Nice Gfx Site!

JockeJocke Join Date: 2004-08-27 Member: 30945Members
edited August 2004 in NS General Discussion
<div class="IPBDescription">Request sigs,banners,avas here!</div> Hi graphics making and needing ppl.
I'm from GFX Paradise, a new GFX site. But not just another graphics site, it's a graphics site with some great designers. We have designers from The Sig Site, Eternal Genesis Designs, Injected CooldowN and Vision-gfx.
We've started this GFX website not just to make sigs and other art, we also like to have fun, talk about old games, talk about new releases and so on.
We're now online for almost 3 months and already have about 400 members, sounds good aye.
Why not join a great community, as member or as staff.
We're a still looking for some more designers, judges, news posters and mods.
Cya soon at GFX Paradise
<span style='color:white'>Snip.</span>

<span style='color:red'>Sorry if its unlegal to advertise here</span>


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