skulk Sized, maybe fatter
-Slow walking speed
-Hold crouch and click mouse button to charge up a "roll attack"
-powerful claws, but only useful against buildings due to the slow walking speed.
-roll attack makes use of the hl2 physics and lets you roll around like crazy, causing little damage but major disruptions, you'd take less damage when in rolling form.
-perhaps at 3 hives you can leave behind acid grenades as you roll past
-charing up the role attack - the more you charge the faster and longer you travel, however it takes longer to charge up, so it would be all about timing. As when your rolling, your safe, but very vunrable when not.
-roll attack would could have force, so it would push marines around
it wouldnt be blue lol. im thinking either a spiky or durable type skin on the outside
EDIT 2: name ? rolling disrupting fast guy lol ?
EDIT: I APOLOGISE FOR MY LEET PAINT BRUSHING! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" />
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Would love to see this, Especially when im packing a flame thrower !
( music ) Great Balls of Fire !
Hmmmm im not sold on this lifeform yet.
I don't know if it works for NS2, There is no 3rd person view or plans for one as far as we know. Playing this lifeform in first person would make me sick.
Please don't give up though.
Perhaps some alternate ideas ?
i think it would also be cool if u had to control his rolling in a differnt way
say had to balance him and could build up more speed somehow
just to bring another skill into the game
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me i come in here with these suggestions
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at post 67#
me i am all for a alien that rolls, but i gotta tottaly disagree with possably most to all of the sugestions
STOP thinking indoors peoples, serious
i want this
Quill Kah
the Quill Kah or Quill kharaa a higher alien life form not yet seen by the TSA its not even on record, only evidence it exsists are from missing links in kharaa backterium and deep surface scans of sevral kharaa enhabbited planets which are being road blocked by TSA fleets as we read
what apears to be a Troop carrier in length size this alien speice is built like a shingled backed tank
from still and sat relay we have witnessed 5 lower lvl kharaa speices forming up and gastaing into such creatures as this each set of legs is liek a tripod, with a gun implacement on it we belive it has a exceptionaly weak bellie and one would assume getting exsplosive charges into and under there will be a dangorus task at hand the quill khar apears to have a duel set of muscles as organs sone for normal movment and ones to prople rapidly regrowing highly sharped barded spikes, we have seen large propotions of forrests cleared in the wake of this higher life form, and its quikest more readly means of getting around is it curls up into a ball and rolls to it's next destination.
ok 30 res each 40 for head 5 aliens get togther poll there res by each ticking the apropriate creature type in a rpg res trade type menu
gastation begins, quill khar pops out on all 12, 4 of its rider/ drivers are pertcehd with there camera above each set of spike crapacessed legs, wich would tend to move exstremaly rapidly, there goal for hte most part is they become FPS view of a moblie shooting gallary they have no really control over as the head will be the driver to get them to said destionations, there job it to enjoy the ride help out when rolling and to shoot down and out as many diff types of enamys they may roll into or come across
servral types of attack for the gun emplacments linclude, Errect quills quills are exstened and held firmly in place allowing for a better grip and faster roll, this also ensure massive amounts of damage if a rine comes in contact.
quill release, fires multiple quils from all areas and sides of that gun implacment not very accurate but ensures death and relatively high damage to marine vehcals at a moderate energy decreation rate
quill harden, quills tuck close to the crapace and stead tiet forming a easly readly avalible armor increasetion that can be droped and sheed at any point, if that side of hte body begins takeing damag it burns enaergy before it burns armor / health
quill exsplosion, obiously it burns large chunks of energy to blow lots / most ot all quils on your porpotionary side of the body
the gun implacments feild of view consists of prityt high even almost direclty behind in a upwards direction
one may turnhte camera to see such a thing but quill guns cant ossolate to those directions, the feidl of veiw is pritty much strail up and down the body if not slighly in front of behind depending on if you reside in the front half or the bottom half, as ther are no spikes on the exstreamly soft under side these gun implcments cant shoot things directly below them standing marines at the base ofhte creature would proly survive ducking ones would most certainly survive
to kill this creature three points need to be dead at the same time for this to bepossable if a side dies it will stay dead for 15 seconds <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" /> if two additonal sides cant be killed the dead sides will begin to regain health rapidly still allowing a chance for them to insert another coin into the slot or for the enamly to keep a side dead if they can keep on there toes
the head the one who forked out the 40 res you get hte perks of driveing a charged up ball of spikes of rather great hights and up insignificant mino rapid inclines to gain air as this giant rolling tire of spikes tears up the map like a sprint car
its view is from the center of the alien when curled up and its camera stays up right so as not to enduce norsia, the gun implacments on the side also stay up right how ever they get the pealsure of being a mini gun on the side of a feris wheel
the head has two large mandible jaws great for well severing most things in half or crushing them to a non recognisable state the heads primary ability is decapitate, followed by curl up, which will allow it to move in near on direct strait lines at a increased movement rate with out much turning capsity, heavy enouhg blows for force to the top of this out of control carnaval feris wheel will force it to tip over and start the process all voer again, the energy consumption dureing curl up is slow and steady and almost unotiacble with upgrades how ever damage and turning will consume more energy to keep the mommentum up
it third ability would be quill lunch, of some form, where it would lunch additional quils form all around its body form every side like a fragmentation grenade or a drill bomb from that arnie movein, spikes go up spikes come down, it consumes most energy but anything left alive with in range to get close to do some damage prolly deserves it
it 4th ability chase tail keeps its body close to the ground remains in the same spot spinning around and around creating a huge dust cloud as well as dealing damage to anything in contact, and has plenty of room and energy for the odd quill lunch
this thing should beable to fit inside complexes big enuigh to house maien vehecals or air craft, but will be limited for getting deep into marine structures
imagine you and a buddy go to open a door to a moveing carapace blocked tunnel full of spikes, you hit the dorr open button back to the same wall your mate who just swore to you he was read gets ni instantly nailed to the wall 12 feet behind where he was just standing a fraction of a second ago
of you climb a crontol tower to snipe an get a glimps of the battle feild and seeing two off these roll fourth uncurl around the two main entrances of the base then camp it up as the cavalry arives
it play style will be similar to a golithan in the UT 2004 onslorght maps, except it wont have a giant one shot kill all cannon, however it will be a giant rollie pollie mouse wheel of doom
sorry for the no grammar and poor spelling ill fix it up over the next few days
a up close and personal crappy quill kah concept
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a quill kharaa with out spikes
<img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
kharaa evolution, how it un curls or curls up
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quill emplacement view
<img src="" border="0" alt="IPB Image" />
yeah it doesnt have all its body yet nore its head with its nashy mandibles buts its all good you get the point
could you imagin sitting behind the quills on this baby?
cheack out my other deivants in my sig
i hope you all like green,, chuckle *ducks and hides *big grin
i'd like an alien which roles around, similar (and im serious) to the way sonic the hedgehog works.
You thief,schkorpio, atleast give credit where credit is due before you hijack some one elses idea........or try bumping the thread if you like it so much.
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Imitation is the greatest form of flattery, it was off the cuff and meant to be sarcastic, no drama llamaing <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smile-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":)" border="0" alt="smile-fix.gif" /> Even so it was my freaking idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok updated <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" /> hope that makes it all good, i just got carried away with the rolling alien (get it....)
even when i read this thread i thorgh it was just for some ideas on it.
i would think alot of people have came up with this idea seeing its the only thing some1 can come up with, without having to think to hard
i dont want to see sonic the hedgehog in NS TBH
yeah but it would be balanced cause you pick up rings, and when you get shot you drop the golden rings, and when you run out of rings you die, unless you keep rolling and picking them back up, and oooh press any button on the keyboard to jump over the water fall with pirahanas!!!
hey maybe as a counter marines could get some of doctor eggmans machinery <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/confused-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="???" border="0" alt="confused-fix.gif" /> but it would be balanced cause sonic alien only needs to hit it 3 times lawl!!!!!! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />
EDIT : and you could jump on the marine computer monitors for special power ups...
name meaning - One of the seven centers of spiritual energy in the human body according to yoga philosophy.
about this alien
a level up from the onos this creature only appears when all three hives are alive and thriving. The chakra has 4 jaws which make it able to capture and hold its prey. the creature itself is blind and uses a sonar type ability like the bat to see around, it is extremely sensitive to motion and can find enemies through walls.
the chakra is an extremely mobile creature, due to its serious damage it causes and its fast speed it lacks in armour. Unlike the onos it requires on being able to damage as much as possible before dying, this creature is an elite new species which evolved and relied on all three hives to be up to be born. Its great strength and speed comes from the energy of the hives.
It is a very smart creature and has been known to sense the actions of its enemies and dodging their movements and giving a very accurate blow. When angered or near death the creature goes into a rage state where it charges and attacks everything around it in a desperate act to defeat its enemies.
1- Ravage
powerful bite attack, more powerful than the onos bite with focus.
2- Poison sting
the tentacles in the chakras mouth are toxic and when lashed out cause a target to be poisoned and temporarily shocked in place for 5 or so seconds
3- devour
much like the onos the chakra pulls prey into its mouth and devours it, devouring however is much faster than an onoses due to the high andrenaline of this creature
3 alternative- Slash
the head lashes out causing a very powerful bite which rips at the target causing them to bleed heavily over 10 seconds.
4- Oblicerate
causes the chakra to go into an furious state where vision changes to make all enemy targets bright red, while under this state you cause considerable damage to everything around you while attacking anything that hits you will be damaged and while using ravage while in this state will cause extra damage to be taken by up to 4 enemies which come into contact with your body, you need to keep holding down (much like blink and charge) to keep this effect. large amounts of energy is required for this attack.
Hopefully the onos will be MUCH bigger and badder in the next game, it's just a joke now.,
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OMG I would so enjoy that alien!
The alien I had in mind would look half humanoid-half arachnid, something along the lines of the old-school starcraft zerg lurker <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
He would be a huge alien unit like the onos, only suited for defense while the onos follows a more offensive/assault path.
He should be slow moving, with a moderate life (higher than fades, lower than Onos) and his passive ability would be 50% more life gain from regeneration, hive healing, and DC healing.
His 4 attacks would be:
1- Swipe (hey, skulks and lerks share bite! Albeit they're slightly different)
2- Long range attack
3- Multi-purpose acid spit (area of effect skill much like bilebomb) - when shot on marines or enemy structures, it deals moderate damage over time, slow the rate of fire and increase the reload time of any offensive weapons. When shot on the ground, it makes the ground slippery as if the enemies were walking on ice. Walking on said acid would still deal moderate damage, but would not inflict the "slow" effect unless it is a direct hit. This acid would deal bonus damage to armor points.
4- Targeted, direct impact organic "net". Similar to the gorge's web, when a marine receives a direct hit he gets "webbed". Would cost a lot of adrenaline per shot, and have a slow rate of fire.
I like the idea of the wheel guy, it sounds like fun. The chakra is a cool name, but at present the only unique thing that was suggested was a different sort of alien vision. Other then that it seems just liek a onos.
Two other ideas:
1. An alien that can dig underground and stuffs...
2. An alien that can fly and super-awesome dive bomb! Maybe you would flap around and then aim and fire your divebomb attack... at which point you would no longer control it. You would go straight-line. Marines would not be able to hit you, they would only be able to dodge... if you hit you would just rip straight through their chest and come out the other side.
It would be more agile than an onos (more like a panther) but it should be able to pick up a marine with those things sticking out of it's mouth kinda like how the onos devours marines. While the marine is picked up it will function as a meatshield for the alien <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />
The Chakra should have the ability to leap nicely and be able to stick to a wall for half a second or so so it can prepare another jump (some nice wall-jumping and bullet dodging possible there)
It would feel really much like a dangerous predator that way.
This beast looks realy great.
Where u got this screenshoot?
I want to see more of this.
hm but i think the chakra should be much bigger. I mean 1.60m.
It min should be 2m tall.
sry my english is terrible.
neither is there 1 that cripples.
well gorgies do snare.but thats not completely the same is it.
i was thinking an arachnid'ish contribution.
we got 2 legged and 4 legged aliens.
a winged one aswell.
that leaves a tail (aquatic alien?) or a 6 or 8 even 10 legged! alien.
The thought about a rolling alien is fun tho,like them bots in starwars ep1.
a sort of crossing between an armadillo and a spider would be cool or even be inspired by giegers aliens, like the very scary and the reason for many ppls nightmares over the years, the facehugger.
extremely mobile,small and an unseen threat,much like the stealthy skulkies.
I'm still playing with that spider/armadillo thing.I just might have to grab my pen and paper (i promise no weird drawings this time! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin-fix.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin-fix.gif" />)
Also a creature that can symbiose would be upgrades but can "borrow" abilities from the other types of aliens..
o well all just fun just spilling my brain here.
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this idea was vastly shot down due to it breatching the I&S
but for ten res, gastaing into something similar and haveing a dark black screen, for msot of yoru stationary esistance in tiet coridors would be interesting, apon sound or if you happen to spike an draw blood from a enamy you will catch a quue blick like view of your suroundings
your second attack would be a tester, where you tap the ground or what ever you happen to bump into, when not moveing or when no direction keys are pressed you would moan and howl a good signal to coem and cheack, obiously gun fireing rines would give you perfect vision and you would use attack one impale ignores armor if focused could prolly a no lvl two HA.
attack three would be sweep, not as damageing than attack 1 in any way but should take the leg out from under the target, attack four would burn enery rapidly but allow the alien to see
i am sorry but when your like 12 playing hl for the first time your in your 12th hour is midnight and the lights are off and all you hear is that howling come over the speakers its a eary feeling
or when you sneaking past and one happens to bump you or worse you make a tiny sound and all you here is PLUCK as you become a giblet to have you ears fileld wihta cold flat line bEEEEEEPPP!! of your heart rate monitar, you kind of freak out a little
i think in a tiet coridor and a fair reach these bad boys could make a nice addition
i know if of plenty of awsome coridors where these nastys would reek havok, most bullet prolly wouldnt hurt them and they would more than likely die from nades, seige maybe
5 second gast time 5 res cost, scent of fear would work thru walls but if there no wall between you and the target there no scent ring, like how it works now
5 nades would prolly kill it meaning a team of two mans cant kill it but 3 can or a GL clip *shrugs
its not a new idea but one i would like to see
I'm not sure why people are suggesting aliens bigger then an onos. Onos are already kind of obsolete overall, well atleast in 3.1 they are. By the time you'd have res for this alien the game would most likely be decided already.
nuff said....