My Strategies For New Commanders

JLA-Martian_ManhunterJLA-Martian_Manhunter Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7371Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Least this has worked for me so far...</div> A quick overview of what I try to do. Sure a lots been covered by others, but heres what Ive done and has gotten our team through pretty well at this stage of teh game. Ive only played since it went public, so Im sure theyre are plenty better than me ::cough Flayra cough:: but heres my two cents anyway:

Get your base set, with the turrets you can, placement is key. Look at the map of your command room and maximize coverage of vents and your command chair.
I send one marine out to the closest hive, see if thats their spawn. If it is, pick the next closest and head for there, otherwise start getting your resources locked down. Early on I usually get the resource, a turret control and 3 turrets. Then watch to see if I have to send someone back if they wail on it. My goal usually isto get two resources up and guarded, then lock down whichever Hive I selected. Your most expendable commodity early on resource wise (in public games) is marines sad to say. As I can I get sensors up and motion sensor, then start working on upgrades for weapons and armor. Then tech out on HA. Personally, no marine in my command gets a HMG or Nade gun until they have heavy armor. Its a waste of resources to keep letting em die with HMGs. Some may not like it, but hopefully they see the wisdom of it as the round progresses. When they get into a hive, I lock that mofo down. After that, then I concentrate on more resources, leaving one marine to keep building at the hive while the rest move as a team for resources.
Best tips I can give a new commander from my personal experience so far:

1) Keep your marines together. A group of 4 or 5 pushing steadily through areas and taking command piece by piece is essential, dont let em wander and get picked off one by one.
2) Dont become too focused: Dont concentrate on your base and leave them hanging with no orders and visa versa. Dont get so caught up inthe action you arent upgrading or keeping your base defnses coming along halfway steadily
3) Dont just throw ammo and health around. If they dont ask for it Dont drop it for them.

Most of the players now have an idea of how a commanders is trying to keep 100 things going at once, but I always tell em up front if you dont call it out (rigt click and ask via comm) dont be surprised if you dont get it. Hopefully theyre picking up you can't jump to them easily unless they do it that way.

And the best tip I have for anyone as a commander, relax and be in charge. If one guy keeps calling you a schmuck cause you wont give him an HMG with light armor, hell forget about it by the time hes in heavy armor and taking out that last Hive. Especially since the playing field is more even in 1.1. Listen to your guys and take what they say into account, but pick your tactics, your strategy, and make them follow your lead. A lot of battles Ive lost as a marine I see two or three guys directing the Comm on what they think they should do, and he tried to do em all and spreads his plan too thin. Focus and take charge, and with a good squad you will hopefully win, or at least make a real fight of it.

One more thing. If you have commed a few times, dont be afraid to get up there. I made that mistake tonight. Wanted to be out in the action, but no one wanted Comm. By the time everyone was done hee hawing and someone jumped in the chair we were way behind, as those first couple minutes can and will make or break a team a lot of times. The next game I said hell with it and jumped up there. Get that Comm under control, and if someone else wants it and you want to fight, jump out. But dont waste time saying 'Gee, will anyone else be Commander?'

Ok, maybe that was more like a dime or a nickel, but damn I have fallen in love with this game in a hurry. And Im sure some better Commanders than me can add a few tips to this for newer Commaders as well.

Semper Fi Boys


  • Tucker_GerakTucker_Gerak Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7396Members
    edited November 2002
    About the last part; it's addictive...

    A couple of nights ago I was playing on a server with a fair amount of people. I grabbed up the seat and won it. Everyone said how good a commander I was. I did it next round also and won again. By this time I'm getting recruits for my clan. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    But once you start, they won't let you stop... In almost EVERY game I've ever played as marine; I take Commander atleast one point in the game. Probably because I've only lost twice (and that was when stupid commanders started...and the aliens got Onos uber-fast...). They'll actually keep, block, and hold other people from taking the Comm so I can take it...

    The life of a star.... :>
  • 0see30see3 Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4388Members
    You don't always need marines to find hives. Get a scanner up asap and it only costs 1 rp to scan any area <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> easy to find where aliens are building and where they aren't.
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