I Want A Server

DarkSim2DarkSim2 Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6965Members
<div class="IPBDescription">will it work?</div> i have always wanted to run a server since the days of my p2 200 mhz and 56k. but wehn i got cable we had to use a lan to get it on all of the computers in the house. i wanted to make a server for other people to join (frineds). when i go to create server it makes a game but when i click update on the ingame browser i cant find my server. Plus my frineds cant find it either. im pretty sure i have a fire wall and was wondering if that why no one can join my server. If not please post a way for my to host a server people could connect to from outside the lan.

SPEC: 1 ghz p3
384 mb ram
geforce 4 mx 440
some kind of lynksys lan system

P.S. sorry if my lack of computer knowled frightens u :o)
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