Is Ns Really Skill?
Join Date: 2004-02-16 Member: 26592Members

Something has been worying me for a while...ok here goes.
I fear that most good players are about the same level and that no one can really tell who's the best because luck plays a too big influence.
Like a lot of players out there, my aiming of the graphics I see is spectacular, at least 85-90 percent of accuracy. Either marines or aliens, I hardly ever miss from what I see in my screen.
The problem is, players aren't always where the other players see them and I'm sure of it because sometimes I have to miss on purpose (or not) to kill. It must be like that for most players.
From little I know what influences that is ;
-Pc (hardware)
-Config files
I often feel like a walking, ****, killing machine. Like everyone seems to be missing me and I can bite from 10 ft away.
Or, I can kill 4 skulks with one lmg clip but my aim isn't so good.
Other times, I feel like having blessed godlike skills from what I see in my screen and being so damn smart but I can't kill nothing. Like if I had rubber bullets or my hit box is twice bigger than normal.
Most of the time, the players with the best score just seem to have more evasion, without denying that some players do have more skill.
A skillfull player is easely detectable just by looking at the way he moves and thinks ahead.
My rates seems fine, especially that I must of read at from least 50 different site how to adjust it. I get no loss, hardly no choke, 80-90 fps constant, highess speed internet for a house, a good pc, etc.
So, am I the only one that feels that luck plays a big factor when a high level of skill is reached?
Or like power is just a setting/config away?
Do you get 50-5 and 5-22 the next game like me?
Discuss and share your experiences, and hope one day, skill will be the only power!
P.S. If you never had any problems like those plz don't reply, you must of been lucky at every second of your life, some ppl are just like that, trust me : \
I fear that most good players are about the same level and that no one can really tell who's the best because luck plays a too big influence.
Like a lot of players out there, my aiming of the graphics I see is spectacular, at least 85-90 percent of accuracy. Either marines or aliens, I hardly ever miss from what I see in my screen.
The problem is, players aren't always where the other players see them and I'm sure of it because sometimes I have to miss on purpose (or not) to kill. It must be like that for most players.
From little I know what influences that is ;
-Pc (hardware)
-Config files
I often feel like a walking, ****, killing machine. Like everyone seems to be missing me and I can bite from 10 ft away.
Or, I can kill 4 skulks with one lmg clip but my aim isn't so good.
Other times, I feel like having blessed godlike skills from what I see in my screen and being so damn smart but I can't kill nothing. Like if I had rubber bullets or my hit box is twice bigger than normal.
Most of the time, the players with the best score just seem to have more evasion, without denying that some players do have more skill.
A skillfull player is easely detectable just by looking at the way he moves and thinks ahead.
My rates seems fine, especially that I must of read at from least 50 different site how to adjust it. I get no loss, hardly no choke, 80-90 fps constant, highess speed internet for a house, a good pc, etc.
So, am I the only one that feels that luck plays a big factor when a high level of skill is reached?
Or like power is just a setting/config away?
Do you get 50-5 and 5-22 the next game like me?
Discuss and share your experiences, and hope one day, skill will be the only power!
P.S. If you never had any problems like those plz don't reply, you must of been lucky at every second of your life, some ppl are just like that, trust me : \
Yep, that's me, all the time. Nothing to do with rates though; I think it has more to do with my focus. One game I'm totally into it, do really game I get cocky or something and die horribly. And the hitboxes can still be sketchy sometimes: shotgun to the skulk's (apparently indestructible) face, anyone?
A player that listen to the commander a plays as a team to help win the game is better than any non-team player with 90 percent aim.
But score is fun for quick self-esteem, but winning the game because of team play is refreashing!
well it also kinda depends if the gods of windows ME + 56.k + 384 mb are willing to let me do decent.
I've learned how to fight while in terrible lag, and do decent...
It's fun shooting 4 feet infront of a skulk, and waiting a second, and then getting the shotgun kill, or running around and going 1v1 and lagging in the middle, and still managing to bite where the rine will be >_<
On aliens, I can excell as a skulk when I get celerity fast. I can go into a group of marines and somehow kill 4-5 of them just running around insanely and biting everything. Of course, in bad games like the one I describe above in my marine experiences this never happens, I always end up getting plastered against the wall by a marine, no chance at all.
So I would say its largely based on the actual skill of your opponents.. your <i>perception</i> of their skill.. and the strategic/tactical advantage one team has over the other(I.e stacked map, early good luck for one team in CO resulting in biased level average, and so forth).
But... I am just saying what I think here, take it with a grain of salt.
And mustang, if only 30% of your shots hit, then from my experience playing against you I would be fearful if you ever achieved 50-60% shots hitting. In a pub at least you never seemed to have trouble pasting the skulks all over the walls in CO.
Your probably right, which leads me to;
Could'nt rates be inacessable client side and let steam handle it?
Before you start a game, steam checks your connection and adjusts everyone to the same "level". And maybe could refreash when you die, or change map.
It's a long shot, but if that would work, it would be great for every ns players.
Exept the ones that use their rates to have an advantage over other players.
Unfair advantages suck, unless marine didnt do nothing to prevent 3 hives!
Btw annoying kid, I like your DDR rabbit! (Hope it's a rabbit)
But it's not like I care while playing NS maps. As long as my team fights and I'm able to contribute, then it's a good day.
for me, it was mostly dependent on whether my brother was using the internet or not.
it also depended on the team i was on.
I am an alien****.
as my former clan leader (clan died ages ago <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad-fix.gif' /><!--endemo--> ) put it, i specialized in the "leghump of death"
E.g. dieing to the same rine 6 times in a row is really really bad for your ego.
Although killing him 8 times in a row the next round made up for it.
Can you define skill?
Is rushing the main route on daimos wihteout meeting a singel rine and then feeding on the 2 idlers left in MS luck? Maybe its fate? Maybe its skill?
Tbh: Who cares? Play the game and enjoy it. As long as you play smarter than your enemies you should have a lot of statisfying moments. And remebmer knowledge is power so be wise and choose sof <!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
A player that listen to the commander a plays as a team to help win the game is better than any non-team player with 90 percent aim.
But score is fun for quick self-esteem, but winning the game because of team play is refreashing! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
You fail at irony 101.
<span style='font-size:21pt;line-height:100%'><b>YES</b></span>
Exactly how you put it, in fact. Now I'm off to read the rest of the topic and edit in what I missed.
These people are saying what I would say if I had more time to spare tonight to write it.
In closing: You will never know how far your luck will take you until you start pushing it.
A player that listen to the commander a plays as a team to help win the game is better than any non-team player with 90 percent aim.
But score is fun for quick self-esteem, but winning the game because of team play is refreashing! <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
rofl that's funny
anyways, part of being good is being consistant. If you only get kills sometimes, then it probably means you just go on random lucky streaks. Also, if you can kill 4-5 marines as a skulk... well there's no excuse for that, sounds like the people on that server were total **** and you should find another server to play on.
About people being luckier than they are skilled at higher levels, what this guy is saying about consistency is key to understanding a certain viewpoint, IMO. If you're just a random streaker, it isn't the same, apparently, as REEEEAL skill. With a nasal whine on the REEEEAL. But no okay seriously consistency > other measures of skill. I'd rather KNOW than JUST HOPE I can ace half the fades on the server with only one guy as backup or GET LUCKY and kill sixteen consequetive attackers.
Other than that, consistency is a joke, we're only human. At least I am. REPTOIDS.
Also Squishy is being very specific with his numbers. Those sound just about right. I think most people's apparent skill vs actual skill varies so much because people like that, people like me, aren't constantly adjusting their own play style to the enemy. I know that's my problem. I don't even care, I'll ineptly bhop around like a stupid pubber and just go right for the face every time unless I feel like mixing it up at all, and the only reason I get streaks doing it is because rushing is all I play NS for anymore. It's my 'hey lets run into enemy territory and see how many we can bag without undue hesitation' game. And it satisfies like Snickers.
doesn't work well on a blue background it seems
Someone call me back when this topic results in perfect rates for everyone, I've been curious.
In the new [I AM] ns classic server I get a ping of about 9. I shoot and bite so fast half my shots and bites aren't even drawn. But man do they register. Moving and shooting faster than everyone else wins games, teamwork or no.
If you could find a way to duplicate that sort of performance with your 60 or 80 ping you get in most servers...