Ns Trainer Maps?
Gorge MasterAustralia Join Date: 2002-12-11 Member: 10586Members, Reinforced - Shadow
<div class="IPBDescription">anyone know of any?</div> ok i want to improve skills, id like to know if anyone knows if there is any existing training maps where it tests your wall climbing skills. manouverability, target practice lerk flight skills, possible any map which train you to become more agile/accurate and manouverability.
anyone know of any and if so do you know the link to them etc?
anyone know of any and if so do you know the link to them etc?
Also, how come you couldn't practice on some of the official maps? Some of them have some interesting geometry and corridors that should prove useful in agility tests for the different classes.
Edit: And I think this is the first time we've had a lady visit this part of the forum (at least first time I can remeber). Now guys be on your best behavior.
Post the specifics. <!--emo&;)--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/wink-fix.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink-fix.gif' /><!--endemo-->
~ DarkATi
If you want to practice lerk flight, take a claustrophobic map like ns_ayumi or a map with complicated walls like ns_mineshaft. Lerk flight (especially with celerity) is all about knowing where you're going before you get there and anticipating problems so you can react to them quickly (e.g. running into a teammate or encountering more marines when you're already fleeing)
As for wallclimbing, your success or failure entirely depends on what room you're in. Maps like ns_nothing make wall climbing easy because the walls are almost completely barren all over the map. ns_caged can be a bit more difficult to navigate but provides a lot more cieling space from which to hide and ambush.
Overall what I'm saying is that the existing maps ARE your training map. Practicing on a practice map will make you great at manuevering on the practice map, but the skill may not carry over to real maps.
Join the ausns servers.
She's looking for more of a practice map, not really a map to learn how to play the game.
The "thin thread" would wind around a lot in the air of course.
anyways.. im not only looking to enhance lerk flight but also practising for all evolvations. more like having agility and reaction testing , where walls could move at a random time quickly and you have to react quickly to dode and move through a hall with random walls or things falling closing etc while you run, making you more aware and react fast, it also teaches you to strategise where to move faster..
for lerk, tight vents, loop holes, different weird landing platforms from small thin to large, including obstacles like holes etc even bars simaler in the dropfall maps with the support bars which you have to fly through.
learn how to climb walls better, run trhough vents better possibly after a while being able to climb one wall and jump to the next and continue climbing without losing grip, learning how to get to hard to get vents etc with weird edges. having certain rooms filled with turrets and trying to get past without dying, having certain spots you can run to etc which in normal maps could help you think alot faster how to get to a tf without losing too much health.
moving targets to help gorge spit marine firing. a section where a gorge can learn to spit targets better would be good, even a biling section where you can learn what angle to project the bile to hit a target..
anything really, it could help alot better..
i know many say use normal maps keep playing. but i remember in medal of honour, i knew every map from the back of my hand, every clipping bug, exploit and every single hiding spot on each map, but this didnt enhance my skill by much, it just meant i could always find people and my way around and find better spots to hide. it was when my clan introduced a training map and we played on it a few games , with moving targets, learning to trhow grenades in certain ways, how to fight in any situation wether you had only a sniper or a pistol, it really enhanced our gaming skills which prepared us for any situation. after the training map i could kill people in blank range with a sniper even if they had a fast firing gun i could manage to kill them and not lose any health myself. training maps teach you how to move and fight better which is what i want to do.
but i still think that at least for lerking/fading the official maps are the best training grounds. i could propably fly through most of the ns maps with a lerk by just holding down the minimap, not even looking ahead.