How To Change Fades



  • SwiftspearSwiftspear Custim tital Join Date: 2003-10-29 Member: 22097Members
    <!--QuoteBegin-Lawpark+Jan 29 2005, 02:30 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>QUOTE</b> (Lawpark @ Jan 29 2005, 02:30 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'><!--QuoteEBegin--> I have been playing for a long time, at least 2 years, ever since 1.03

    <b>Above all, I want to thank the NS <i>moderaters and developers </i>for their dedication and hard work. I also want to thank the community for being as awesome as it is.</b> <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    As being a loyal follower of the series, I would like to (finally?) add my 2 cents as to how to tweak this wonderful game. Please note this is just my humble opinion, as a player. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->

    <u><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Aliens</u>:</span>

    small and fast killing machines, and that they are well. I was wondering what you would think about adding something to "slow down" a skulk once it was hit by a bullet. Simular to how CS movement slower (but not as extreme) when you are hit by a bullet. I offer this suggestion because if you think about it, skulks are small, like a big cat or a small dog, they could not take 5 bullets head on and keep running at you full speed.

    <b>Gorges:</b> <!--emo&::gorge::--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='pudgy.gif' /><!--endemo-->
    Cute, loveable little fellows finally got their spit acidy enough... I say well done!
    Perfect, they are fast, deadly, and require skill to use properly. Perhaps a slight armor increase to say 40.

    the powerhorse, do all, kill everything, destroy everyone, get in and get out monster. I know they have been tweaked and messed with so much, it seems difficult to really find the best balance, before they had too little health, now it seems they have too much! I think if you just make blink move fades a little slower and up the acid rocket damage (hey spit does more...). Also you may want to take gravity into consideration for blink, as it is more efficent to blink straight up than just in the direction you want. (will also evade more bullets)

    I think they are finally tweaked to be perfect. Good job.

    <u><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>Marines</u>:</span>

    I consistently find that using a shotgun is way more powerful and useful against the hive in combat than a GL is, and I am not sure if this is how it was intended. Maybe the GL should have a 1.3x - 1.7x modifier against structures?

    My only other gripe is the armor, I feel that armor 3 should protect against more than 2 focus hits personally, because there really is no significant justification for getting armor3 compared to armor2 <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
    This whole post is all wrong.

    <b>Skulks:</b> ok this part wasn't wrong, except I don't think the movement changes you suggest should happen unless the knockback can be tweaked properly so it acctually KNOCKS BACK skulks (read retreating skulks wouldn't lose speed as bullets hit thier backside, that just makes no sense at all)

    <b>Gorge:</b> ok... acctually this part isn't all that wrong either...

    <b>Lerks:</b> The only problems with the lerks are related to thier flight mechanics. I would much rather see those improve then some slapdash attempt to have the comunity ignore the problem by dropping extra armor on the thing and saying "hey, you can live longer now! Ignore the fact that the way the thing flies sucks!". Lerk flight mechanics are alot better then they were 2.0, but there is still some good room for improvements. As it is the lerk is frigging deadly anyways, if you think otherwize you have niether faced good lerks or lerked half decently yourself, the thing would just be invincible with cara if extra armor was added.

    <b>Fades:</b> Add a quarter second delay before the blink acctually kicked in and the whole "fade has too much health" issue dissapears compleatly. Quarter second might not sound like alot, but trust me, it is. Acid rocket is terrible right now, problem is, tweak it much and it becomes too powerful for base smashes in NS mode. My creative solution? some sort of specialized damage, a little like spore... except I wouldn't remove damage from HA and structures compleatly. up the damage unil it is about 4/3 of what it is right now, and then make it do half to strucutures and 3/4 to HA. That way fades can seriously harrass an incoming marine team if the marines were dumb enough to let them have hive three, but they still don't take away the basesmasher role of the onos, plus the ability gains a use worth the 2 point cost in CO mode again.

    <b>Onos:</b>The thing that is obviously wrong with the onos is that charge is absolutly useless except for a once in a blue mood chance at chargedevouring an HA in a turtled up base, or on co with plugins that allow you to exploit the fact that charge becomes invincible when it doesn't cost any adrenelin. WE ARE TALKING ABOUT THE ONOS HERE! THE ALPHA BASESMASHER ELITE!!! WHY DOES HIS HIVE 3 WEAPON ACCTUALLY CRIPPLE IT'S ABILITY TO SMASH BASES?!? If the alien team has hive three and onos, most likely it has some base smashing to do, so why does charge suck up all the adreniline you need to gore structures down? Charge needs to be replaced with an ability that is acctually useful.

    <b>Marines:</b>You haven't considered classic NS at all in this part, this part just sucks. The shotgun and GL should be tweaked... the best set of tweaks I have seen so far for this was suggested by Dragonmech, and can be found <a href='' target='_blank'>here</a>. The armor thing is just ludicrous. 3 focus bites is all but impossible to land on an LA marine, and such a requirement would just screw over the aliens compleatly in classic mode play. Armor 3 is for heavy armors, and JPs that will need to be dealing with alot of xenociding and spores as they assult the hive. With armor 1, one far off xeno or one spore, and you are back to dying in one hit from focus, at armor 2 you have a fair bit of room to breathe if you get resupply with it, at armor 3 with resupply you can take a whole standard skulk bite, and if your resupply kicks in it will STILL take a focus skulk 2 bites to kill you. I don't know about you, but that is alot of room to breathe, and should do you fine if you grab a shotty in decent enough time. Armor is fine for marines.
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