Find Me A Phone Headset!

DecimatorDecimator Join Date: 2002-11-10 Member: 8057Members
<div class="IPBDescription">in the market</div> I've recently grown tired of holding my phone up to my ear for hours on end, so I have decided that I would like a headset so I don't have to. The only problem with this is that I have no idea how to go about buying one because nobody I know has one. I have an idea of what it needs to do but no idea where to get it.

The phone needs to be:
-have a fairly long-lasting battery, because it will be used for hours, i think my record is six straight
-non-cellular, I'm going to be using it at home
-preferably standalone, unless the best way is to connect it to another phone, I don't currently have a phone with a headset port
-be clear, it's pointless to have a phone when you can't hear the person on the other end

Thanks in advance!


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