Sensory chambers sight?

PriNcE_oF_SpAcEPriNcE_oF_SpAcE Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3392Members
<div class="IPBDescription">Plz explain...</div>manual description:

Function: any hostiles a sensory chamber can "see" are added to the Hive Sight. Placed strategically they have turned many marine surprise assaults into costly ambushes. Sensory Chambers also "stain" any hostile that touches them, adding them permanently to hive sight (just as the parasite ability does).


the "see" puzzles me...does the sensory chamber pick up enemy activities in and area of radius or does the marines that the sensory chamber warn about(enemy approaches) have to be in the sensory chambers line of sight?

if it's the last how long is the sensory view range? and also if it's the last I think this renders them somewhat useless...since it would be much more effective if the sensory chamber warned about enemy presence BEFORE the marines would reach the base/sensory chamber so that the aliens could establish counter attacks(if working together properly and responding to the warning quick enough) this way you could set up a erimeter of sensory chambers that would warn about enemy presence and if responded to would survive(read: if enemy has to be in line of sight the sensory chamber will most likely be shot to pieces...rendering it useless since you could just aswell have placed a offensive chamber and simply respond to the chamber under attack warning)


  • RokiyoRokiyo A.K.A. .::FeX::. Revenge Join Date: 2002-10-10 Member: 1471Members, Constellation
    Just like everything else about the alien team, sensory chambers are best used if you are trying to outsmart the marines.

    Place them in dark places, around blind corners or in little nooks and crannies where they wont be spotted but they still have a good view.

    Placing them in dark places and in little nooks and crannies works well because they can warn you whenever marines pass by. You can use this to locate and halt incoming marines assaults (in my limited experience, it seems MUCH easier to kill marines inbetween bases, before they reach hives...)

    Placing them around blind corners is more than just whacking them next to a corner and hoping for the best. The whole idea is to get a marine in a hurry accidentally bumping into one. At the bottom of ladders, underneath vent exits (if the marines have been using the vents), basically anywhere the marine is likely to land on it or back into it is ideal. If there is an area with some heavy fighting going on, and you notice there is one little area where marines always hide while reloading, then you have found another ideal place to put sensory chambers!
  • PriNcE_oF_SpAcEPriNcE_oF_SpAcE Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3392Members
    this should proabbly be a whole other thread but I think I'll bring it up anyways....I think it would be cool(although I don't know how hard it would be to code...but again seeing what the devs. managed so far it doesn't seem  like a problem)alien structures could be build on any surface(read: walls and cielings) since this would make it much easier to "outsmart the marines" it is now it's quite difficult to place a structure somewhere were it wouldn't get noticed because you can only build on the ground(ok high grounds some places but..) and there isn't really many really really dark places where you can hide huge things such as chambers....

    it would be cool if for example you could build a sensorychamber(or offense  for that matter)  on a high ceiling...this would warn you of enemy presence with a lot bigger chance that the marines wouldn't notice the chamber....and still it wouldn't really be unbalanced since the gorge player would still have to actually get to the place....changing to skulk or lerk to get to a plateau where he could change back to gorge and build on ceilings(I've done this before...but only being able to build on flat horizontal surfaces hinder it's effectiviness

    also this could solve the curently unbalanced offense chamber since it would be much easier/effective to trap your enemies in the web/offense chamber it would make it harder for marines to just lay don't a blanket of grenades to clear an alien base or out post(since grenades don't stick to walls or the ceiling but drop to the ground)

    oh and it wouldn't really destroy the feel of the game or the story since those chambers already look like something that could stick to any surface and it wouldn't seem "lame"...and again to execute it you would need a gorge who know what he is he'll probably have to evolve to skulk or lerk to get to many of the places...
  • LaserApaLaserApa Join Date: 2002-10-27 Member: 1638Members
    I really like that idea... OC's hanging from the celings..

    would have to give gorge wallclimbing ability though and that couldnt hurt

    makes sense but might "unballance the game" if it really is as ballanced as they say it will be when they get the patch out...

    well see about that..
  • PriNcE_oF_SpAcEPriNcE_oF_SpAcE Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3392Members
    you don't need to give gorge wall I've said I've done this before to build buildnigns places that gorges normally wouldn't get to....change to lerk or skulk briefly to get to a plateu where u can change back....also not giving gorge wallclimb puts a natural limitation to the places(read: abusing the ability to build on all surfaces) where he can build is possible for some of the plateus and high places in the game to still being able to build on wall and ceilings(if it was possible)

    also not giving gorge wallclimbing...requires for the alien team to have talented(and creative) gorge players , plus the resources needed to evovle...which automatic would make up for the effectiviness of being able to build on any surface
  • VisserVisser Join Date: 2002-11-03 Member: 6613Members
    I defintly like this idea. But how are you planning to build on the roof (ie of a coridoor) if a gorge and wallclimb or evolve from skulk to gorg attacked to the roof?
  • PriNcE_oF_SpAcEPriNcE_oF_SpAcE Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 3392Members I said you need to find a plateu to while evolving and enough room....but this only makes an natural limitation to where you can make the wall/ceiling buildings....

    but if it's not too hard for the devs to could prolly do so that you don't have to evolve on "flat ground" after all those eggs look like they could stick to anything...just like the buildngs...

    as for placing structures in the ceiling...if yo first get to a plateu or can just point to the ceiling or walls(provided they're close enough) and start buildng....u just have to be talented and creative to figure out where you can place chambers...(I've belive I've already seen a lot of placeswhere this can be done)
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