Hi Im New To This Game!
Join Date: 2004-10-18 Member: 32336Members

Hi all im new to this game and ive been having a seriously hard time playing I have no kills half the time and people just seem invincible when playing against them I understand all the basics of the game but it just seems pointless and I dont have want this mod to be on my trash list either like most other mods that work in steam besides dod thats about the only game I play and opposing force...well can someone help me on there server like a private lesson or something so I can learn the game better all the help will be appreciated!
Don't feed the Beast.
*<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>Based on AlienCow's rating system, may not be official.</span>
The command has to have resources to get access to the higher level armour / weapon upgrades, and also he needs resources to drop a decent amount of guns and Jetpacks/heavy armour. Get as many resource nodes as you can, try and take down as many alien ones as you can, work as a team and the higher level tech will come your way.
Aliens are fun in NS but learning to bunnyhop correctly will help you out greatly as it as an intended feature for the aliens. Also start playing with hud_fastwitch 1 that way you can start leaping and switching to bite mid leap and chomping marines, same goes for blinking in and out and swiping. Try playing on a server with good teamwork and helpfull people, server plugs are frowned upon but stop by the lunix monster [~ <-- to pull down console then connect] and announce your new and that TAK sent you and your interested in learning the finer points to NS, you will usually find people willing to help you and give pointers, just watch out for the reserved slot kicked. Being good at this game boils down to learning all the little quirks in the game that give you a slight advantage and then utilizing them.
The commander usually doesn't give away weapons to his players randomly because they cost a lot of resources and he has to choose his spendings wisely. You usually dont get many toys, so don't be too keen on them. I suggest you try to stick to other players when they run off, this increases your chances to survive as well as to kill the enemy. Often you will encounter higher life-forms though, which is hardly possible to kill on one's own.
Don't be frustrated if you die often in the beginning, everybody does. You need to play a couple of rounds to get the twist of it
If you're new to a mod, you should never accuse people of cheating because with no offence meant, you have absolutely no idea how the game works.
There are all sorts of tips, skills, and tactics that can help kill the opposition, but the best thing is practice.
On the CAP server we have people from all levels of experience, so instead of complaining or accusing someone of cheating, you could try asking them for advice. A lot of the time people will actually try to help you improve.
Try playing some combat, look for servers running co_maps and you can experience what some call 'ns deathmatch', get used to all the different upgrades and learn why some combinations of them make a very powerful opponent indeed.
NS is certainly not direly unbalanced, it may be slightly harder to get into than other very simplistic mods (cs, tfc), but believe me when I say it's well worth it <!--emo&:)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/smile-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Also, don't complain about not getting high level armor and weapons as a marine, it's a big pet peeve for almost every comm. If I hear someone complaining about it, I will specifically not give them anything. Don't expect for heavy armor or jetpacks until about 15 minutes in the game, and only if your team has a reasonable amount of rts (>3). Most comms only give guns to the best players until the time jetpacks and heavy armor comes out. 2-4 shotguns are the same as an upgrade that will give EVERY marine an additional 10% damage, or an additional 20 armor, so it's more often better to get the upgrades than the guns.
Try asking for help and being polite, and if you are on a good server, you should get a lot of people helping you become much better.
The game itself has a different feel after so long time, i can predict most moves the enemy will make next and react instinctly.
All you need to do is play, the skill will develop. If you don't like the game, don't play it.
P.S I dont have a job and im only 17 years old.
For me its usually
"Wait, the Fade didn't kill me while it was blinking around? <_< >_> Either he's merciful or I'm getting better"
It is if you're still in High School and your parents still pay for most of your food and rent.
Player = Knows enough about games to point and shoot
Gamer = Knowledgeable on almost all platforms, able to come up with strategy(sidenote: arent **** when they die)
I just got sick of the little 100 pound **** who instantly become tough when they get on the internet.
Good because I personally hate CS because of the attitiude of so many of the players.
Look for a server with beginner in the title or play on the weekends, I find its much easier to kill then as there are more average players playing at those times (thats what i find anyhow)
And like Toothy said you shouldn't call people cheaters when your new to a game, I was playing co_damios the other night and got to a score of 90-3 as fade, being told constantly by new players that I was cheating, using speed hacks, wall hacks etc. It doesn't annoy me but you don't know how the alien side works, so it can look like they are cheating when infact there not and just using alien upgrades.
Have a play about with both side, you might find your better at one than the other.
Well ive improuved ever since ive gotten this new laser mouse and that old one made it fustrating to aim and stuff well this laser mouse made my life easier and now I enjoy the game.
To be honest practice is what I needed and a new mouse for me too.
EDIT: My old mouse was a ball mouse and it made my life incredibly hard at playing games.
I would suggest playing marine first, you would have most likely played a first person shooter and you also observe the aliens movements and ambush spots as your trying to kill them.
Dont give up now, like im sure youve heard b4 everyone was a newbie at one point ^_^.