Kharra Upgrades
Join Date: 2004-10-05 Member: 32107Members

<div class="IPBDescription">What do you use for each one?</div> I was curious what upgrades you use for each Kharra species. Here's my favorites:
-Scent of Fear
I pick celerity because it's easier to get to marines. SoF to find lone marines and set up an ambush. Regeneration for after that poor rine is dead.
-Scent of Fear
Celerity from running away from rines (I'm not a good combat gorge). Scent of fear to avoid rines. Redemption incase one of those rines finds me.
Adreneline so I can use more umbra/spores/scream. Focus for more spore/bite damage. Regeneration for hit and run.
-Scent of Fear (I like this one)
Adreneline to recover energy for swiping after blinking. Scent of Fear to find lone rines. Carpace for more armor (I can use metabolize to heal)
Adreneline for longer charges and more bashing without waiting for energy. Focus for more damage. Regeneration because it makes turrets do virtually no damage to you.
I hope you have some good ones to share.
-Scent of Fear
I pick celerity because it's easier to get to marines. SoF to find lone marines and set up an ambush. Regeneration for after that poor rine is dead.
-Scent of Fear
Celerity from running away from rines (I'm not a good combat gorge). Scent of fear to avoid rines. Redemption incase one of those rines finds me.
Adreneline so I can use more umbra/spores/scream. Focus for more spore/bite damage. Regeneration for hit and run.
-Scent of Fear (I like this one)
Adreneline to recover energy for swiping after blinking. Scent of Fear to find lone rines. Carpace for more armor (I can use metabolize to heal)
Adreneline for longer charges and more bashing without waiting for energy. Focus for more damage. Regeneration because it makes turrets do virtually no damage to you.
I hope you have some good ones to share.
Skulks need effective one shot upgrades. Regen isn't useful because Cara will net you extra bullets, regen won't in most situations. Silence is one of the best skulk upgrades period, it's name says it all.
I'd go for Silence & Carapace on a skulk; better suited to its role
Gorge is just a matter of opinion
Onos... MC upgrade is debateable, but in NS, almost certainly Clerity, as once you've got hive3 nothing really matters anyway.
DC upgrade in NS should always be Redeem; it's just too much res to risk.
(There are similar threads on this mentioned before; with more reasoning.)
Edit: Bah. I start typing b4 you post, then goes down, then I post, and you're there first... grrrrr. <!--emo&:p--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tounge.gif' /><!--endemo-->
fade: regen, celer, sof/focus (depending on situation)
gorge: cara,adren, sof
those are the only 3 i use so blah! <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='biggrin-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Gorge: any DC upgrade, Cele/Adren, any SC upgrade
Lerk: Regen/Cara, Cele/Adren, Focus/SoF
Fade: Regen/Cara, Cele, Focus
Onos: Regen/Redem, Cele, Focus/SoF
Skulk: Cara will get you another 40-60 effective hp. I like the dodging of cele rather than silence. Focus lets me take a marine down faster.
Gorge: DC upgrade depends on situation. Cele for battle gorge as it lets you escape, adren if you are going to be healing/bile bombing a lot. I don't really like focus as a gorge.
Lerk: Regen/Adren/SoF for a sporing lerk. Cara/Cele/Focus for a biting lerk.
Fade: Regen at Hive1, Cara at Hive2. Cele will make you last longer cause you get hit less; adren isn't necessary if you meta in flight and click blink instead of holding it down. Focus lets you blink in once and hit and move before you lose more than 3 metas can heal.
Onos: Cara is only good for hive defense, it just takes too long to heal and you die with armor anyway. I like the speed for catching up with marines, without Cele they can run too fast for me. Focus is 1 hit against LAs that have taken even a small amount of damage, you can run in stomp, devour, focus gore, and stomp without needing adren.
Adren is good if you can circle leap, and or lots of parasight+regen.
Lerk: Regen, Adren, SOF.
Fade. Regen, Celerity, Focus=>commen
or. Regen, Silence, SOF.
or, Cara, Adren, Cloaking.
Onos. Regen, Celerity, sof=> commen
regen, adren, focus
lerk i tend to use focus only if there r jps. other than that sof mainly to prevent ninja pgs. adren for sporing/umbra-ing, celerity for the war lerk.
fade i tend to go for regen and celerity for sure.
onos mainly regen and adren if they have strong ha train; otherwise celerity.
Its not so much which class, but which ROLE you wish to play.
Any support class is going to benefit massively from adren. Spore spam, heal spam, stomp spam, scream spam, any form of support spam is going to rely on big amounts of energy.
Offensive classes, long range independent free roamers, are going to enjoy regen.
Offensive classes, short range team brawlers, are going to enjoy carapace
Defensive classes, ogm how did I end up in this fight?!, are going to enjoy redemption.
Pointmen are going to enjoy SoF, silence, and similar espionage related skills.
Ambushers will enjoy SoF also, but will combine it with a more offensive upgrade.
Its really all about complimenting your strengths or countering your weaknesses. Fade players can be split between adren (won't need DCs, meta heals all, can blinkswipe forever, acid rocket forever, etc) or celer (move at the speed of light), and between regen (never liked meta anyway) or cara (no more lucky shots).
adren is usefull for skulks if your going about chewing res towers.
Adren also means you can fire a few para shots at range if you HAVE to, and if you're a really green skulk it gives you a chance to really bitespam if you don't have the wit to time your bites.
Other than that, I don't see any real benefit. To be honest, even those benefits are meagre compared to, say, silence (since most players are listening for skulk noises, silence is a big boost) or celer (ever tried to shoot a celerity leaping skulk?).
skulk: celerity,carapace,cloak
Fade: adren,carapce,cloak
NOTHING anoys rines more than an onos who will not die, and 3 dc redempt allows me to rush very large swarms of rines and maybe get 1/2 then "die" and come back.
Perhaps then if that is your strategy you'd do better to have celerity instead of adrenaline.
For me it really depends on what my objectives are and how the game is being played out.
<u><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Skulk:</span></u>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Regeneration or Carpace</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(regen if I need to live, carapace if I'm talking a more kamakazi role, redemption is pointless for the most part)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Celerity or Silence</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(celerity usually, but silence is awesome if I have sensory before movement or are trying to be sneaky)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Scent of Fear, Focus, or Cloaking</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(depends entirely on what my plan is and who's in my hunting party/squad)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>typical: regen, celerity, focus</span>
<u><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Gorge:</span></u>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Regeneration or Redemption</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(depends on whether or not I'm at risk of dying and how far from the hive I am)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Adrenaline</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(always, I may need to heal a lot or if I have bile bomb it is critical)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Scent of Fear</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(on rare occasions I may need cloaking but primarily I need to see the enemy)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>typical: Regen, Adren, SoF</span>
<u><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Lerk:</span></u>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Regeneration</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(the other two have always worked out badly for me)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Adrenaline</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(I need to attack and flap a lot at same time)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Scent of Fear, Focus, or Cloaking</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(depends entirely on what my plan is and who's in my hunting party/squad)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>typical: regen, adren, SoF</span>
<u><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Fade:</span></u>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Carpace</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(always unless I don't have metabolize, in which case it would be regen)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Adrenaline</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(always unless I don't have blink, in which case it would be celerity)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>Focus</span>
<span style='color:gray'>(occasionally I'll go for SoF and rarely for cloaking, but primarily focus aides my hit & run style)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>typical: Carpace, Adren, Focus</span>
<u><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>Onos:</span></u>
I have distinct patterns which depends on what upgrades (defensive in particular) I already have which in turn depends entirely depends on the map, the enemy, and how well I am supported by my teammates, so either:
<span style='font-family:Courier'>redemption, celerity, focus</span><span style='color:gray'> (raging bold charges)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>regen, silence, cloaking</span> <span style='color:gray'>(sneaky onos, or rather a hungry sneaky onos)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>carpace, adren, SoF</span> <span style='color:gray'>(squad tank, I'm the only one in the squad with SoF, gorge & lerk support near)</span>
<span style='font-family:Courier'>regen, adren, focus</span> <span style='color:gray'>(stomp monster)</span>
Hope this helps.
Wargorging: regen, cele, cloak or sof
If I need to take something down quick ill do adren. Ill do cara if im defending somewhere and theres a dc up. Otherwise I usally dont upgrade my gorge, as I usually just build a small amount of stuff and then move on.
Rarely upgrades skulk. Some times I take cara when no energy is left after eating most of a rt, coz I dont want to wait til I get my energy back. After upgrade u got full energy, so the rt is quicker eaten. Ill do regen if I'm going base raiding (if I remember it). If I use the M upgrade its probably silence. Might be Adren if I'm going on a res muncher trip. Sometimes cloaking but thats rare. Might do SoF before a xeno run on the rine base.
Usually sporelerk as I suck at combatlerking. Adren and cara or regen. Usually SoF, rarely focus.
Regen (really hate waiting for full health so usually no cara. Nothings worse than being stuck as cara fade with 1 hive), Cele, Focus.
Regen if its nearing endgame, redempt if its midgame. Usually cele. Might do adren if a hive is being attacked, so I can stomp the rines for the skulks to take em down. SoF / rarely cloaking.
Scent Of Fear
Thats all mine. ^_^
Regen or Redemption (I use Regen if I'm ambushing or scouting about, and Redemption if I'm feeling really suicidal and want to hit encamped rines and live.)
Silence, Celerity, Regen (silence for ambushing, celerity for dodging, regen if I want to leap alot.)
Cloaking or Focus (set up ambushes with cloaking or kill rines fast.)
Regen or Redemption (regen for bile-bombing or running around or Redemption for a 'get out of death free' card, hopefully...)
Celerity or Adrenaline (should I really say why?)
Cloaking or SoF (hide from rines or to spot them and avoid them)
Regen (I don't really like using carapace on lerk and redemption sounds nice, but not worthwhile when you want to spore and umbra spam an area constantly)
Celerity or Adren (celerity for drive-by sporing and biting people and adren for all spore/umbra/scream spamming purposes)
SoF or Focus (SoF to spot likely targets for spores or Focus to get guys with one blow after sporing em)
Regen or Carapace (regen so I can live longer in between fights and so I don't have to race back to hive to heal or use metabolize or Carapace for taking on small 2-3 groups of rines or 1-2 shotties)
Celerity or Silence (celerity to get around fast or silence to go ninja fade)
Cloaking, SoF, or Focus (Cloaking to hide from rines till they're back is turned then gut 'em, SoF to find ramboing rines or to avoid large packs of rines, and Focus to for painful blink-slash runs)
Regen or Redemption (Regen to survive to heal away from hive, and redemption for kamikaze hits on turtle bases or when res is tight)
Celerity or Adren (its mostly celerity but when hive 3 goes up I get adren for much longer charges and to be able to charge in and bash a few things then run)
Cloaking, SoF, or Focus (cloaking for sneaky devours, SoF to find small groups of rines and avoid large groups, and Focus to smash buildings)
Welp, those are my two cents.
gorge: celerity works extremely well for running away from marines + killing any non-jp marine who tries to follow u in a vent network, adren for healspraying/bile (mainly adren)
lerk: celerity for flying skulk, adren for spore/umbra-ing
focus for jps, otherwise sof
fade: cara for defending hives/marines with strong weaps, regen for general harrassment
focus for jps/rines with strong weaps, otherwise sof
onos: adren in clan matches as a support onos (stomp-spam), celerity for fun as a rampaging onos
A big part of fading is learning to bunny hop (some might think this is weird when you have blink, but try using them both together to blink-bunny hop), it'll get you round the level much quicker than regular blinking. And always remember to tap blink <b>never</b> hold it down.
For skulks I rarely get ups, waste of res imo as a skulk should hopefully be saving for something and they hardly extend a skulks lifespan.
For lerk I get cele/cara (what can I say, i'm a sucker for cele/cara combo) then most likely SoF (so much fun to harass that lone rine, when he doesn't know where your coming from).
Onos, I take redempt (to much res to risk) and cele and focus (I prefer to be able to close the gap quicker, devour, gore, gore, fall back, repeat).
But again back to my first point, all those people that regen/adren fade, try cara/cele fading, most likely you won't go back.
silence (celerity is useful but way too fast for me to control)
carapace (or regen if i am getting down a elected rt)
cloak/scent of fear (i dunno and never want to learn how to focus bite)
scent of fear
regen (if i am fading with 1 hive) carapace (if second hive launched)
scent of fear
usually adrenline (stomp onos, i dunno how to aim lol. or for stomp kills)
scent of fear