Club Brawling: Round 3
<div class="IPBDescription">The RMF.</div> Yes yes. I know. 2 Stories in 2 Nights. That's almost like some kind of arsehole story record... But yeah, I felt I needed to share with you my desire to hate humanity 2 nights in a row.
I believe it is an extremely well documented fact that I loathe the peons that usher in through our front doors and either do something stupid, drink or gamble <i>in excess</i>. I can handle the social drinkers who come in occasionaly, but I know of no less than one HUNDRED people who are in the club every. single. day.
Most of these drains on society don't generate enough stupidity to offend me or other members of the staff. It's simply their sole purpose in life to 'exist' within the confines of the club.
One such existence inside the walls of our club is The Rotten Miserable F***.
For sake of this thread, he will be referred to as the RMF.
See the RMF is an individual who has screwed up their lives so incredibly well, that they feel they need to drag others down into their cesspool of a life. The RMF is of particular nusciane in the club industry as they fall into one of the following categories:
A.) The Abusive Alcoholic
B.) The Problem Gambler
C.) The Ego-maniac
D.) "Oh look my wife is commiting adultery"
And the problem with the particular RMF I had to deal with for my entire 8 and a half hour shift tonight was, that he was a combination of all XXXXXX categories.
His wife was sleeping around, and he knew this. So the only way he could deal with this was to develop a gambling and drinking problem as well as an over inflated ego and a mouth that'd make the diarrhea that came out of a pig's arse seem almost good enough to eat. Almost.
To start off with I was working the bar that had both the bar section and <a href='' target='_blank'>Keno</a>. That generally means you need to go about 100 kilometers an hour to try and keep on top of things. So it generally doesn't help when customers feel the need to talk about their troubles to you and when they do want to talk it's generally an extremely high caliber discussion such as "Yeah I took my dog for a walk today in the park. The sky was blue."
The RMF of the night was playing Keno and drinking <a href='' target='_blank'>VB</a>. His first move on the chess board this evening was to come over to the Keno, look at the screen for a bit and then hand me his 2 tickets to put on.
*Bam* 1 through
*Bam* 2nd through
"That will be 20 dollars sir."
*Collect money*
"Thank you"
*Hand over tickets*
"Good luck sir."
He takes a step away, then comes back...
"You f***ing put them on different games on purpose!" Let me just explain quickly. He plays 10 Keno rounds at a time. So he liked to keep both tickets 'together' on the same Keno rounds. EG He wanted tickets 1 & 2 to both be playing on games 1 through to 10. Because he waited and looked at the screen (Which also had a count down timer till when the next game round stopped selling) he had himself put one of the tickets back a round. Hardly my fault.
"I'm sorry sir, but I put them on as quickly as you gave me the tickets."
*look behind him at the line of 5 other people growing impatient for gambling (PS I love people)*
"Bulls***. You're trying to rip me off!"
"I'm not sir, but could you kindly move aside. Other people need to use Keno as well"
"F***ing idiot..." or something to such extent as he grumbles off.
Sigh... I deal with the other people at Keno quickly and then jump over to the bar quickly.
Rook to C4 involved him ordering a Schooner of VB and then as I'm halfway through pouring it, tells me he's going to the toilet.
Yeah, well done on that to begin with. So I finish pouring it and put it down out of view so I can hand it to him and get him to pay for it when he gets back. Too bad other people have decided to use the bar (Heaven FORBID) so by the time he gets back there are 3 people waiting at my panel.
He walks up to me as I'm getting this guy his drinks and yells "Where's my VB?!"
"I've got it mate, you just gotta wait now. Other people turned up."
"F***in c***!"
"Sir, watch your language and wait your turn now. Other people have money too." I probably shouldn't have added that last part, but it's true. He buggered off, other people were here with money wanting drinks <i>now</i> and I was more than happy to oblige their more upbeat mood than his sour puss attitude.
Rather than waiting in line like a normal human being, he buggers off with yet another notch to add to his indignant belt.s
RMF's next move was to come back to Keno for the nth time and replay his tickets (You can replay the tickets with the same numbers. So problem gambler play the same numbers all day in the hope their numbers come up. Yeah, 'Got Habit'?)
Ticket 1 goes through. "There's 2 dollars on that sir."
I get greeted with a grunt, which is arsehole for "Could you, per-chance, replay this ticket for another 10 games please my fine bar-keep friend? And my what lovely weather we are having today!"
Ticket 2 goes through. "Nothing on this sir"
Another grunt, and I replay the 2nd ticket for another ten games.
His winnings = 2
Play Keno for $1 a game for 10 games = $10
# of tickets in his possession = 2
$10 for the games x 2 tickets = $20 he owes me
$20 - $2 in winnings I owe him = $18 he ows me
Right, we good?
He hands me a $50 note.
$50 - $18 = $32 his change
"32 dollars your change sir, good luck"
He buggers off back to his table. 2 minutes later he comes back.
"You trying to rip me off you little s***?!"
"Come again sir, and could you watch your language?
"You got some sort of hearing problem you little c***? I told you, you were ripping me off you f***ing deaf pr***!"
Then he starts explaining to me the process of how I owe him money... I can't even remember what he was going on about, but it didn't make any logical sense... in the end he was ticked off about $10 or some such nonsense...
So I revert to the only thing I can think of to shut him the hell up. I tell him I'm gonna get somebody to check my Keno till. If I owe him money, it will show up on the computer.
La da dee, la da dum. After I complete the Keno check (It took about 10 minutes. 10 of which he decided to sit as his table staring at me, and point me out to other guest and undoubtedly tell them how I had just ripped him off) he saunters back up.
"So are you giving me my money now you little sp***?"
"Sir, need I remind you to watch your language and I will only warn you ONCE about racial insults in this club. The till check balanced out perfectly, here is the read out and here is the till slip. *CO-WORKERS NAME* behind me checked the till, so he can answer any further questions you may have about my honesty and other peoples money."
Again he slinks away grumbling some crap under his breath. Me and my co-worker have a laugh. He knows the guy always causes trouble and will back staff up 110% because of the scams he's tried to pull.
Probably RMF's most bizarre move on the chessboard of my life, was to once again come up for Keno and again replay his tickets.
"That will be $20 sir" (Hahah lose again did we?)
"Stop calling me sir you f*****!"
"I use it in a respectful manner sir and I mean no disrespect."
"Well stop calling me that you f***ing idiot."
*Change 'Sir' prefix to 'Mate'*
"Sorry mate."
"That's better. You'll go far to treat me well. You treat me well, I treat you well. I got 2 daughters you know. How old are you?"
"20 mate."
"Well their 23 and 24. Remember what I said well"
"That's great mate..."
What the jesus tap-toing christ on toast was that? Did he just try and pimp his daughters out if I sonehow magically made the Keno draw somehow favour his numbers?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around what it was exactely he wanted me do...
Checkmate occured close to 1am.
Over the PA the annoucnement was made "Keno will be closing shortly"
He literally yells across the room. "You'll be closing in 15 minutes mate."
I yell back (Not even looking up to see who it was that said it, while I'm pouring a beer for another customer) "I'm sorry sir. It'll be closing in 5 minutes time like I'm supposed to sir."
<i>The dam breaks.</i>
He jumps out of his chair and starts running up to the Keno booth.
Now I'm glad for 4 things at this point
1.) He's so intoxicated, even if he got to me it'd be a pretty damn quick fight.
2.) He didn't pick up a glass or anything else to use as a weapon
3.) I have the very high wall of the bar seperating me from him
4.) Security at the end of the night stands near the bars because they get bored (We're generally a very very very peaceful club)
The whole club stops to watch this event... managers, staff, patrons, EVERYONE.
So up he bolts and the only thing I can think of to do before security gets him and before he jumps over the bar is to through the tea-towel I was using to clean the bottles with at his head.
I somehow manage to land the tea-towel on his head (Score)
Just before it lands he starts swinging a punch.
This punch connects with the concrete pillar in the middle of the bar.
Security 'subdue' him a half-second later. He then gets taken aside, gets his member card taken off him, then gets sent to hospital for apparently breaking all of his fingers and most of his hand...
Management and staff thought this event amusing to no end, as everyone knew who this RMF was and everyone hated him for just sucking the fun out of working there.
So there you have it.
Tea-towel 1, Drunk Punches 0.
Ahhhhhh.... sweet sweet painful justice.
But yeah. I generally take idiots with a grain of salt at work. It's just the ocassional few that suck the fun out of working so much that you develop an incredibly deep set hatred towards them...
I'm just glad tonight I got to see one of them get their just desserts.
I believe it is an extremely well documented fact that I loathe the peons that usher in through our front doors and either do something stupid, drink or gamble <i>in excess</i>. I can handle the social drinkers who come in occasionaly, but I know of no less than one HUNDRED people who are in the club every. single. day.
Most of these drains on society don't generate enough stupidity to offend me or other members of the staff. It's simply their sole purpose in life to 'exist' within the confines of the club.
One such existence inside the walls of our club is The Rotten Miserable F***.
For sake of this thread, he will be referred to as the RMF.
See the RMF is an individual who has screwed up their lives so incredibly well, that they feel they need to drag others down into their cesspool of a life. The RMF is of particular nusciane in the club industry as they fall into one of the following categories:
A.) The Abusive Alcoholic
B.) The Problem Gambler
C.) The Ego-maniac
D.) "Oh look my wife is commiting adultery"
And the problem with the particular RMF I had to deal with for my entire 8 and a half hour shift tonight was, that he was a combination of all XXXXXX categories.
His wife was sleeping around, and he knew this. So the only way he could deal with this was to develop a gambling and drinking problem as well as an over inflated ego and a mouth that'd make the diarrhea that came out of a pig's arse seem almost good enough to eat. Almost.
To start off with I was working the bar that had both the bar section and <a href='' target='_blank'>Keno</a>. That generally means you need to go about 100 kilometers an hour to try and keep on top of things. So it generally doesn't help when customers feel the need to talk about their troubles to you and when they do want to talk it's generally an extremely high caliber discussion such as "Yeah I took my dog for a walk today in the park. The sky was blue."
The RMF of the night was playing Keno and drinking <a href='' target='_blank'>VB</a>. His first move on the chess board this evening was to come over to the Keno, look at the screen for a bit and then hand me his 2 tickets to put on.
*Bam* 1 through
*Bam* 2nd through
"That will be 20 dollars sir."
*Collect money*
"Thank you"
*Hand over tickets*
"Good luck sir."
He takes a step away, then comes back...
"You f***ing put them on different games on purpose!" Let me just explain quickly. He plays 10 Keno rounds at a time. So he liked to keep both tickets 'together' on the same Keno rounds. EG He wanted tickets 1 & 2 to both be playing on games 1 through to 10. Because he waited and looked at the screen (Which also had a count down timer till when the next game round stopped selling) he had himself put one of the tickets back a round. Hardly my fault.
"I'm sorry sir, but I put them on as quickly as you gave me the tickets."
*look behind him at the line of 5 other people growing impatient for gambling (PS I love people)*
"Bulls***. You're trying to rip me off!"
"I'm not sir, but could you kindly move aside. Other people need to use Keno as well"
"F***ing idiot..." or something to such extent as he grumbles off.
Sigh... I deal with the other people at Keno quickly and then jump over to the bar quickly.
Rook to C4 involved him ordering a Schooner of VB and then as I'm halfway through pouring it, tells me he's going to the toilet.
Yeah, well done on that to begin with. So I finish pouring it and put it down out of view so I can hand it to him and get him to pay for it when he gets back. Too bad other people have decided to use the bar (Heaven FORBID) so by the time he gets back there are 3 people waiting at my panel.
He walks up to me as I'm getting this guy his drinks and yells "Where's my VB?!"
"I've got it mate, you just gotta wait now. Other people turned up."
"F***in c***!"
"Sir, watch your language and wait your turn now. Other people have money too." I probably shouldn't have added that last part, but it's true. He buggered off, other people were here with money wanting drinks <i>now</i> and I was more than happy to oblige their more upbeat mood than his sour puss attitude.
Rather than waiting in line like a normal human being, he buggers off with yet another notch to add to his indignant belt.s
RMF's next move was to come back to Keno for the nth time and replay his tickets (You can replay the tickets with the same numbers. So problem gambler play the same numbers all day in the hope their numbers come up. Yeah, 'Got Habit'?)
Ticket 1 goes through. "There's 2 dollars on that sir."
I get greeted with a grunt, which is arsehole for "Could you, per-chance, replay this ticket for another 10 games please my fine bar-keep friend? And my what lovely weather we are having today!"
Ticket 2 goes through. "Nothing on this sir"
Another grunt, and I replay the 2nd ticket for another ten games.
His winnings = 2
Play Keno for $1 a game for 10 games = $10
# of tickets in his possession = 2
$10 for the games x 2 tickets = $20 he owes me
$20 - $2 in winnings I owe him = $18 he ows me
Right, we good?
He hands me a $50 note.
$50 - $18 = $32 his change
"32 dollars your change sir, good luck"
He buggers off back to his table. 2 minutes later he comes back.
"You trying to rip me off you little s***?!"
"Come again sir, and could you watch your language?
"You got some sort of hearing problem you little c***? I told you, you were ripping me off you f***ing deaf pr***!"
Then he starts explaining to me the process of how I owe him money... I can't even remember what he was going on about, but it didn't make any logical sense... in the end he was ticked off about $10 or some such nonsense...
So I revert to the only thing I can think of to shut him the hell up. I tell him I'm gonna get somebody to check my Keno till. If I owe him money, it will show up on the computer.
La da dee, la da dum. After I complete the Keno check (It took about 10 minutes. 10 of which he decided to sit as his table staring at me, and point me out to other guest and undoubtedly tell them how I had just ripped him off) he saunters back up.
"So are you giving me my money now you little sp***?"
"Sir, need I remind you to watch your language and I will only warn you ONCE about racial insults in this club. The till check balanced out perfectly, here is the read out and here is the till slip. *CO-WORKERS NAME* behind me checked the till, so he can answer any further questions you may have about my honesty and other peoples money."
Again he slinks away grumbling some crap under his breath. Me and my co-worker have a laugh. He knows the guy always causes trouble and will back staff up 110% because of the scams he's tried to pull.
Probably RMF's most bizarre move on the chessboard of my life, was to once again come up for Keno and again replay his tickets.
"That will be $20 sir" (Hahah lose again did we?)
"Stop calling me sir you f*****!"
"I use it in a respectful manner sir and I mean no disrespect."
"Well stop calling me that you f***ing idiot."
*Change 'Sir' prefix to 'Mate'*
"Sorry mate."
"That's better. You'll go far to treat me well. You treat me well, I treat you well. I got 2 daughters you know. How old are you?"
"20 mate."
"Well their 23 and 24. Remember what I said well"
"That's great mate..."
What the jesus tap-toing christ on toast was that? Did he just try and pimp his daughters out if I sonehow magically made the Keno draw somehow favour his numbers?
I'm still trying to wrap my head around what it was exactely he wanted me do...
Checkmate occured close to 1am.
Over the PA the annoucnement was made "Keno will be closing shortly"
He literally yells across the room. "You'll be closing in 15 minutes mate."
I yell back (Not even looking up to see who it was that said it, while I'm pouring a beer for another customer) "I'm sorry sir. It'll be closing in 5 minutes time like I'm supposed to sir."
<i>The dam breaks.</i>
He jumps out of his chair and starts running up to the Keno booth.
Now I'm glad for 4 things at this point
1.) He's so intoxicated, even if he got to me it'd be a pretty damn quick fight.
2.) He didn't pick up a glass or anything else to use as a weapon
3.) I have the very high wall of the bar seperating me from him
4.) Security at the end of the night stands near the bars because they get bored (We're generally a very very very peaceful club)
The whole club stops to watch this event... managers, staff, patrons, EVERYONE.
So up he bolts and the only thing I can think of to do before security gets him and before he jumps over the bar is to through the tea-towel I was using to clean the bottles with at his head.
I somehow manage to land the tea-towel on his head (Score)
Just before it lands he starts swinging a punch.
This punch connects with the concrete pillar in the middle of the bar.
Security 'subdue' him a half-second later. He then gets taken aside, gets his member card taken off him, then gets sent to hospital for apparently breaking all of his fingers and most of his hand...
Management and staff thought this event amusing to no end, as everyone knew who this RMF was and everyone hated him for just sucking the fun out of working there.
So there you have it.
Tea-towel 1, Drunk Punches 0.
Ahhhhhh.... sweet sweet painful justice.
But yeah. I generally take idiots with a grain of salt at work. It's just the ocassional few that suck the fun out of working so much that you develop an incredibly deep set hatred towards them...
I'm just glad tonight I got to see one of them get their just desserts.
by the way, what was the slur that started with SP[***]?
was it sp*c? if so, i didn't know you were latin :o
if not, what was it? :|
Tea-towel 1, Drunk Punches 0. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Sorry, but that really deserved it.
by the way, what was the slur that started with SP[***]?
was it sp*c? if so, i didn't know you were latin :o
if not, what was it? :| <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah it's the derogatory term for a mexican. One too many *****
And no I'm not. I'm 100% aussie.
He simply used the term as an insult.
Good story. <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
sp***, I assume, is "sp1ck". Offensive slang for Latinos (you're hispanic, Inf?).
by the way, what was the slur that started with SP[***]?
was it sp*c? if so, i didn't know you were latin :o
if not, what was it? :| <!--QuoteEnd--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--QuoteEEnd-->
Yeah it's the derogatory term for a mexican. One too many *****
And no I'm not. I'm 100% aussie.
He simply used the term as an insult. <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
<!--emo&;)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='wink.gif' /><!--endemo-->
EDIT: 3! Curse you testament
do you guys even HAVE mexicans in australia? o_O
It also almost, <b>ALMOST</b> made me want to work in a club.
do you guys even HAVE mexicans in australia? o_O <!--QuoteEnd--> </td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'> <!--QuoteEEnd-->
lol, we have just about every nash here.
ahhhh, Inf knows how to brighten up anyones day....
With pain and suffering of the stupid <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->
Remind me to not let Inf near me with a towel... *shuders*
Deadly Towel-Fu Action?
Seconded. Sounds just as weird as working in a hospital.
<b><span style='color:red'>**EDIT**</b></span> If you think Inf's job is bad, try doing mine for a day. You'll sing the praises of drunken shenanigans afterwards.
If we get a shoplifter we're not allowed to touch them (like i'd want to), although twice now a member of management has stood in front of the shoplifter's car to stop them escaping. Guess what? The shoplifter didn't really give a damn. The manager in question survived unhurt, but i'm sure throwing yourself in front of cars isn't in the job description...
Thanks Inf, keep up the great work mate/sir <!--emo&:)--><img src='' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='smile.gif' /><!--endemo-->