Why Is This A Subforum?

AhnteisAhnteis teh Bob Join Date: 2002-10-02 Member: 1405Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation
Admins? Is there a reason for the extra click? (It'd save you some bandwidth too since we wouldn't have to go through the extra page.)


  • BahamutBahamut Join Date: 2003-01-20 Member: 12522Members, Constellation
    I believe it's so people pay attention to the extremely overdone topics, which will be on the first page, like the lerk flight system, as well as the warning about the forum, rather then running straight into things and looking like an 'idiot' (I'm good at that =)
  • ZekZek Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 7962Members, NS1 Playtester, Constellation, Reinforced - Shadow
    Actually the main forum was used for changelogs and the like for a while, but now Zunni just uses Announcements. The Lerk Flight thread was a mistake by one of the mods that hasn't been fixed yet.
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