Kharaa Start, 3 Hives In 5 Minutes
Join Date: 2002-11-02 Member: 3858Members, NS1 Playtester

This is strategy I'v found most effective:
the most important thing to note is <b>more gorgs you have, the slower each gorg receives resources</b> ... 2 gorgs = 2x times slower resource gaining for each of them. So the strategy should be:
- in the begging just 1 gorg, no more! Just to build 1-3 resource towers and advance to next hive (building res. towers on the way)
- other teammates just go to skuls and try to slow down marines (or ideally take down infrantry portal etc.)
- when 2nd hive is started, 1-2 teammates to gorgs, to total 1-3 gorgs (depends on server size and map) building more resource towers if they can or offense/defense chambers .. When 2nd hive is grown up teammates upgrade to fades/lerks and should be able to tear up even heaviest marines (lerk's umbra/fade combo is just cool for taking them down)
- original gorg is advancing to 3rd hive and starting it just few moment after he arrives (this happends before 2nd hive is completed)
This way it's possible to have all 3 hives standing with 3x3 upgrade chamers ready in something like 5 minutes. Ofcourse other teammates with skuls must push marines hard not allowing them to get to hive..
So to sumarize it:
<b>1 and no more gorg in the begging</b> is a must, <b>no offense chambers or other resource wasting until 2nd hive is started</b>.. (before that time skuls must protect res chambers and hives and they should handle it..)
the most important thing to note is <b>more gorgs you have, the slower each gorg receives resources</b> ... 2 gorgs = 2x times slower resource gaining for each of them. So the strategy should be:
- in the begging just 1 gorg, no more! Just to build 1-3 resource towers and advance to next hive (building res. towers on the way)
- other teammates just go to skuls and try to slow down marines (or ideally take down infrantry portal etc.)
- when 2nd hive is started, 1-2 teammates to gorgs, to total 1-3 gorgs (depends on server size and map) building more resource towers if they can or offense/defense chambers .. When 2nd hive is grown up teammates upgrade to fades/lerks and should be able to tear up even heaviest marines (lerk's umbra/fade combo is just cool for taking them down)
- original gorg is advancing to 3rd hive and starting it just few moment after he arrives (this happends before 2nd hive is completed)
This way it's possible to have all 3 hives standing with 3x3 upgrade chamers ready in something like 5 minutes. Ofcourse other teammates with skuls must push marines hard not allowing them to get to hive..
So to sumarize it:
<b>1 and no more gorg in the begging</b> is a must, <b>no offense chambers or other resource wasting until 2nd hive is started</b>.. (before that time skuls must protect res chambers and hives and they should handle it..)
We actually did this in one of the gamearena servers, 8 of us went skulks and raided the marine base (but this was second time around, so they were ready with turrets and stuff so no easy win) and eventually just camped outside killing anything that ventured out..
So it was all going good, and we were building our 3rd hive when suddenly a group of 10 marines came out with HMG and heavy armour and grenades came out and killed us ! That was alright, we were kinda expecting that.. then they (group) proceeded to hole up a hive with turrets, so we went to attack their base, 15 turrets ffs ... so, the game kinda went down from there..
i suppose if we went ur strategty with only 1 gorge rather than 2, we could have won.. but first need a couple of good mates to work with (not to mention after exams) and really hone this strategy!
Your strategy is good, the only problem is it doesn't specify what resource strategy to use. Should the skulks hit the marine base exclusively? Should they focus on taking out marine expansions? Should they defend alien expansions?
Personally I think attacking the marines' resources would work best. The marines would then spend their resources on defence, and most of them won't make headway into alien territory while they're building or standing guard. Their base, on the other hand, would be more heavily defended and further from your hive(s).
which is, of course, not true. (comparing lv1 and pv2). People always get mad and leave because they can't kill marines with the gorge's spit attack. I keep telling them to stay skulk and ambush, but they just don't understand...
when marines have turrets and base is well defended just attack expansion killing building marines and slowing then down, draining resources ..
when something is under attack, just use wallhack and get there... marines needs some time to destroy resource kharaa tower in the beginning.