New Irc Channel.
title = name(self, handle) Join Date: 2003-02-15 Member: 13597Members, Constellation

<div class="IPBDescription">#pointlessdiscussionsgoehere</div> This channel is for those who like arguing about things. It is a good place to redirect conversations about pollitics or religion that spam other channels derailing the topics of said channels.
#pointlessdiscussionsgohere on Gamesurge
If you are an IRC OP and dislike this spam in your channel, redirect the offenders here, here, they can argue as long as the want and everyone will be happy!
Chanserv will be in shortly
:edit: bastages won't let me register it...
#pointlessdiscussionsgohere on Gamesurge
If you are an IRC OP and dislike this spam in your channel, redirect the offenders here, here, they can argue as long as the want and everyone will be happy!
Chanserv will be in shortly
:edit: bastages won't let me register it...