Turrets And Weldpoints In Combat?

Dr_aaaghDr_aaagh Join Date: 2004-02-07 Member: 26194Members
<div class="IPBDescription">how to get them working</div> Anyone know how to get turrets working in combat?
I read it some time ago but I've forgotten.
And before you all say it's impossible, it's been done quite a few times.
Is there a special trigger, or placement technique? or should the names of the turrets and tf be specific values?

Additionally, I have a weldable wall in my map, however when ppl weld it and it is destroyed, they cannot shoot through the gap where it used to be. You get sparks where the wall was. However, you can walk through the gap with no problems.


  • teh_fattsteh_fatts Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29442Members
    How did you "destroy" the wall? (never ask questions without providing relevant information! bad n00b!) just change the "passable" tag?" I'm a n00b myself but i would think the easiest+safest method would be to make it a func_door, point it down, and set the speed rediculously high so you cant really tell that it moved instead of dissapearing. Or leave the spead low... the wall moving into the ground could be accompanied by makeing the screen shake (env_shake i think... though I dont know if that env is compatable with NS) and a lot of narsty crumble nioses... bam it's a beautifully self destrucitng wall. At least thats how I'd do it
  • Dr_aaaghDr_aaagh Join Date: 2004-02-07 Member: 26194Members
    erm, I don't want to get into a slagging match, but before you go around calling ppl noobs, read the text and do your homework:

    'Additionally, I have a weldable wall in my map, however when ppl weld it and it is destroyed, they cannot shoot through the gap where it used to be'

    what does that sound like to you? to me it sounds like a wall of func_weldable. Sorry for not being more explicit, but it should be pretty obvious to ns mappers. For cs mappers: func_weldables can explode (with sound and gibs) on successful welding. As stated before, however, the gap left is passable by rines and aliens, but not by bullets (maybe a ns bug).

    I guess one solution would be to have a small func_weldable in the middle of the wall with the wall as a triggerable func_breakable, but then you would have the same problem - you would still not be able to shoot through the weldpoint.

    All that mess with the doors and screen shakes is just gonna cause problems. And you haven't given any solution to the problem - u still have a weld point somewhere (in the gap) that you cant shoot through.

    Anyway, the problem is a minor one at least - I'll just have to replace it with a weld-triggered door. The main problem is that the turrets don't work.
  • teh_fattsteh_fatts Join Date: 2004-06-21 Member: 29442Members
    edited July 2004
    *shrug* sorry bout that... I guess part of being a n00b myself is my inability to differentiate well. Anyway, I was jsut saying how I would do it, as I pointed out. Just seems to me that most kinds of walls dont explode, though the gibs would be nice. All this is theoretical though since I dont know what kind of wall you have and what you really want it to do, although you seem to be able to figger that out on your own. But as fot the pesky weldpoint... i suppose there is sticking it on a nearby wall but im sure youve thought of that already. There might be some way to get the actual weldpoint to move after its been wleded though...? as for the turrets, cant help you there although I also have heard its been done, namely in the Starship Troopers thread...
  • CloistCloist Join Date: 2004-02-04 Member: 26041Members
    not being able to shoot through where the func weldable brush was happens even on hera and many other cases. Dont think there is a fix mate just get used to getting your grenades bouncing back in your face.

    Maybe set the weldable off to the side and get it to trigger a func_breakable, but have the breakable set to like a trillion hp, iv used this sort of thing in my map.

    pm me if you arnt sure. <!--emo&::tsa::--><img src='http://www.unknownworlds.com/forums/html//emoticons/tsa.gif' border='0' style='vertical-align:middle' alt='tsa.gif' /><!--endemo-->
  • sawcesawce Join Date: 2002-12-14 Member: 10787Members
    edited July 2004
    To get turrets to work, be certain that there is a turret factory near-by. No targetnames are required, just be sure they are in range and have the same teamchoice set.

    If you want the turrets to start built (spawnflag 1), then be certain that you place the turret factories after you have placed every turret. It appears as if map placed turrets are buggy like that. On a some-what related note, offense chambers cannot be placed and operate properly with the StartBuilt flag set, they just sit in an infinite idle loop. They must be built by a gorge in order to operate.
  • Dr_aaaghDr_aaagh Join Date: 2004-02-07 Member: 26194Members
    edited July 2004
    Thanks for the quick replies. For your information, I am using VHE and the turrets are well within range of the turret factory. and all turrets and turret factories are set to team_1.

    I am not quick clear on what you mean by 'be certain that you place the turret factories after you have placed every turret'. Are you saying the order of the entities in the pre-compile .rmf/.map or final .bsp is important? Or is it an editor-related thing that somehow groups nearby turrets to a turret-factory with a variable?
  • sawcesawce Join Date: 2002-12-14 Member: 10787Members
    I'm going to apologize in advance for my lack of knowledge in mapping, however I am familiar with ripent (and that is how I have placed turrets in a couple of fun maps).

    I believe the .map/.rmf would be in similar order.

    In ripent, the exported entity file. If, let's say, your turrets are arranged like this:

    <!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->
    "origin" "1331 1412 -203"
    "angles" "0 -3 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "team_turretfactory"
    "origin" "1327 1254 -203"
    "angles" "0 145 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "turret"
    "origin" "1327 1561 -203"
    "angles" "0 -149 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "turret"
    "origin" "1501 1400 -203"
    "angles" "0 178 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "turret"
    <!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->

    Then when the map loads (or resets), the turret factory will be active, but all turrets surrounding it will appear to be fully built, but they will not "ping", nor will they fire at any enemies.

    However, by moving the turret factory to the bottom of the list:

    <!--c1--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td><b>CODE</b> </td></tr><tr><td id='CODE'><!--ec1-->
    "origin" "1327 1254 -203"
    "angles" "0 145 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "turret"
    "origin" "1327 1561 -203"
    "angles" "0 -149 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "turret"
    "origin" "1501 1400 -203"
    "angles" "0 178 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "turret"
    "origin" "1331 1412 -203"
    "angles" "0 -3 0"
    "teamchoice" "1"
    "spawnflags" "1"
    "classname" "team_turretfactory"
    <!--c2--></td></tr></table><div class='postcolor'><!--ec2-->

    All turrets and the turret factory will operate fully when the map loads/resets.
  • Dr_aaaghDr_aaagh Join Date: 2004-02-07 Member: 26194Members
    can't believe that turret solution actually works, but it does. Thanx.
    With regards to the weldable wall - have changed the wall to a weldable door.
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