


  • TabrisTabris Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4273Members
    haha... ok i got a new one from today.. i was behind enemy lines cloaked.. saw a marine with tripmines.. so i smiled as he placed one on the wall and i bile bombed it <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->.. BOOOM

    Dead marine count +1
  • FunkTheMonkFunkTheMonk Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4933Members
    <!--QuoteBegin--Cypher X+Nov 5 2002, 10:05 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Cypher X @ Nov 5 2002, 10:05 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin-->Everyone talks about how marines are so much better then aliens. Yet all the best kills are only coming from the alien side thus far. <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='wink.gif'><!--endemo--><!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><span class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
    Ok I've got 1 for ya, the very first time I played I was walking around (as a marine) with a buddy (named RaiL). We both had LA and LMGs. We found an alien resource point so this guy RaiL runs over to it with the knife and starts chopping it up. I helped him with the LMG when i noticed 2 blue circles (the motion tracker) coming towards us, so i do the old 'Enemy Here' voice command. He looks up from he's hacking and looks over to me. From behind him the motion tracker bleeps move around the corner to reveal themselves as 2 FRIGGIN ONOS! needless to say it was the first time I'd seen them and I screamed like a girl and started blasting. RaiL span around as BOTH onos were about to trample him like the little fool he was.
    He had different plans, he sidestepped to the left and started ATTACKING the onos with the KNIFE! sidestepping around them and making making them look like their where dancing!
    I just stood there firing my **obscenity** little LMG at these rhinos dancing around this marine whos having them with a knife!
    A HMG wielding HA came around the corner and started shooting at the onos as well but RaiL somehow got both kills and survived. Put simple it was amazing!
    the 2 onos players started bitching about how poor the onos was
  • Silver_FoxSilver_Fox Spammer Join Date: 2002-01-24 Member: 34Members, NS1 Playtester, Contributor
    its not really a suicide with the welder.

    If your a marine and kill an alien with the welder, it doesn't give you credit for it, thats why it says that alien killed himself with it.

    And no, I dont know why its like this, but I'd have to either assume Flayra doesn't want the welder to become an actual weapon. The other is just that he didn't code it in, for which ever reason.
  • TychoCelchuuuTychoCelchuuu Anememone Join Date: 2002-03-23 Member: 345Members
    You know that vent thing on NS_Nancy that is really low down on the ground, and is lit by red lights and is just high enough for a crouched marine to get in? Well, I was carefully making my way through there with my shotty and heavy armor, moving much slower then I wished I would. I was switching my flashlight on and off every once and a while. Then I hear an alien, so I get to a dark spot, freeze, and turn off my flashlight. Of course, this doesnt work, and in short order a skulk flies up off the ladder into the vent and begins madly leaping for my face. When things like this hapens, my hand goes into a "twitchy" state, and it's really wierd because I always nail the guy dead on. So I immediately blow this skulk straight out of the air as he was 1 foot from my face. After I go into "twitchy" mode, I feel a bit drained for a second or two as my nerves recoup themselves. Right as I switch on my flashlight to continue, a lerk pops his head up, then down again. Off with the flashlight, whatever good it will do me. The lerk gets up, and knows exactly where I am (of course; I hide as well as a monkey in a padded room: badly). He has spikes out, and starts frantically firing then about, while moving rapidly towards me in the small passageway. He gets closer, and I can't move very fast, since a crouching heavy marine isn't very, uh, light on his feet. Er, knees. So the lerk figures he's close enough and pulls out bite. Bad move; now he is frantically scrambling too and fro, getting closer the whole time. Twitchy again; dead on hit with my shotty. But the lerk doesn't go down, and I'm pretty frazzed now. I spend another 6 shells, finally downing the thing. At one point, the only way I could tell where to shoot was the blood that came off from the last time I hit him.

    Tense. It also started my love affair with the shotgun, which is now my favorite.
  • GWARGWAR Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2297Members, Contributor
    Best kill ever, Aliens were losing i just respawned as Skulk, last hive was being gren spammed. I bolted through the vents, Server was lagging so the huge fields of sentry guns were easy to avoid, I made it to the marine base, and started to chew on the Command Console, Killed commander when he jumped out, I killed him in less than a second...
  • RotA_PlagueRotA_Plague Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6768Members
    I have a few good kills.

    First was mine as a heavy marine with a HMG. I was assaulting a hive(the map name escapes me). I only had one light marine with a LMG for backup. After I wasted all my ammo and taking damage from structures and such I had no armor left, and very little health. I requested for a health pack, nothing came... I sat there with no ammo just about to knife the hive my LMG friend is attacking then all of a sudden a Fade comes roaring in with claws blazing like fire. He rips up my LMG friend as he was reloading his ammo. I was all alone slow because of my HA(yet I no armor points, oh the irony) and had around 50 hp and a knife as the only weapon because my lack of ammo. He went blazing for me as I run toward him. A burst of lag makes us miss each other(yes I have no idea how, we just walked passed each other doing no damage during the lag. He is right next to the hive so I run in and *STAB* *STAB* *STAB* *STAB*and he is slashing away as I circle strafe him and then all of a sudden... His body falls to the floor!!! I killed him with my knife(even though it was alot more slashes then I said and alot of randomly running.. And guess what falls to the floor over his dead body, healthpacks and ammo(oh yes the irony of it all, I could of used that a half hour ago, bitching at commander time!!!)

    The second one went like this, I was defending a gorge that had 80 resources and we had 2 hives, I was only a skulk and if I had to fight something the only combat style I had to me was acting like a reskinned marine. Well we are getting close to the hive and guess what I hear catching up to us. It was 2 light marines with LMGs. I told the gorge "Quickly web this floor pannel and run, I'll distract them!!" He did so and ran franticly for his life(it is besides to point but a chubby little gorge running is funny to me). I leaped to the ceiling waiting and all of a sudden I hear *SLUG* *SLUG*. I fall down ripping them to pieces as sat there waiting to die.

    The third time was when I was sitting in a vent and I took down a heavy marine with ONLY parasite(though I think he took damage earlier).

    And the fifth happens constantly if you play with me(in game my name is "Vash"). I sit there as a cerety, regen, cloaked onos outside of marine base.. As soon as I get a big enough squad out I quickly elimnate them and rush in destroying their CC and really **obscenity** them off. (One time I destroyed their CC and the beat us by using extreme teamwork wipping out our hives plus they picked up the dropped HMGs of their friends and sacrificed their light marine lives for heavy marine lives! That is something I love to see extreme teamwork. Oh yeah we didn't destroy their spawn due to the dropped turrets the commander made with his last bit of life, that they built.)
  • Dru-DogmaDru-Dogma Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7202Members
    I love stalking as a skulk...

    One night on Tanith I was cloaked and standing in a corner as a marine ran by...he stopped, and you could kind of tell he "thought" he saw something, but he wasn't he's just standing there, looking right at my transparent body, when I leap out at him with xenocide activated....It was followed by a "Holy ***, don't scare me like that"

    God I love this game...
  • NullzeroNullzero Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 6968Members
    I remember an awesome multi-kill I got one time.

    I forget the name of the map, but it was the one with the Sewer, Ventalation System and I think the Generator.

    Anyway, I was a L3 cloaked Fade (no Bile Bomb), and was trying to take out some of Marines' (overpowered) turrets. But before I knew it, the previously empty place was now crawling with 3 enemy Heavy Armors. I thought for sure I was screwed, as I was out in the open, trying to get a good firing angle on those turrets.

    So I decided to try and hide with cloak... and it worked! They all looked around a bit, and then walked past me and into a very narrow pipe-way, trying to advance on our Sewer hive. I wanted to ambush them, but I wasn't quite sure how I was going to do it and still live, since there were 3 of them. Certainly couldn't claw them all... and Acid Bomb wouldn't be of much help against Heavy Armor... I thought I was SOL.

    But luckily, one of them started laying trip-mines all inside the pipe-way! Big mistake!! I waited until he had set about 4 mines, and I opened up with my Acid Bomb! <b>BOOM BOOM BOOM BOOM!!</b> The mines exploded and killed all 3 of the mofos!! And the crazy part is, it said *I* got all the kills... I thought maybe it was going to show a TK of some kind, but it actually showed "Nullzero [trip-mine icon] Enemy names here"... I was totally stoked.

  • Cypher_XCypher_X Join Date: 2002-08-26 Member: 1234Members
    edited November 2002
    Alright there's too many of you for me to even care about quoting. Anyway if you think all it takes for a marine to kill an alien is point and shoot... well stop living in some fantacy land. As FunkTheMunk said, there are some nice kills the marine can make. It's basically like saying that in games like CS and DoD there are absolutely NO amazing kills! ABSOLUTELY NON. Now is that true?! I don't think so. There have been lots of times a marine might have been up against immense odds, like 4-5 skulks chasing him down but he manages to survive. As well as killing 2 Onos. Who ever is stating its impossible to have any 'best kills ever' as a marine... well I guess all that goes through your mind is 'run shoot kill repeat'. I'm sure that'll get you far.

    I'll give you guys a second example. Remember this is not my BEST KILL EVER so thats why I did not post it before.

    I was left to defend a resource node with 3 turrets standing with me. All I had was an LMG and lvl3 armor. A lerk and a fade came by, who had a defensive chamber around the corner, and wanted that node. Lerk umbra'd the turrets and the fade came in following swiping at the turrets. Instead of shooting them right away(cause of umbra) I ran as fast as a scared **obscenity** marine could and around the corner. Right through the Umbra and past the 2 with taking minor damage. I noticed a DC there. So instead of continuing to run and reinforcing later I waited there for their return to heal. As soon as the fade came prancing around the corner to heal, a whole clip of LMG bullets tore him a few new holes. The Lerk was flying in just behind and thought(hey I'll use umbra and he wont be able to touch me.) Thing is he didn't expect me to run up to him, pull out my trusty knife and slash him dead in 1 swing.

    Quite the ambush for just a lonely marine who only knows how to shoot when he sees something move <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->

    [edit] I forgot to mention that this topic got a lot of posts fast. So I didn't see the marine kills before I started typing my messages.
  • Ablack_ratEAblack_ratE Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4759Members
    oh boy heres a good one. i was skulk with lev3 cloak on eclipse and i was on a big parasting kick. i would run into the marine spawn, hide and parasite em when they stepped off the portals. i was gigglin to myself the whole time as they stopped and look around for me. i dont think i ever this kind of rush playin a game. the whole aspect of sneakin around like that and hoping you dont getting caught is awesome. anyway i must have been there half the round cause i realized it we had 3 hives up. then i thought about evolving into an onos in their spawn. i didnt know you could gestate cloaked at the time so i debated it for awhile. then i realized i had to do it. it would be the perfect thing to brag about in a thread like this. so i scampered over by the commander and waited for the the next round of marines to spawn and leave. then i go for it. im waiting and they spawn in but dont see me! i was so friggin happy. after i evolved i waited for the next spawn let out a chuckle and then i went nuts. i never play onos cause im so bad at it and i only got 2 kills before dieng but the next thing is see on my screen is

    player4:holy shhhhhiiiiit

    i was so giddy.
    yah best kill ever.
  • MercenaryForHireMercenaryForHire Join Date: 2002-10-03 Member: 1410Members
    I've got two honourable mentions, and a winner. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='smile.gif'><!--endemo--> All Skulk, strangely ...


    First off, my first "Scary Kill". Skulk w/Cloak+Carapace+Celerity.
    Parked in a dark corner of the ceiling after the remains of a failed assault on a minibase by teammates. Out of the doorway runs a lone light Marine. Looks around and stands still.

    "Commander, I need a medpack."
    *MercenaryForHire chuckles*
    "Commander, I need ammo."

    Out of the darkness, a single Skulk comes flying in with a Leap to the head.
    *whap whap whap whap*
    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> killed <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->


    Second place goes to the stealthy slaughter of three marines. Same deal - hiding in a dark corner of the ceiling, waiting for a snack. This time, no Celerity - I decided to try out Silence. In comes a team of 3 Marines - two light, one heavy. Didn't see the weapons. After all three pace through and there's no sign of followers, I drop down from the ceiling in total silence.

    Hold down left mouse button, move forward.

    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> killed <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> killed <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> killed <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->


    And first place goes to one with fewer marine kills, but much more devestation and overall "HOLY $#@!" effect...

    Skulk in the endgame. Marines are turtled with the usual turret forest in their bases. We're harassing them with Fades from a distance with the occasional Onos charge. The base is a little damaged but still holding. After a quick respawn and Cloak/Celerity/Carapace combo, I head out to harass some CS players.

    When what do my wandering Skulk eyes spot? A phase gate below a tunnel. Convenient. I figure - hey, why not. This could be fun. Tee up the Xenocide, and trigger it while I'm falling into the gate.


    In the blink of an eye, a Skulk appears right in the middle of the Marine base. With about a second left on the Xenocide timer. I had just enough time to cozy up between two welding Marines and their respective structures - and Chuckle.


    Two Marines, an armoury, a turret factory, two turrets, and a phase gate go down.

    Marine 1: "WTF!"
    Marine 2: "OMG what happened?"
    Merc: "teh b00m. <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->"

    Best. Kill. Ever.

    - M4H
  • XtremeXXtremeX Join Date: 2002-10-30 Member: 1745Members
    My best kill was when I was a simple skulk, I think we only had to hives up because I could use leap but not xenocide. Anyway I had lvl 3 Cloak and redemption and I am I hanging out by a marine resource node. And suddenly I hear the chatter of some marines. Mostly, "I need Ammo" over and over. So I take my postion, right above the door and cloak. But as we all know when you cloak it makes a sound. I sat there and listened for footsteps and heard nothing. The I heard "Xenoform spotten", so I decided to play along and chuckled. At about that time another skulk comes into the room, and I tell him to get in to the other corner of the room. so he does and cloaks. Slowly three very cautious marines enter the room. They stopped right underneith me and looked around the room. I told mybuddy to chuckle as he did so. Hehehe I have never seen 3 marines spray that much ammo into a wall. They all reloaded and start to move towards the other skulk. So I chuckled, causing them once more to open fire. At this time my buddy quickly moved to another part of the room while they were distracted and cloaked. And once more chuckled, and as they fired randomly I quickly moved to a new spot. We did this for about a minute straight. Till the point where the commander was dropping a lot of ammo. So I told the guy we should attack, so we both chuckle at the same time sending the Marines into a fit of random firing once more. The as we heard the clicks of there rifles running out of ammo, we simply dropped down and ran over and chomped on some Marines <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • WaffleSpoonWaffleSpoon Join Date: 2002-01-30 Member: 133Members
    Ah, the cloaking ability.

    I was a Gorge on NS_Tanith at the doublenode close to marine spawn. There were already two node-thingies by marines set up n pumping, so I decided it was harmless for now. I put defence + movement chambers in the lil waterfall thing (that went unnoticed for the rest of the game thank you).

    Then I went on to build offence chambers all over the place to make em go online at the same time to oblitterate the resource collectors. Now, here came the problem... CLANK CLANK CLANK "need ammo" CLANK CLANK "proceed to your waypoint soldier, build construction at waypoint" CLANK CLANK"
    A HA marine with no ammo apparently and a welder.

    Fat smile on my lips.

    His buddies came along and fried all of my offence chambers but one. This was the first mistake this lone ranger did. He went at it with a welder. Sure enough, he killed it due to little health left on it.

    Then he proceeded with building a turret factory. My mind was set on kill, but I had not yet fully tested the capabilities of lvl3 cloak so I sat still and decided to play with this tasty tinfoil-wrapped snack.

    I popped up an offence chamber just behind him and he turned around and looked at it. He stood still for some time and I decided to help my little sludgeheap to grow, so I pressed E. The marine now walked towards it and started to attack it with the welder. The chamber died.

    Still, I did not move and this foolish marine started walking around, leaving the turretfactory uncompleted. He then walked ON TOP of me, by jumping in the belief that I was a thing belonging to the map! THEN HE SAT DOWN ON ME!

    by now I had started to laugh hard and pressed the voice comm "Marine sighted, help needed at double node". Then I popped out two more offence chambers to see what he would do. He just looked and then I tried to jump, he wouldnt move.. Then he attacked the chambers once again, this time I evolved into a skulk, chomped his whiskers of and finished him.

    It took around 2 minutes to play with this jarhead, and it was one of the most enjoyable times I've had in a computer game period.

    All hail, kharaa!

  • WardancerWardancer Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3609Members
    i have to great memories as a skulk....

    first off:

    Sitting in a dark corner (no cloak, jhad leap attack though) see a marine go in and using flashlight for cornes, i though ups no good hanging around her so i start leaping around lika crazy bouncing from the floor to the roof and over the walls, while the marines blaze with his lmg like crasr just hitting hard steel walls, then i hear the clik and i leap is face.


    In the rotaing airlock thingy, sitting cloacked in the corner see 5 marines go in, aparantly even the commander wen with them (kinda stupid but whatever), jsut whait untill the thing is half way round, I chuckle and 2 of em says Xenoform spotted, i activated my Xenocide and boom 5 kill for me =) the just "WTF", "OMG", "You scared the **obscenity** out me"

  • SuperMunchkinSuperMunchkin Join Date: 2002-09-28 Member: 1364Members
    I'm not sure if I can call this my best kill ever, but it was sure as heck satisfying.
    I'm an alien. Our last hive is under assult by 5 marines, who all appear to be wearing HA. They're standing in a hallway, firing at our hive as I respawn. I run up to the wall next to the door, none of them turn to shoot at me, so I assume they didn't see me.

    I closed my eyes and said a prayer, time for me to die. I run around the corner and act like a pinball, bouncing off one marine and to the next. 4 go down, I turn and jump at the last one and he dies. I don't know what their collective mindset was, but none of them shot me. I'm assuming they were wounded before hand, because HAs don't drop quite that easily.

    Another time I join a game 4v3- I even things up for the aliens and notice that all 3 of them are gorges. I sigh. I tramp around looking for marines and hop into a hive spot. I hear clinking and building. Sure enough 2 'rines are building turret factory, but silly enough not to have weapons ready. Chomp Chomp. For about 5 minutes I rushed this spot, killing marines and their buildings, dying, and doing it again.

    Collectively, the best kills are skulk kills. Marines just don't look up often enough.
  • DeadalouSDeadalouS Join Date: 2002-10-19 Member: 1553Members
    ive gotten 2 good kills lately... one of them being a multikill with xenocide....

    they were just rebuilding a little base and i flie out through a went beside them, activate the timer and GO SPLAT!!!! 4 marines dead and they all go lie, OMFG what was that!!!!!
    <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
    then there was the evil HA marine with trip mines... going around, i was a fade and didnt know that a bile bomb could blow up a mine... so when he went out of the area he was mining... i attack him, making him drawback under heavy machine gun fire, calling for his friends.... i advance slowly and see 3 ha marines now walking right beside the trip mines, so i think "hey i can atleast take away some armor points and retreat" so i fire a bile bomb and next thing, it all GOES BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!! and the 3 ha marines is gone.

    for that same reason i refuse to give my players trip mines for the late game now, they are just wasted rp..... or suicide weapons.... <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='sad.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • LegionnairedLegionnaired Join Date: 2002-04-30 Member: 552Members, Constellation
    Alright, I have a good marine one.

    Eclipse. It was mid to late game, and the aliens had just overrun our hold on the maintnance hive, and we had to take it back, or get screwed with Onos. The commander dropped 3 jetpacks, 2 HMG's, and a Grenade launcher for my teammates and I, and set a waypoint in maintnance.

    Now, they had a skulk that parasited one of our guys almost immediately after we opened the doors for our base, so we were marked men all the way there. One of the HMG guys diddn't check his part of the ceiling (I had the other HMG), and succumed to ca crazed skulk. Oh well.

    We took the high road into Maintnance, and overlooked the rescource tower, the building hive, and about 5 angry xenoforms. We both punched "enemy here," and my grenadier pumped all half-dozen shots into the hive, then pulled out his pistol to try to fend off a Lerk was making an attack run. It got him.

    So basicly, I'm all alone, in hostile territory, with 300 rounds of ammo left. The GL had fallen somewhere into the space below the hive, and I diddn't feel much like looking for it, given the circumstances, so I did the only thing I could think to do at the time....

    Follow my waypoint. I jumped off the ledge, and hit my jetpack, and then opened fire on the skulks on the floor... by the time my first clip ran out, I had killed about 5 of em, and pumped about 50 rounds into the hive. More aliens were coming in through every enterance.... and my ammo wouldn't last long. I reloaded in mid-flight, and with every round I had on my person in my firearm, began to fire in bursts at anything with more than two legs, all the while weaving about as much as possible in the air to stay off of the floor....

    My ammo dropped to zero, and set myself down on the hive, and began to knife it. Diddn't take long, it went down after a few slashes.

    Of course, now I had a real problem. I had about 25% jetpack energy left, and 20 shots for my pistol, and I had just killed the only thing that was supporting me, meaning I was about to fall 30 feet to my death.

    I dropped to the lower enterance, and used my remaining energy to slow my fall... All my energy was drained... and there were 2 more skulks coming at me from inside the room. I whipped out my sidearm, and started backpedaling to the door, desperately trying to get back to one of our forward bases.... reloaded... 9 shots left... 4.... 1....

    I fired my last round into a skulk about 2 feet in front of my face, killing him, but his buddy closed fast... I hit my jetpack, with what little energy it had, and tried to hit the ceiling...

    But I never did hit the ceiling. I hit another skulk dangling from the ceiling. I look up, and the last thing I see is his underbelly before I fade to black....

    But hey, we took the hive down, and killed about 10 aliens in the process.... a small price to pay for a few HMG's and a jetpack.
  • J2002RJ2002R Join Date: 2002-10-29 Member: 1694Members
    edited November 2002
    RIGHT in the beginning!! You run FAST!! To their second resource, the one they should/could/would cap after building up main base... I run up in the roof, and guess what, 10 seconds later I hear them coming, The whole team, 5 guys, althougth I didn't know this at the time, sadly I don't know the map name, anyway, I was waiting for them to start building and there is a desk/controlpannel just infront of the resource, cutting of the nonbuilding marines from the 2 guys who were, so I hear them welding, looking down at them... I deside to CHARGE! I jump down swift, noone noticed, I sliced the first one, and then the other one who was building, sadfly for another guy he walked in and was just about to begin building, I starteled him too, the other 2 guys opened fire on me, but the desk protected me, I ran around like crazy, finaly I get out of that, I find one guy with an EMPTY CLIP just moving around the desk, killing him charging for the last guy, I see how he pores the last shots at me, before it says click click, your time to die buddy, and then I sliced him... I got away with 10 hp!! I rapes a whole **obscenity** team! Omg. Is this good playing or what? Then I kept raping them, I got 7 - 0 and then 8 - 1 in scores, mwahahha. My finaly score was something like 34 - 20 (only cuz we had fun doing xenocide attacks at their main base as skulks, haha)
  • NordoNordo Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7372Members
    Early in the game, myself and the other skulks are hunting around the map for marines. All alone, I enter a large room and at the same time 2 marines come in from the opposite doorway. Bullets could cover that distance a lot faster than I can so I wimp the hell out of there with only half my life left. But I had to do something to stop the two marines from getting to our little mini expansion so I climb up the wall around the corner and wait. I almost thought they weren't going to show, but then I hear clang...... clang.... clang... and the marines come around the corner. It's a great feeling to watch opponents walk by your hiding spot, not knowing they're about to get bitten in half. I wish I could have seen their faces when I dropped down right on their heads, but seeing them spin madly in the narrow hallway, firing blind at the floor as I shredded them, was good enough.
    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo-->
    skulks are great
  • PiG_ShadowPiG_Shadow Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 5127Members
    Heh. I've had LOTS of fun kills in this game, I gotta say Xeno runs on heavily fortified spawn points are one of the funnest, but I've come up with a new evil trick as a Skulk on... ahh, I don't know mapnames. It's the one with the Holoroom. NS_hera I think. Anyway. we started with the hive right next to the Holoroom, and I found out that there's a little vent just outside the holoroom that leads RIGHT into the marine Spawn. You have to bite down a grate, but that's no real problem. During that game I became the terror of the vent. First thing I did was bite out the grate, then popped into the marine spawn and _killed their whole team_ as they were trying to build. Ended the round pretty fast. Next round I tried the same thing, but this time some marines were waiting for me. :( So, I just hid in the vent, watching their base. The vent is right on the floor, and has some debris in front of it, so it's pretty hard for marines to see into it, but I was spotted once or twice. Unfortunatly for the marines, that vent was built for skulks. You see, right back from the exit into the marine spawn, it does a little "s" turn up. Kinda like this: _|- So I just retreated to the higher ledge, waited for a marine head to pop into sight, and bit it off. Two marines met their deaths before they decided to abandon the vent. Unfortunatly for them, I stuck around, and, seeing no one in their base, and knowing that marine turrets have problems tracking Skulks (in case no one has realized this yet, it's entirely possible to take out 2-3 turrets as a skulk. Just circle-strafe like mad. You may die once or twice, or not at all if you heal, but those turrets WILL go down) I popped out the vent, ran along the wall, did a quick vertical u-turn into the commander's little alcove, opened the door to his CC chamber, and started biting like mad. Got it to half health before a returning marine toasted me. Returning to my vent, I waited until the coast was clear, and did another mad dash for the CC. This time they had a turret outside it, but I hit the button and dashed inside the CC before the turret even hit me. Door closed, turret can't shoot through it, time for some Marine-in-a-Can. Destroyed their CC. After that is was simply a matter of destroying what turrets they had left in their base. They never even got HMGs, and lost what shotties they had pretty fast. Ahhh, poor marines, thinking turrets will keep out aliens. Don't you know turrets are just there to provide us with amusment?

    [PiG] Shadow
  • GingerGinger Join Date: 2002-08-01 Member: 1043Members
    edited November 2002
    my best kill was when i killed a onos with a LMG and some help with some mines! it was so funny i was running around the onos so i could not get a clear shot and if it did it did do much damage (heavy armour) I LOVE THIS GAME <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • charles_darwincharles_darwin Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7428Members
    Dude. Nice kill. Once i knifed an Onos. Now thats a feat i will always remember. Something ill tell to my kids. I KNIFED A **obscenity** BULL MOOSE THAT **obscenity** ANOTHER ELEPHANT!
  • flack70flack70 Join Date: 2002-11-06 Member: 7359Members
    My best kills happened last night as a skulk of course.
    I do not know the name of the map offhand, is the one with the mess hall.
    I was creeping around as a skulk, as the game had just started a few minutes before, and went around a corner to a door near the enemy command post. I opened the door only to find a lerk flying towards me and bullets dinging about after him. He yelled into the voice com to watch out, and i run back around the corner and go up to the ceiling. The lerk got through and the door closed. He took up position watching the door.

    Soon enough the door opened and he shot a few spikes and then ran down the hallway. I patiently waited for my prey to come around the corner. I saw a marine come into view, and of course he didnt look up... then another one... and another one. until there were five marines in a group. They took off down the hallway after the lerk, but the last marine held back a little. As he passed me I jumped down and killed him with a couple bites. The next person up the line heard me and fired a few shots back at me, but I ran back around the corner to the door, opened it, then backtracked a little and went back up to a corner near the ceiling. I heard the marine reload and come back, go right to the door (of course thinking I went through it), and press the button. Didn't take long to come up behind him and kill him as well.

    I immediately ran back down the hallway and came up behind a marine that was shooting at the lerk. He didn't even know what hit him. Apparently the lerk had taken one of the other marines, leaving just one. Both of us just swarmed him, he didn't stand a chance. Definately the most fun I've had playing this game yet.. nothing really compares to taking out a whole squad of marines as two aliens, and I didn't even get hit once.

    <!--emo&::skulk::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='skulk.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo--> <!--emo&::asrifle::--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='asrifle.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • ViolenceJackViolenceJack Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 5624Members
    Its easy to find some alien cloaked, especialy a Onos. A name just pops up in the middle of no where then ya just unleash on it <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • SnappleSSnappleS Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9073Members
    My best kill (really kills) ever in one spawn were:

    <u>KNIFED</u> an already half-dead Onos.
    HMG'd 2 fades. (this ran me out of hmg ammo)
    LMG'd 8 skulks. (was right in front of armory for reloads)
    Pistol'd a Gorg. (damn that thing is accurate)

    I did this ALL in one spawn, let me remind you...and I didn't get any extra health during combat at any time.
  • ZaurokZaurok Join Date: 2002-11-17 Member: 9049Members
    Well, today I barely escaped with my life after charging the human base with my fade. At the last second I blinked behind the off/def chambers [while a marine was shooting at me] to notice I was down to 1 HP!

    Another time I suicidly attacked a hive they just got back. Killed the first gorge with my LMG then click click "Oh **obscenity**!" [note: 2-3 offence chambers shooting at me so I don't have the time to reload]. Gotta think fast so I pull out my pistol and empty my first clip into the 2nd gorge then I though to myself: "No way I'm gonna reload and die! That last gorge MUST die!" So I pull out my knife and chase the gorge to his death before I succumb to the towers. 2 gorge dead, one with lmg and the other with my knife! :o)

    Was sweet to be rambo for 5 seconds. :o)
  • Paranoia2MBParanoia2MB Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7832Members
    My best kill/kills was when I was the only fade left with lvl 3 regen/cloaking (or lvl2). And then we had one hive left.

    So I got lucky and had was great..slashing a HA-HMG and him not knowing wtf is going on and bombing a base with acid was fun..until somehow a guy killed me with a GL from a set of grenades that were about 50 yards away from me =\
  • Paranoia2MBParanoia2MB Join Date: 2002-11-09 Member: 7832Members

    Also one of best kills was when I was playing as a skulk on Eclipse..and I was at the one resource tower that is in a set of corridors and u go down a small ramp to get to it..anyways..i think they had the HMG guns.

    So I see two of them and I was quickly able to take down one because he was building. Then I go after the 2nd guy who was building but he's winning because he is in a better area...i quickly scamper up into the red vents..wait..and jump back out and try again..that fails, but now we are both on our toes waiting for each other..then as i'm back in the vents..i see 2 other exits and i see him walk right by them..i totally forgot about those exits when i took a mental note of them before ..anyways...i see the 2 vent exits which are covered by wire sprites and as his right side is facing me.

    I jump right out and bite-bite-bite he dies. we both share a laugh and he says "where the (something) did you come from?" i told him and the we shared another laugh - lol
    great times hehe
  • Kung_FoolKung_Fool Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 4092Members
    One of my better kills was probably yesterday. I was a fade with cloaking and regen, walking through the map hoping to take out a marine outpost when I came near the sewer hive. There was a farm of turrets and a marine guarding it, so I threw everything I had at him. Unfortunately, he was quite good. I retreated and the marine was pursuing me, firing random shots at me which miraculously didn´t hit me. I ran for my live, running through some corridors, and the marine was still behind me. I rounded a corner... dead end! "Well, it´s a major longshot, but what the heck!" I thought, getting at the end of the hallway hoping that I could cloak before he saw me. I made it just in time. He walked by, glanced at me, fired a few shots in there and walked away. I sighed in relief and now it was me pursuing him, slowly regenerating. At one point he stopped, turned around and looked straight into my face, and I simply couldn´t resist to chuckle before ripping him to pieces. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='tounge.gif'><!--endemo-->

    Aaaaaah... gotta love those situations...
  • Teufel_EldritchTeufel_Eldritch Join Date: 2002-01-28 Member: 124Members
    Marines mined thier base exit. As some Marines were in thier exit doorway I launched bile bombs at the mines. BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMM! 6 dead Marines.
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