Duff Mcwhalen Remix/mp3?
<div class="IPBDescription">MegaMan X5 Stage...</div> So yeah, I've got this song stuck in my head and like it a lot, but can't find any remixes of it... Also, the Duff McWhalen tune in and of itself is a remix of one of the stages from MegaMan X2 (Can't remember the name, but it was also an underwater level)...
Any help would be appreciated!
Any help would be appreciated!
The Duff McWhalen stage of MMX5 and the Bubble Crab stage of MMX2 are the same tune, just the X5 version was updated with newer instruments. I'm looking for either the Duff McWhalen stage music, or a remix of either Duff McWhalen's stage or Bubble Crab's stage.
EDIT: Found out the X2 bosses name (Bubble Crab).
Yup. X5 was a PSX game, Duff McWhalen was the bosses name.
EDIT: Apparentley the track might be called Deep Sea... Also, MegaMan's Japanese name is Rockman.
EDIT: Nevermind the Deep Sea bit, that's a different song...
EDIT: Another name for Duff McWhalen might be Tidal Whale...
EDIT: I've got the X5 CD if anyone knows how to get the music from it...
Not I! <3 VGMix. They got some terrific stuff on there that OCRemix doesn't have.
Yeah, I'd already checked VGMix and OCRemix. But there's definentley the word Bubbles on that link, and as such I appreciate the effort <!--emo&:p--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html/emoticons/tounge.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo--> (It's probably a remix of BubbleMan's stage from MegaMan 2)