Connecting/modem Problems

Zz_GashiZz_Gashi Join Date: 2003-10-13 Member: 21670Members
Just 2 days ago, I was starting to get connection problems in HL, which rarely happens without reason anymore, it's always just either the server dies or everybody gets a big ping spike.

I passed it off to lag for a while, then I figured somthing was happening to me for this to happen, now I've noticed it happens more and longer, makes HL unplayable and the connection light goes out during the big ones.

I'm curious if that sounds anything like a DoS attack because of <a href='' target='_blank'>this</a>.
It happens more the more I'm using the `net it seems, and the data light flashes alot more than usual.

Soyo KT400 Dragon Ultra
AMD Athon XP 2800+
3Com Home Connect Cable Modem

-E- This isn't HL specific, it's just 30x more noticable.


  • ThansalThansal The New Scum Join Date: 2002-08-22 Member: 1215Members, Constellation
    1) google, download, install, update, and run these programs:
    AVG (free virus scanner)
    Spy Bot S&D (malware scanner)
    AdAware (malware Scanner)

    2) If you don't have a hardware firewall (router) I would suggest it

    3) contact 3com
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