-[ttg]- Recruiting Experienced Players ..//..

ZammaZamma Join Date: 2004-05-04 Member: 28458Members, Constellation
<div class="IPBDescription">..inside</div> <span style='font-family:Arial'><span style='font-size:14pt;line-height:100%'>The Terrible Gorges (-[ttg]-) are now recruiting:</span></span>

If you are/will:

<span style='color:red'>Experienced in playing NS.</span>
<span style='color:red'>Are in the EUROPEAN AREA.</span>
<span style='color:red'>Good at teamwork</span>
<span style='color:red'>Active and get involved</span>
<span style='color:red'>Enjoy the company of playing with a team</span>

-[ttg]- Is a clan setup in 2003 and strived for a while in CAL. Unfortunately due to LAG from there overseas servers we left CAL more experienced than ever.

Recently some of our top players have left for university and no longer active. This means we need new great active players.

If we can get about 3 more active members we will rejoin a Europian League again.

We have practices about 4 times a week, with matches about once a week.

We have a hosted server wich is FUN and stuff always nice after playing a seriouse match.

And we are also recently getting donations for a seriouse Standard Server for more advanced players.

We recruit any age aslong as your good and listen.

We dont recruit poor, non-teamwork, immature, players...

We also have a clan ally [DFA] who we like to "hang" with.

TTG have their own IRC, SITE, FORUMS, SERVER and VENTRILO. Meaning we are always intouch. (most of us use MSN or ICQ aswell)

In our clan we dont just play ns we also do other things:

We have 3 Great mappers ( Captscum, Snake_ub, and Darkfighter)
and 2 quite experience AMX coders
and some very good graphics designers making the clan spirit even more intresting.

Our site: www.theterriblegorges.org.uk
My MSN: gmgibbons@hotmail.com

More info:

every week we have a fun night hosted by the all great jigglebug. She runs it every saturday and the pubbers and clan just hang around mucking around and having fun. Its a great chance to meet people and play ns.

We like to be a give in clan - and take out clan. Like wat we do is we share experience.

Zamma learns to bhop -> He shows Sparro (another member) -> Sparro shows oi!

and there fore we have teamwork and friendship wich stregnthen us.

www.theterriblegorges.org.uk sign up to forums and post in signup form or add me to MSN.

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