Half Life 2 Buying

BUSHGOTOWNEDBUSHGOTOWNED Join Date: 2004-09-30 Member: 32016Banned
<div class="IPBDescription">GOLD SILVER BRONZE...</div> Half Life 2 Gold... Silver... bronze...

WTH? the Olympics were like 2 weeks ago and why now talk about weird pricing?

i read on dumbprogramwithc02online.forlorn.suck.html that umm Gold Silver and Bronze are buy on steam only.

Silver and shinny color gets HL: sorce and DUDE:sorce...

It i want to buy it at albertsons... Like a HL game will i be able to buy a package retail that has at least HL:s and DUDE:s? Or if i buy retail will i got to buy the two sorces seperately? How much for retail?


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