Balance Ns And Combat At The Same Time.

TastyTasty Join Date: 2003-08-05 Member: 18988Members, Constellation
The Devs have repeatedly said that they won't unhook Combat and Classic, but balancing them both at the same time has seemed (to me) problematic.

The main difference as I see it between Combat and Classic is in the alien upgrades. In Combat they can get combinations that are not available in Classic.

The way I see it there are two solutions:

1. Limit the Alien team in Combat to the same number of Upgrades as in Classic. Personally I don't like this solution, it seems less fun and something will still need to be done to beef up the third hive abilities, as the Aliens seem lacking in this area. This would also require some way for the Aliens to change upgrades, as they would need to be able to adapt to the different higher lifeforms.

2. Allow the Aliens to have as many upgrades in Classic as in Combat. This I think is the way to go, because it would be more fun, versatile and third hive Aliens would be the nightmare that they should be. What I am proposing is allowing the Aliens 1 upgrade per chamber per hive. This, 1 hive aliens would get 1 chamber and 1 upgrade. 2 Hive Aliens would get 2 chambers and two upgrades per chamber, so 4 upgrades all-together. Yes, third hive aliens could have up to 9 upgrades. This may sound like too much, but at the third hive it should be over anyway. This system would have the added benefit of reducing the need to beef up the third hive abilities because, who cares if Charge does a bit of extra damage on a Cara + Regen + Adren + Silence + Focus + Sent of Fear Onos?

The downside is the mid-game, the two hive Aliens might be a bit too tough. But the aliens will still have to pay for their upgrades, so this might not be a problem.

Downgrades, i.e. when the Marines kill a hive, should probably be random. You won't know if you are going to loose redempt or regen, but loosing a hive should sting.

I also think this system would allow for a better Alien comeback, the additional upgrades would help get back hive 3 if you have 2 hives, but if you are down to one hive, well then gg.
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