To win as an alien?



  • MarkMark Join Date: 2002-10-11 Member: 1479Members
    the problem isnt the marines weapons and such its the resource bug..... a talked to a guide and he said somehow between the last teste version and the release the marines got allot of resources.... one guide also said the hmg got overpowered but i duno about that one... once the new patch is out it will make it alot more even .. arrrr
  • FilleFille Join Date: 2002-11-01 Member: 2086Members
    When first playing ns; i also thought that marines were undefeatable, but the last couple of games i played from beginning till end, we (the aliens) won every time; without too much difficulties.
    I have the impression though; that too little alien players think as a team. They just put down a hive or two and go looking for some marines to kill.
    This might be fun; but is a sure way to loose.

    The last couple of games, i was a gorge almost the whole time, running from hive to hive, makin sure they are secure, healing and building resource towers on the way to the next hive.
    I was the only one doing that job; and without it we would have lost for sure. However; this time we won because we were able to keep the hives safe, and that must always be the prime objective for the aliens.
    Do this, and victory will follow... with a little help from onos offcourse <!--emo&:D--><img src='' border='0' valign='absmiddle' alt='biggrin.gif'><!--endemo-->
  • timmietimmie Join Date: 2002-11-05 Member: 7063Members
    edited November 2002
    Well, obviously the game balance patch will change some things (heavy mg's, GL's, And armour all went up in cost, and the fades got a little tougher to kill)

    The main problem with the aliens is that not everyone makes a good skulk. But EVERYONE has to be a skulk if you are losing. Skulks are actually amazingly effective if you are good at them, but a lot of people seem to misunderstand the game: As a dog that comes up to a marines ankles, you CAN pretty much run through marines: without hurting them. The damage you do is in the bite you make. So instead of sneaking up on a guy, then running towards him while biting madly, run up to him, then bite and either stop and bite till he dies, or keep running and line up for another pass (and STOP BITING.) Biting obscures your vision, so you end up running around blind and hoping you stumble into a marine while closing your jaws. not smart at all. As an alien, you have to be fast, and also, remember: a heavy armour, heavy mg marine costs about 50 points. A fade costs 44. A skulk costs about 4. If you can kill a heavy armour marine in 3 tries, you win. Skulks are cheap, and there is a reason for that.

    Also, upgrade upgrade upgrade. A marine with heavy armour is a HIGH LEVEL TROOP. When playing starcract, did you send your zerglings to take on goliaths one on one? no. You swarmed them. A lvl one skulk is not a match for a fully upgraded ubermarine of equal skill for a reason. You really do need those resources, just as much as the marines, so you can buy all those nice upgrades.

    Cloaking: I am unsure if this works: I have used it a few times, and guys didn't notice me. I have also hid without cloaking of any kind without being noticed, so I don't know which was the cause. Hiding is an excellent way of killing marines. wait till one passes, drop down, walk up behind, then just start chewing: HARD. A marine without heavy armour will die very quickly. To win you have to deny marines resources: do this by creating slowdowns with the marine's actions. Take out outposts, or hide somewhere. Even if the marines see and kill you on the ceiling, it will take them more time to get to a waypoint if they have to check for you behind every bulkhead and crate.

    I prefer silence to cloak, to be honest: marines seem to be horrible at looking at the roof, but they CAN hear you. Fixing that goes a long way to scariing them.

    I don't bother parasiting anyone who isn't wearing heavy armour, but I DO parasite any buildings I can find. Ever. think of it as tagging the base so your buddies can dismantle it, or you can, later on. Again, don't stand still while parasiting, because sentry guns can't hit a moving target very well. or at all (unless you run straight towards them or straight away from them without moving sideways).

    Next: sentry turrets: you need to bite them to do damage as a skulk, but you do NOT need to stand on them and chew. Each bite does about the same damage as 7-8 bullets, and you can bite fast. Also, sentry turrets aren't horribly tough, and don't aim that well. You can easily run around them biting madly and snap them apart, you just have to be careful. I honesly would rather tear a base apart as a skulk than I would as a fade. Next, currently other marine buildings block line of sight or line of fire, I am not sure which. But at any rate, you can stand behind a passive building and chew it to shreds without taking a hit. And you can do a LOT of damage very quickly as an upgraded skulk: far more than the average marine.

    Really, the aliens are quite effective: the problems people have is the dying so quickly as a skulk. Everyone seems to think that one marine and one skulk shoult be able to have a fair fight if they line up at thirty paces and run towards each other. Not true. But to be an alien, you HAVE to learn to be a skulk, so you might as well start getting used to it.

    Oh, and btw. Flip EVERY airlockand door you can find, I suggest: especially if you don't intend to go that way. If marines hear a skulk's clawsteps, then a switch flicking, then hear the starboard airlock operating, they will waste an amazing amount of time

    I have seen (actually, I was on the recieving end of, as a marine) 2 skulks take on 6 competent marines IN THE MARINE BASE and win. Then demolish the entire base. The aliens lost 3 skulks. The marines lost about 14 guys before the skulks ate the last infantry portal, followed by the command center. A skulk's only real weakness is being hit by accidental blast damage (grenade launchers), and open areas or narrow hallways with no obstructions. Otherwise, for the resource points it costs to be a skulk, you can do a lot of damage.
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