Skulk Tactics

AnarchyAnarchy Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 3969Members
edited November 2002 in Kharaa Strategy
<div class="IPBDescription">A guide to using skulks.</div> Hello, I am Anarchy, and this is my first post here, but over the course of time of playing this game, I have been aliens nearly 95% of the time. The Skulk is probably my favorite alien type, if used correctly. And now, without further adieu, my guide.

<b><u>Skulk Tactics</u></b>
<i><u>by Anarchy</u></i>

Some people say that skulks can't take on marines in late game, and they are sorely mistaken.

The skulk, if used correctly can take on everything except a marine base on it's own. How, some may say? Tactics. comrades, tactics. Here is a list of strategies, and a guide to being the skulk. First, the basics.


The skulk has 4 attacks, as with every other alien. Here are the attacks, and descriptions, followed by tactics for using them.

<b>Attack 1: Bite:</b> This attack does a large ammount of damage, and attacks rather quickly. Most people say this attack is not strong enough to take on heavy armored marines, but this is untrue. All you have to do is use tactics! It is true to say to never take on a marine head on, no matter what his armor or weapon, but you can still attack from the front, but the trick is speed, precision and movement. Never, EVER run in a straight line when taking on an enemy, run from side to side, strafing as you engage your target. If you are in a narrow hallway, use the walls. The skulks do not have wall climbing for no reason. Run up the walls, jump off, and try to get up the other wall, and if possible, get behind your enemy, then close in for the kill. Do not stand still while attacking, continue moving, and attacking, standing still makes you an easy target, and you don't want to end up dead.

When facing multiple foes, make sure to keep moving, it is extremely important. Go for the weaker marines first, the ones who do not have armor, and most likely, if one of them does have armor, he will have an HMG aswell. If you hear his firing stop, to reload, go take him out, as quick as possible.

<b>Attack 2: Parasite:</b> This attack does very little damage, but it good for stalking prey. You shoot a small parasite and it will track your opponent. If you are that kind of a player. Once a marine is tagged with this attack, he will show up on your HUD at all times. Stalk him, and move in for the kill. I don't use this as often, but it is useful.

<b>Attack 3: Leap:</b> This attack doesn't do lots of damage, but it is very good for movement, and getting the jump on a marine. You jump out, lashing at everything with your claws. It is very, very good for getting the jump on a marine, or escaping quickly from the fray. As with Parasite, I don't use this attack that much, but it is still useful when used in the right situation.

<b>Attack 4: Xenocide:</b> This attack does a large ammount of damage, but at the sacrifice of your life. However, since it is explosive, you can take out several marines with you. You explode, doing lots of damage in your area, and doing double the damage to structures. Best usage, rush into a base, and suicide. Simple really, no big tactics needed here, other then right timing, which only comes with practice.


I'll add more later, but right now, I'm tired of writing, and am going to go play some more NS <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
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