Art. 81. All stock shall be taken and held, and all leases granted in the corporate name of the Grand Lodge; and no stock shall be transferred but by written authority from the Grand Master, under the seal of the Grand Lodge, and countersigned by the Grand Secretary
Of Fees
Art. 82. The Lodges in this Jurisdiction shall pay the following fees to the Grand Lodge:
For every member, annually...........................$ 1.00
For every degree conferred............................ 1.00
For a Warrant of Constitution........................... 100.00 Of Which ten dollars shall accrue to the Grand Secretary for preparing the Warrant and Dispensation
But no membership dues nor fees for degrees shall be paid for ministers of God when not required by the Lodge.
That, In addition to the above fees, there shall be levied upon each Lodge an annual per capita tax of 1.00, payable along with the above fees, which tax shall be turned over by the Grand Treasurer to the Treasurer of the Board of Masonic Relief.
That in addition to the collection of the above fees the Secretary of each Lodge will be required to personally solicit from every newly raised Master Mason a voluntary contribution of one dollar ($1.00) for the Endowment Fund of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association.
Provided, that for the duration of any war in which the United States shall be engaged, and for six months thereafter, the annual dues for any member serving in the armed forces of the Nation, if remitted by his Lodge, shall not be included in the calculation of the amount of dues from that Lodge to the Grand Lodge, or of the amount due for relief.
Art 88. The following war the minimum fees to be paid in cash for initiating, passing and raising, but any Lodge that desires is permitted to make a higher charge in its By-Laws:
For the degree of Entered Apprentice...............................$10.00
For the degree of Fellow Craft.......................................... 10.00
For the degree of Master Mason....................................... 10.00
Provided, That a Lodge may, by its Rules or By-Laws, provide for and confer the degrees upon ministers of God for a less sum, or without fees.
Of the Funds of the Grand Lodge
Art. 81. All stock shall be taken and held, and all leases granted in the corporate name of the Grand Lodge; and no stock shall be transferred but by written authority from the Grand Master, under the seal of the Grand Lodge, and countersigned by the Grand Secretary
Of Fees
Art. 82. The Lodges in this Jurisdiction shall pay the following fees to the Grand Lodge:
For every member, annually...........................$ 1.00
For every degree conferred............................ 1.00
For a Warrant of Constitution........................... 100.00
Of Which ten dollars shall accrue to the Grand Secretary for preparing the Warrant
and Dispensation
But no membership dues nor fees for degrees shall be paid for ministers of God when not required by the Lodge.
That, In addition to the above fees, there shall be levied upon each Lodge an annual per capita tax of 1.00, payable along with the above fees, which tax shall be turned over by the Grand Treasurer to the Treasurer of the Board of Masonic Relief.
That in addition to the collection of the above fees the Secretary of each Lodge will be required to personally solicit from every newly raised Master Mason a voluntary contribution of one dollar ($1.00) for the Endowment Fund of the George Washington Masonic National Memorial Association.
Provided, that for the duration of any war in which the United States shall be engaged, and for six months thereafter, the annual dues for any member serving in the armed forces of the Nation, if remitted by his Lodge, shall not be included in the calculation of the amount of dues from that Lodge to the Grand Lodge, or of the amount due for relief.
Art 88. The following war the minimum fees to be paid in cash for initiating, passing and raising, but any Lodge that desires is permitted to make a higher charge in its By-Laws:
For the degree of Entered Apprentice...............................$10.00
For the degree of Fellow Craft.......................................... 10.00
For the degree of Master Mason....................................... 10.00
Provided, That a Lodge may, by its Rules or By-Laws, provide for and confer the degrees upon ministers of God for a less sum, or without fees.