Alpha Centauri
After building my new computer, and installing the game, I get the message that my cpu (AMD Athlon 64 +3500) is not supported, and that the program may crash. When I click continue anyway, the game promptly crashes. Anyone know of a way that I can play one of my favorite games again?
Right click the .exe and go to properties. Select the compatability tab on the top. Check the box "Run this file in compatability mode for..." and select Windows 95.
2. pull CPU out of socket
3. throw against wall as hard as possible
4. toss open case off roof of house (failing that, out of highest window)
5. curl in fetal position crying
I hope someone can help you a whole lot more than I can <!--emo&:(--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='sad.gif' /><!--endemo-->
<!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1--> You will need to modify a line in the Alpha Centauri.ini that is located in the game folder. To do this:
Double click on My Computer
Double click on the C: Local Drive (your Hard Drive or the drive that the game is installed to)
Double click on the Program Files Folder
Double click on the Firaxis Games Folder
Double click on the Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri Folder]
Double click on the Alpha Centauri.ini File (The file looks like a read me text file with a little gold symbol on it).
Once the file is open in Notepad, change:
Be sure to save your changes, then run the game. You may still receive the error message. If it occurs, click OK and the game will load fine.
**If the line does not appear in the File than just add the line by typing it in manualy. ForceOldVoxelAlgorithm=1 and save your changes<!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->
I still get the warning message when I start the game, but I havnt had any crashes yet.
I loved Alpha Centuari, heck, I've even got it's expansion, Alien Crossfire, sitting on my HDD atm, wonderfully done game, the only problem I've had with it is lategame where I'm pretty much taking over the world and I have something like a few hundred bases to cycle through the production menus =\
<3 Sid Meier
Your supposed to manage and cooexist with the planet life, if you don't over run it it defend's itself far less violently.
How are you sposed to do that? even if you have nothing but forrests, when a base is producing 40 minerals (a mere 2 from each square) it still comes out to at least 20 ecco damage.
edit: You can even go gaian with a all fungus strat and still get ecco damage that doesnt get ellimated by tree farm, hybrid forest, preserves, or temples.
The game's data links give the formual for ecco damage, and supossedly with a planet rating of 3 or more, there is no ecco damage. This is plain untrue, and the formual it gives must not be the one actualy used.
edit: Ha, I guess late game you can turn all your workers to trancendi and use only space stations (which are said to not effect ecco damage, though I dont know if this is true).
Forests are great as is fungus once you've got the necessary tech, but if you want co-existence you will have to reduce mineral output. Avoid boreholes unless you really need the boost, sea squares are remarkably manageable.
Alternatively, if you can afford it, just have a load of units in your cities and ride out the fungal swarms but as you've discovered it can get quite annoying waiting for the worms to finish attacking. Once I had to sit for five minutes watching those damn worms attack. It may not seem long but I assure it felt like forever =\
Basicly I played AC like the United States. Belch loudly and carry a really big stick - and use it frequently to acquire new borehole colonys. Errr, lands.
Talking of big sticks, anyone else love nuking the crap out of the entire world at once? <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I've tired of nuking the planet, instead I adopt a more Kohr-Ah approach to things. I obliterate bases without compunction nor care without planet busting, Alien life to the max, difficulty tops. It's a great challenge <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
I don't think that is the game under discussion, but on a off-topic note, I have that game, and loved every bit of it, just like Wing Commander, but with mechs, good stuff.
I wish they would of made a sequal with updated graphics and what not.
I haven't played AC before, but I'm a big fan of the Civ series... takes so god-awful long to finish a MP game though.
For the actual most of the game Democracy, Green or planned (depending on how much growth is needed), knowledge, and cybor or eudamonia.
For the actual most of the game Democracy, Green or planned (depending on how much growth is needed), knowledge, and cybor or eudamonia. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
early game, konwledge+fundamentalism = nothing but boosts, so its the combo im using in this peacekeeping game I started and almost finished today(I never win by conquest except if I have gravships).
Your best bet is to pick your cities carefully, and don't go overboard on the terraforming.
Once you get to mid/end game this is less of a problem since you've so much tech. Also at this point you gain more planet-friendly resources.
If all else fails, get revenge by making a planet buster, and making big holes.
My play style is police state Hive, with free nerve staples for all. In Alien Crossfire I'm more of a pirate man.
Edit: It may not seem like it, but the Economy area of social engeniering is very important. A -2 score (mabey -3, not sure) will mean -1 engery in all base squares. You wont ever get squares with negative energy output, but this is <i>greatly</i> hinder your faction by way of reduced credits and lab output. Conversly a +2 economy score is one of the most benifical things you can get, yeild +1 engery to all base squares in all your bases faction wide. If you can combine this with the research bonus of the University (or even better the cyborgs if you have the expansion) you'll soon gain a huge tech advantage.
Edit: Seabases are also very good centers for research. With only kelp farms and tidal harness (the ecco damage of which can be negated by tree farm/hybrid forest), you can be producing 4 nutriets and 5 engery (or is it jsut 4, forgot if thats before or after building thermocline transducers) per square. This base will be rather ecco friendly, should grow to at least size 45 with an aqua farm, and with all that engery, will be a great research base. Becuase of its large size it can also benifit from oribtal resources, allowing your sea research bases to become quite usefull.
Edit: If you can't tell, I feel that reserach is the key to winning in this game. A good tech edge is hard to overcome.
Additionally they're not really a military threat to me, as the Hive, so if relationships get strained then I've no worries of them backstabbing me.
Another good alliance partner is Morgan, as that'll give you lots more credit to buy more tech. As long as you maintain a marginal force of hightech units, you shouldn't face any opposition.
Reiterating a prior post, I have to agree that finding sweet spots for particular cities is very handy. Sunny Mesa, the Sea, and the Thermals are all good places to be near. Exploration is a useful thing.
Remember one game on it, and I was well established and when I finally met another faction it was like "holy shiznit, we're not alone!!"